It doesn't look very good for Cordarrelle Paterson. I know, Bleacher Report, and all, but it looks like they picked up on a local Milwaukee report...
And then there's this: Patterson is also rumored to be one of the perpetrators of this disgusting act, along with Mark Harrison of Rutgers.,0,5352107.story
No child left behind......or is it no athlete left behind. Embarrassing.....and these guys are supposed to handle a big paycheck.
To me Wonderlic really doesnt apply to you being a football player... We arent asking these players to be rocket scientist. Can the catch the football? Can you run the route tree? Can you adjust on the fly if your route needs to be changed? Can you tackle? Can you get me sacks or Int's?. Ryan Fitzpatrick scored a 50 Mike Mamula scored a 49 Frak Gore scored a 6 and Morris Claiborne score a 4. With that said it doesnt have an impact on wether you will be a good player or not.
Meh...I've seen worse scores in other years. Also..can't read too much into interview assessments this time of year. Play making ability is play making ability. Both Austin & Patterson have it.
Yeah but these guys have been doing it their whole lives . Some people arent test takes and they get 12 minutes to answer 50 questions so you get 14.4 seconds to answer one question which isnt a lot of time. If they threw a play book at you and said learn it in 12 minutes then yeah a wonderlic would have great significance of what they were trying to do. Learning a play book takes practice on the field, film, and reading it on paper. Just like they learned a HS playbook then on to and college playbook and now on to a more complex NFL. I think a lot of t he time guys go into the NFL with the I made it attitude instead of taking as a job and engulfing themselves in the book and the more they put in the more they get out.
It must mean something or they wouldn't give it. I am guessing some high priced psychologists the NFL has hired to design it must expect it to show something.
I like Patterson alot too. That said I think he will need some time to learn how to use that frame via the route tree. Austin I think is more of an instant impact.
AJ Green scored a 10. Enough said. A wonderlic score should not seriously change your opinion on a prospect (other than maybe a QB).
No official source, but I've seen the two players' names listed as the people responsible on multiple national message boards and a few random Twitter feeds. It's just a rumor, but if true, that plus the Wonderlic score = bad news.
If they give you 12 minutes on a test with 50 questions on it anytime you come to a question with a long drawn out question just skip it and if you had time in the end answer it then. I saw like a sample test and it was pretty decent nothing to extreme