Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Knew this wasn't going to happen
  2. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    At 8-3 an injured Faeve went to seattle, with an undersozed defense, against a dominant ruming team, in the snow.,,whose OC decided to put the ball in the air.

    Go look at the game line.
  3. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Why is it personal...? Are you getting tired of being wrong?

    If you wish to see someone more consistently your eyes when you shave.

    Its already been debunked about the alleged Sanchez trade.

    Tell me again, How many in the history of the NFL beat Sanchez to 30 wins?
  4. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Heres the deal haters...the reason me and Junc get so much vitriol is because we say Sanchez is flawed, and then give reasons why.

    You all claim he is the second coming of Ryan leaf with the facts against you...and get pissed off, because you are PMSing over ir.

    Too bad. so Sad.

    It is interesting to note none of you whiny little bitches, were complaining in his first two years...

    And going further, if you are intelligent enough to factor on injuries last have one year out of four to bitch about.

    The only thing worse than theJets front office, are the bitches that pretend to be fans.
    #6484 Hobbes3259, Apr 12, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2013
  5. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    I am still holding out hope for a package deal. Is there any way we can add Rex and get back Schiano?
  6. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Uh, that's because the team was successful................................
  7. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Curtis Martin's take on Sanchez:

    Per Dick Cimini's blog
  8. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    posters on this board are more knowledgable about the trade situation than cimini lol
  9. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Curtis is just an average fan and should really stop paying attention to ESPN and fantasy stats.
  10. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Whiney bitch doesn't appreciate two AFC final appearances.
  11. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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  12. Testaverde

    Testaverde Active Member

    Dec 9, 2011
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    It is silly! The offense scored 3 points in the first half and gave the Steelers 7. The D gave up 17 points in the first half which isn't good either. You have to look at the whole game and not just one drive. Is the offense giving the other team 7 points and only scoring 17 themselves reasonable? You are asking your D to hold the other team to less than 10 points in order to win. No! that is not reasonable.

    Is a D giving up 17 points in a game while adding 2 points with a safety reasonable? You are asking your offense to score 16 points to win the game. Yes, that is very reasonable.

    People just focus on the first half and that one drive, but need to realize that the D shut out Pitt in the second half. People need realize that the O had the ball 1st and goal on the Pitt 2 and couldn't score. The D bailed us out with a safety.

    People who put the majority of the blame on the D are Sanchez fanboys who refuse to put any blame on the O because it might reflect poorly on their boy. The D should get part of the blame for not giving the O a chance at the end, but the O deserves the majority of the blame for failing to score a reasonable amount of points.

    Pitt scored 23 points a game in the regular season that year and scored 31 against Bal in the playoffs who had a pretty good D themselves. Only scoring 17 points while giving up 7 wasn't going to cut it.
  13. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    My general rule of thumb is not to argue with crazy people. Especially crazy people that spam the board non stop with attention speaking delusional posts. They say those that argue with idiots are just as bad as the idiots they argue with. But I will give you an answer this time.

    Exactly what are you saying I was wrong about? I speculated on the article I did not say it was correct. After all what team in their right mind would trade for Sanchez? We can only hope someone will take him off our hands as suggested by the PFT and Yahoo articles earlier today.

    Can you show me anything I have posted on this board where I have been wrong or better yet can you tell me anything you have ever posted on this board where you have been right? I am pretty sure the latter has never happened. At least I can say I have never seen it.

    But in regards to me being right. I do recall saying on these boards in 2010 that Sanchez was a terrible QB and protected like no other QB ever has been. I said that he plays in an offense that runs the ball over 50% of the time where teams have to defend almost exclusively against the run. That he is not allowed to throw the ball in obvious passing situations as the risk of him turning the ball over is to high. That if he is put under pressure he crumbles and makes mistakes. That any QB put into the situation Sanchez was in only throwing in non passing situations and where defenses are daring him to throw by playing 8-9 men in the box would be putting up astronomical numbers. I predicted that once Sanchez would have to play in situations that a normal QB plays in that he would fall apart and the number of mistakes he would make would be very high. I said the same thing again many times at the end of 2010 and in 2011.

    It turns out my predictions were right. When Sanchez has to throw the ball in passing situations with any type of rush he panics, falls apart and makes terrible decisions. When he has had to play like a normal QB and throw the ball in passing situations he is terrible. If teams sells out on the run and do not put a defender within 5 yards of him or his receivers like the Buffalo game last he has shown he is capable of completing some of his passes

    Sanchez has all the downsides of the worst QBs that turn over the ball without the upside. He cannot throw the ball down the field. He can only throw in non passing situations with a clear pocket. He has no pocket presence, has no football instincts, is soft and afraid to take a hit. Terrel Suggs was right when at the start of the 2011 season he said Sanchez was soft, gives up on plays and is afraid to take a hit. He has been criticized for having a weak arm and cannot throw the ball outside the harshmarks. While I don't think the weak arm theory advocated by many columnists is 100% accurate the way he throws off his back foot has the same effect.

    He has been the worst QB in football for 4 years now. He has no potential. He is Rex Grossman in terms of turnovers without the upside of being able to throw the ball down the field. Take all of the worst qualities of all QBs in football and throw them together in one package and that is Mark Sanchez. Weak arm, unable to read defenses, easily confused, gives up on plays, runs around the pocket with his head down and eyes closed, afraid to take a hit, poor pocket presence, panics under pressure, he will never be able to throw a receiver open or fit a ball into a tight space, he is inaccurate, and has no leadership skills. What exactly does Mark Sanchez do well?

    What is his potential? He might be able to grow into a game manager but with very high turnovers. But that means going back to 2009-2010 and not exposing Sanchez to possible turnovers. Not letting him throw on 3rd and long or in passing situations. Hiding his pocket weaknesses with quick 3 step drops and quick reads. Essentially doing everything we can to not let him lose the game for us. Basically playing with 10 man on offense.

