This comes from the newest issue of Jets Confidential. Dan Leberfield has some interesting things to say. I don't want to re-type the whole thing but here are some highlights: "You hardly hear a peep out of One Jets Drive. They are quietly and methodically going about their business. The circus has left town. And when the media try to stir things up or take cheap shots, the Jets ignore the white noise and forge ahead." "Leaking stuff to the media doesn't help teams win, and Wood Johnson has put a stop to it. He has read the organization the riot act and told everyone at the Atlantic Health Complex to shut up. And if they don't, there will be a price to pay. It's working so far. I can't think of any leaks the last couple of months." "There have been unnamed people taking shots at the team, with the chief suspect being Agent Neil Schwartz, but the Jets are out of the unnamed business. The man suspected of leading that brigade is now in Buffalo working for the Bills." As far as I know this is the first time I heard Woody being responsible for stopping this leaks, even though it's something we've all suspected. The article also talks about Kolb, and how the "sources" that said Jets were interested in him did not come from the Jets. In fact the Jets felt their current QB's are better than Kolb. They also intereview other league executives about their thouhts on the job Idzik is doing so far and he's getting glowing reviews. Really good issue, I'd recommend you pick it up if you see it.
Someone else on here said this, but it will take another year or so before the circus and 'LOL, JETS' perception is truly wiped out in the media.
Pretty much. Rex will always have a little bit of that stigma as long as he's a head coach, but win a few games, don't be the most boring team in the NFL on the field and don't be the least boring team off the field and it'll die down.
Love it! We are making the media go crazy. They are clueless and looking for something that just ain't there. Keep it up
My guess is that this really came from Idzik but for whatever reason, and it's easy to imagine good possibilities, they wanted Woody to take the credit.
the thing is, the chatter stopped before idzik was hired. the media was guessing who would be the guy. gamble was a sure thing according to them. then there was the caldwell thing as he went to, i am pretty sure woody pulled everyone together and told them to shut the fuck up or pack their shit. i know its popular to bash woody but he should get the credit he deserves on this issue
I like the new JETS. Calm and calculative. To be sure, we will know more about our team after the draft. So far, I like our new GM.
Well ultimately the new GM will be judged on if the team wins but I think getting rid of Scott and Manish's basketball buddy might help keep the media off our asses.
Media has been speculating everything this off-season 1. Revis getting shopped- all media 2. Revis being unhappy about reporting to work outs- all media 3. Jets signing Kolb- all media thats part of the reason I see Revis staying with us, Woody and Idzik trollin the shit out of the media right now
Funny thing is, even though leaks have stopped and the circus has left the town, we will still be portrayed as a joke and with no discipline in the front office. Lead by the diet coke fat man and regurgitated by the national media over and over. Winning will cure everything. Until then, we will still be looked on as the 2012 Jets. Some of that is our own fault because we retained the ring master. I guess 2014 when he's gone, we get a fresh start