Id prefer to prevent a second round. And..,that was the nature of my question..,,that some....found inflammatory..,what measure of Justice,,,can we reasonably hope to attain..ltwo legless, one dead... I do not find it just that a criminal can pick a no death penalty state, and commit such heinous acts while fearing being put to sleep. Ifthat offends some.,,so be it. Personally, I think rendition to a place ..,more in line with their thinking is apropos. Terror, can not be deemed inside the realm of civilized behavior, including legitimizing it by our response to it.
Youre the pantywaist with zero empathy. My concern was preventing a second tragedy. You, wish to excuse the first. Interesting, how you dodged the Truman question. Since we're now in the name calling business. At least Im not a pussy, looking to use fortune cookie sayings to feel high minded rather than keeping people from getting killed. Oh, my bad..youre all in favor of Gun Control, and Kermit Gosling.,,its only terrorists where you have no balls. My bad. Apologies. All I did was ask a simple question, and I was nice enough to spell it out to you,,what is the appropriate measure of Justice? nd you called me names.Real intelligent. At least for you.
Shockingly, it has been over 24hrs and no arrests announced. No group has come forward and claimed any kind of credit or even rejoiced over the slaughter. A lone nut would either have been in custody already or have taken a more hands-on approach from the start (you can't make me believe the FBI hasn't already seen the planter of bombs from 50 different angles and down several streets by now, via security footage and traffic cameras) so I have to assume its a larger organization that is being hunted down. But if it were tied in anyway to the Muslim world, where are the people dancing in the streets from Cairo to Tehran? They aren't even thinking it was some jihaddist plot over there, at least not that I've noticed. I didn't want to point fingers in this thread, but I usually would be able to come to some sort of a safe assumption by now. One thing I do know for sure, this was a tragedy for all Americans, and I don't care about politics when kids are dead. Try to control yourselves, piss and fight somewhere else. words. Lets call a time out and chill for a bit. Really understand both sides..the anger and stuff but looks like another thread carried over into here... Anyway, was at Yankee game tonite and was never a real Neil Diamond fan but that damn song the Jets love and I had no idea, the Red Sox play after the 3rd inning every home game..Sweet Caroline...was played in honor of Boston after the 3rd inning tonight at the game. Its just a great song for events I guess because it was the loudest Yankee Stadium has been in awhile. Really had no idea the Red Sox played that in a bubble I guess. Back on some posters have mentioned..this is probably the most puzzling bombing anyone could imagine. Really incredible that in this day and age of Cams and Security Cams etc..nothing nada. How could something be put in a can in broad daylight or overnight the night before have not one Cam pick it up? How is that possible? Nobody or no group is that guessing as of now, there is some major luck going on. If nothing is squeezed out in the next 24 hours, really have to wonder what the hell is going on here.
how do you talk about justice when you dont know who,why or how many did this? and the bolded part? are you drunk or something?
I dont care who did it, or why. They did it. Why,,,makes not one bit of difference. It was the indiscrimanate act of a subhuman. And deserves to be treated as such. As I said, maybe (and only maybe..,) the rusty dental implements was ..,going to far,,,but rendition to a country in line with their way of thinking, not so much. I guess thats why I dont get some of you.... Who, why? What bearing do you think that question has in regard to the atrociousness of the act?
Sweet Caroline is a HUGE deal at Sox games, they play it every game, and it's transferred over to college hockey games, basketball, etc as a song to get the crowd riled up and singing and happy. It's basically Boston's sports song. I saw the video of it in Yankee stadium but they only panned over the people in luxury seats, not the bleacher creatures who I bet were belting it out as they do at Fenway when it comes on
I understand Hobbes perfectly well and the value he provides here. This is how: Hobbes3259 This message is hidden because Hobbes3259 is on your ignore list. I suggest my approach for everyone here.
u folks should instead be bickering about headlines like this instead..... of course we all have our opinions but the boston attack is not in need of opinion, only facts. i would prefer to read posts with updates, breaking news, intelligent points, and examples of those that responded to others in need. JMHO
Nothing wrong with a healthy debate over what punishment is appropriate when the perp is apprehended. Hobbes just needs to work on the "healthy" part.
I understand Hobbes outrage but it's only outrage in the context of a civil society. If we want to create a more civil society we need to behave as if we actually lived in one.
Now is the time to be strong and unified for the dead, the maimed, the injured, and for everyone who no longer feels safe. Last night's Yankee's game was inspirational. That catch Ben Revere made the other night with the message on his glove was inspirational. Joe Andruzzi's actions before, during and after the bombing were inspirational. The activist who tended to the injured and gave an interview while shaking and holding a bloody American flag was inspirational. Those stories make me proud to live in this country. All of this bickering about political agendas, semantics, and partisanship is divisive and disrespectful to those who are hurting right now. It reeks of arrogance, cynicism, and opportunism. It makes me lose faith in humanity, but that is the price we pay for living in a free country without filters. Everybody can say what they feel, regardless of how idiotic it is to the rest of us. Have faith in the authorities. It's only a matter of time before they catch the asshole who did this. Let them do their jobs and have faith.
Hobbes is no better than those Westboro fucks who will jump on any tragedy to spot their bullshit political message.. This isn't the place to worry about " calling out" liberals for not sharing your knee jerk, hate filled, "who cares who did it, just kill SOMEBODY" worldview. Innocent people are dead. Others, including friends of board members are in the hospital. Cut the divisive nonsense for ten fucking minutes and have some fucking respect you piece of shit.
"The letter to Obama was intercepted at an off-site White House mail facility and was being tested further, the FBI said. A federal law enforcement official said that the letter was “very similar” to one addressed to Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss. Federal officials told NBC News that they believe they know who sent the letters, but no arrest was made because authorities were waiting for further test results. ... An FBI official told NBC News that the agency did not initially believe the letters were related to the attack on the Boston Marathon on Monday."
Boston investigators have identified a Suspect?