    This idea that you have advocated that Sanchez sucks because he was without weapons is without merit. It was Sanchez's poor pass that caused the injury to Holmes against the 49ers. He also got Kerley and Gates hurt on poor throws last year. Insurance companies really should sell receivers Sanchez insurance. Sanchez has no one to blame but himself. But even with Holmes there he missed Holmes on 3 easy wide open TD passes in the first 3 games. Not to mention Sanchez led the league by a wide margin last year in under thrown and overthrown passes which has nothing to do with his receivers. He could have Jerry Rice and Calvin Johnson as his receivers and it would make no difference as he would still under throw and overthrow them.

    The difference here between you and other poor posters is you spam these boards non stop with constant I am right, Sanchez is great and Revis is the devil posts with no substance or attempt to make anything close to an argument. At least Junc tries to make an argument and I really think he believes what he says. At the end of the day It is hard not like Junc or want to believe what he said. Simply because he is comes off like a good guy. I don't mean to be rude but the vast majority of your posts are just delusional self righteous spam. Your strategy appears not to be to discuss but to overwhelm people with spam until everyone else goes away and becomes tired and bored with your antics.
    #6493 Noam, Apr 12, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2013
  14. DimsAllmighty

    DimsAllmighty Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2011
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    Curtis Martin has obviously been duped by the "experts" around the league. He has no idea what he's talking about.
  15. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    It seems that most of the support Tebow gets from players like Martin is due to his religion and not his play. For example Tebow has a celebrity golf event coming up if you look at the participants it includes Bart Scott who had complimented Tebow before and wouldn't be surprised to hear him mentionhow he wanted more Tebow lol.

    I think these ppl like Tebows character more than his game which id quite flawed.
  16. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Why does everyone want to give up on Mark Sanchez? I don't get it. I really don't. No QB would have succeeded on the 2012 Jets offense. I want Sanchez behind center in 2013. I think he will surprise many under a new OC.
  17. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    curtis isnt even an average fan. curtis is a guy who admits he doesnt like or watch football.

    im not going to hang my hat on much that curtis has to say about anything he isnt either personally involved in or something that isnt attitude related.
  18. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Sanchez got Holmes hurt lol.... C'mon man.

    How abt the wrs get open so Gmac and Sanchez don't have to get killed or run for their lives?

    Looking back at there are so many drops by our rbs and wrs.
  19. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    Sanchez threw the ball low and behind Holmes forcing holmes to turn and reach back putting pressure on his foot causing the injury. If the ball was anywhere close to being on target to a wide open Holmes we have no injury and a big gain.

    In regards to running backs there are very few RBs that can catch a Sanchez pass. Notice on passes where the back is coming out of the backfield they are almost always thrown low and behind the RB causing the back to have slow down, reach behind themselves make an acrobatic catch. Absent having a Tomlinson type back with the receiving skills of a WR it is hard to find a back capable of catching Sanchez's errant passes.

    If you watched games last year there were plenty of wide open receivers the problem was the QB. Sanchez led the league in under throw and overthrows by a wide margin.

    The problem with Sanchez getting killed is Sanchez. He has no pocket presence, no awareness and panics and runs blindly when put under pressure. A prime example is 2011 where the Jet OL gave up the 12th least amount of pressures and 5th least amount of QB hits but one of the highest sack totals because Sanchez was sacked at an alarming rate of 24% of the time he was pressured more than double that of Eli. The problem is Sanchez is afraid to take hits, panics and gives up on plays. This why he takes such few hits but so many sacks. Last year we had the 4th best rated OL in football, the 10th best running game and well Sanchez.

    He is not a NFL QB. He might look good in shorts and be good at touch football but he is not tough enough to play tackle football. It is my contention that the lack of toughness is what kills the rest of his game. It is what causes him to panic in the pocket, to lower his head and run blindly until he gets hit or hits something, to shuffle his feet, not set when he throws, throw off his back foot, cause some of his accuracy issues and throw without velocity. I don't think toughness, poise, timing, and decision making can be taught no matter how many chances he is given.
    #6499 Noam, Apr 12, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2013
  20. BomberJet

    BomberJet Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2002
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    I can't believe the garbage I am reading in this thread about 'fans' wanting to get rid of a 26 year old quarterback that has led the Jets to the AFC championship twice in 4 seasons.

    I've been watching the Jets since 1968 - does that make me an expert, no! But hearing some say they have been a a fan since the year of the flood like they know what they are talking about, it's just laughable.

    That day, watching Super Bowl III on a black and white Zenith 17 in TV with rabbit ears, I never dreamed that it would be 2013 and we would still be wishing for a 2nd one. Perhaps I won't be alive to see that grand day become a reality, but to have watched the 2009,2010 Jets make that far, hey I'll take it!

    Lets be fair and do some recollection that Mark was raw coming out of college, a one year wonder Junior no less. Even Pete Carrol made comments as to Mark leaving and felt he jumped too soon.

    Stepping right in to the fire and taking a team to the playoffs. If he was as lousy and mediocre as those saying, lets think about this.. You can't have it both ways... A lousy QB taking a team to the AFC finals twice in a row? There something wrong with this picture here.

    I'd just as soon give Mark another year with a new Off. coordinator and see where this goes than to bring in another unknown, untested one and go through another 4-5 years of growing pains.

    Fact: Jets have shown they can win with Mark, and I truly feel that can be the case again, given a bit of improvement in perssonnel and good solid coaching. I think Mark can be successful in the WCO.

    But if Mark is kicked to Tampa then Marty feels that's not the case, so it's back to the drawing board and to unproven territory.
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