Also stay away from Copley and Boylston street! Police are trying to find other devices, they believe there are others
2 dead, 22 wounded. Thats just in on CNN. Hope the cause/perpetrators are found soon. To those who live there, your city is my country, my heart is with ya today.
Janet Wu @JanetWuOn7 2m Confirmed 3rd explosion controlled. It sounded exactly like first two. Witness said other "packages" found. ^ Works for 7news here. I saw other tweets saying Police did a controlled 3rd explosion
NBC Nightly News @nbcnightlynews 1m BREAKING: Small homemade bomb is preliminary cause of explosion at Boston Marathon, law enforcement officials tell NBC News
Homemade would make me think lone wolf or small group and domestic. My thinking is if it was foriegn they would look to have done more damage on a wider scale.
I just something that said there were families of Newtown , CT watching near the finish line. Apparently the marathon was run in honor of the victims of that tragedy.
I think the last mile, the 26th, was dedicated to the families of the Newton tragedy and some families were located along that mile.
Just saw this tweet: @TimWilliamsCBS: #BREAKINGNEWS: AP reporter says Newtown families were in the VIP section right by the explosion.