I'm assuming this is a Globe reporter but this can't be good Tufts Medical Center evacuated, our reporter on the scene says. Family members, visitors ordered to leave, but not patients. Block shut down — Cynthia Needham (@globecynthia) April 15, 2013
Searched twitter and got this back: Brian Floyd @BrianMFloyd 33m Via Boston scanner, FBI looking for a yellow Penske truck. Driver said it had medical supplies, but it was suspicious. Adam Gaffin @universalhub 13m BPD have set up a perimeter around the abandoned Penske truck at Albany and Dearborn in Roxbury Jon Leiberman @reporterjon 6m FBI looking for a yellow penske truck according to audio obtained exclusively by Live At Five. @sternshow Anonymous @AnonyOps 34m FBI & police in Boston are looking for a Yellow Penske truck. Driver claimed to have medical supplies, & police want to find out if true.
The entire area and area around it are on high alert. Everything will be looked at. Especially a supposed abandoned vehicle.
I'm seeing the Penske truck is cleared on twitter now. Who knows who is positng real stuff or trying to get a jump and guessing though
The guessing needs to stop. Too much noise is going to make things much harder to deal with in real time.
Matthew Gregoire ?@ProvFireVideos the parties in the Penske truck are secured and being held in the cruiser for questioning
Everything between the hours of 3pm and 5pm were noise. The press conference cleared things up. There will be another update at 7pm.
BPD denies NYP report http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/boston-police-no-arrests-have-been-made-in
News outlets need to stop digging independently for info at this point. The free press is important and has a major role to play but causing hysteria is outside the bounds of that role in almost all cases. If a media outlet cannot triple confirm something they should not be printing/reporting it right now. Being first with the scoop is not a good thing if you're wrong and just creating more FUD in the mix.
This should be the link for President Obama's live statement. http://www.whitehouse.gov/live/president-obama-makes-statement-2
NBC and Fox are both reporting that the Boston PD are "guarding" a person of interest at a hospital despite Ed Davis denying it.
CBS reporting two other bombs unexploded, 1 at a hotel near Copley Sqaure, another at an undisclosed location were discovered. They are stressing they haven't heard it anywhere else though
CNN just reported the same thing, they've also said Boston Children's Hospital has 6 children and one parent ranging from stable to serious. CNN has just reported that one of the dead is an 8 year old child....
CBS said Saudi national is being interviewed by FBI. Supposedly he/she was acting suspicious and ran away from the explosion until a civilian caught up and tackled him/her. Suspect is cooperating and denying involvement.
Honestly, I wish it was North Korea that did this. I would be surprised if Al Qaeda was able to pull something like this off. If its discovered that it is NoKor, would that intel be made public? I would like to think it would but politics always seems to trump the truth.