wow, well i hope this leads to an arrest here. Like the way the FBI and powers that be have handled this so far. very quiet yesterday no stupid misleading leaks, leads me to bleieve they are confident with this lead.
Yeah that dude looks likes a Unibomber type guy but nobody knows if that's the suspect in question. To me it looks like a guy safeguaring his backpack in a big crowd so nobody steals his shit. But that bag does look similar to the shredded one:
NBC NEWS UPDATE: No Arrests have been made Great deal of interest in a couple of people identified. One in particular Concentrating on people with large black bags and setting them down where bombs went off They have some matches Rapidly moving situation Promising development but still confusing as things are moving quickly.
CNN Reporting a arrest has been made, NBC says there has not been an arrest. EDIT: AP reporting suspect taken to federal court house by U.S. Marshall's.
Type O, what I am saying is the who, or why.,,is bot relevant. Younwould have to achieve a level of ignorance equalling Big Blocker to miss that point. White fuy, Arab guy, tax hater, or doesnt matter, The guy blew up an 8 year old kid, motive and Identity are generally lefty reasons for mitigating punishment.....simple point. Are you going on the record suggesting kid gloves here? Ive been attacked several times by iignorance on this thread... Ive yet to see one suggest they mitigate the penalty. Blocker likes to crow about using ognore, because hes very gay.,, Do you see him weighng in?
Investigators have obtained video of a person placing a black bag down at the scene of the blast from the LORD & TAYLOR survelliance camera That site 4Chan Think Tank has alot of suspects...i see the brown guys both there, one has a white hat. They both look suspicious along with the white guy