Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Well said Bradway. While I disagree with you on the Revis situation, I'll say you have been spot on with Sanchez and this "situation".
  2. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Agree with what you are saying..
    We'll see how the draft goes. Short of taking a guy in the first round though, i don't see a scenario where Sanchez gets released anymore.

    Considering we never landed that 2nd FA vet, i could certainly see a scenario where the Jets draft a guy somewhere in the 2-5 round range. The 'competition' would still really be between Sanchez and Garrard in that scenario. If Garrard not back to form, it's Sanchez job by default again. Maybe once playoff chances officially in rear view, the inexperienced rook gets thrown in, as he and the coaches audition for 2014 jobs.
    its a depressing scenario, but a rather likely one unfortunately.
    lol, Please give me a different scenario....i don't like this one.
  3. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    junc didnt you say the same thing last year about him getting one more shot... then he failed and you want one more one more shot?

    i really see him as a june 1 cut so they can spread some of hte hit out to next year. and i think they are only doing that because they are having a hard enough time with the cap issues this year.
  4. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    No, I didn't. why coming off 2 title games in 3 years would I say he deserved one more shot? he hadn't even had a losing season to that point.
  5. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    This. Anytime I show him Sanchez' 4 year stats of throwing at or behind the line of scrimmage he ducks the argument like a coward. His accuracy on short throws might be his most damning attribute. Anybody who watches the games knows this. How many times have we seen him throw it high or behind on a screen pass? And the coaches need to give him MORE of those throws? Nah
  6. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Made it top page 317 before I decided to stop quoting:
    Junc when you keep on changing the argument it's impossible to counter. You twist wording and arguments hence a new response is needed each time. You also have trouble reading what a poster says vs what you believe a poster says.

    Stats can only be used when they support Junc's argument, otherwise they cannot be used. But when you use the same stat as Junc it becomes a fantasy stat because it suddenly doesn't look very nice compared to other QBs in the league.

    This fun. Don't use fantasy stats, but Junc pretends he understands how the players are feeling the momentum and if they are soul crushed or not. Feelings we as fans cannot imagine to how the players are feeling.

    Murrell is level headed and doesn't speak in absolutes. I haven't talked with cval much which means I didn't find much outrageous. Hobbes and Junc are interesting. They just seems to always go against what people think just because without much reasoning.

    Same. I try to understand where Junc comes from but I can never understand it. Never consistent in his views.

    Nailed it

    Nailed it again. Also, it doesn't help that the recent rash of rookie QBs finding success in the league have pushed Sanchez's rookie season even lower on the totem pole for "good for a rookie" season. It's now bad for a rookie season especially when you include who he had on the team.

    No guarantee. Ryan is much more consistent in the regular season. No guarantee ATL gets a buy or let alone home field advantage with Sanchez there. Getting to January is the first goal. Don't forget Matt Ryan has never had a top 6 OL, ST, and D in one year like Sanchez had in his rookie year.

    Junc 3-4 bad games don't "skew" the numbers. They alter the numbers negatively because they are bad numbers. 4 games is 25% of the season. It's not games you can just throw up. And no compared to a lot of rookies, Sanchez was put in one of the better situations and had one of the worse years by all stats and watching how the QB succeeded in the league.

    After year 3, he definitely deserved to start year 4. Post year 3 he looked a lot more promising because everything seemed to be a simple fix. Year 4 showed there are more fundamental changes Sanchez as a QB needs to make which makes it a tougher task. Losing Tom Moore also hurt a lot. Sanchez/Schotty was never good in the RZ and Sanchez/Sparano while slightly better, was still bottom 7 in the league I believe. MM better find a way to solve this because you can't hide a QB in the RZ.
  7. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    why not just wave a white flag instead of posting nonsense like this?
  8. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    What nonsense, want to address any of it?

    You have every right to quote and then say "I don't agree with this, here are reasons x,y, and z"

    And then I can write back "Well I think e,f,g and what about q and r?"

    Then you write back "Well see I come from a,b,c"

    And on it goes. Instead you don't address anything and say nothing. If you don't want to talk, put me ignore or don't respond. Responding without a response is a white flag. :)

    EDIT: Like if you want to explain how you know when something changes momentum or is soul crushing go right ahead? I would like to hear how opinions like that are more valid that stats. If you want to explain how you can go into players' head on the sidelines and know their soul is crushed, go and explain how. That would make an interesting post. Also this momentum thing, is it tangible or intangible? Is it, gosh, a fantasy stat that changes from person to person?
    #6388 displacedfan, Apr 11, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2013
  9. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    The thing is, there is no If A then B in this situation.

    If Schotty sucks then it doesn't mean Sanchez is good.

    They could both be bad. That's always an unfortunate option. Things also change. Like Sanchez could be good next year but that doesn't necessarily means Schotty is bad. Etc Etc.
  10. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    That's just silly. While Mark wasn't throwing for 400 yards and 4 TDs a game, he protected the ball, didn't make stupid mistakes, and capitalized when we needed him to in the playoffs.

    Could he have played better in some playoff games, of course? Could other QBs have succeeded in the same position, most likely. Were the D, ST, and OL really good those years, of course. But that shouldn't detract that Sanchez did the job that was required for the most part. He didn't play amazing, but he played well. It couldn't carry through for 3 full games in 2010 unfortunately and what caused his struggles has always plagued him the 4 years here, his consistency.

    You can't solely place any of the 4 wins on him, but you can't blame the 2 losses solely on him either. Those were true teams in 09 and 10 heading into the playoffs. Now getting more out of the QB position probably would have made the SD and 2nd IND game a lot more stress free for me.
  11. GRNYT

    GRNYT Member

    Dec 26, 2011
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    Junkie you and Hobbled just give it up already

    all ur convoluted verbiage and cherry picked "facts" and ridiculous deflecting is past the point of funny to embarassment to STFU already

    face it- mark sanchez makes ur offense a laughingstock and ur opponents hope he is ur starter forever-by this time next yr him and rex are in the dustbin
    #6391 GRNYT, Apr 12, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2013
  12. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    Yes we trailed Indy by 5 points. Why? ... because the defense was trying their best to keep us in the game, while the quarterback was giving us another dog shit performance. You know how many points he had put on the board before the starters were pulled out of the game? ... 3 points. It was past midway through the 3rd Q and we had scored THREE points on offense in a must-win game.

    We scored 3 TD's that day:
    Brad Smith KO Return.
    Returned a fumble for a TD on a sack of Painter.
    Late 80 yard TD drive against backups to ice the game --- a drive in which Sanchez completed ONE pass for 8 yards. All of the other 72 yards came on runs.

    Sanchez did nothing to help us win that game. NOTHING. He completed 12 of 19 for 106 yards. If Peyton and the starters stay in, you think we're winning that game with production like that from our QB?

    The reality is, Sanchez was an 7-7 QB in 2009 despite enjoying the luxury of having the #1 running game and #1 defense ... and he would have been a 7-8 QB and out of the playoffs, if not for the gift we got in Indy. He gave us garbage all season, while Favre was playing like an All-Pro in Minnesota.

    As it turns out, If Farve had returned to us healthy in 2009, we might have won the Superbowl that season, and we wouldn't be in the terrible situation we're in now.
    #6392 truthbtold, Apr 12, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2013
  13. twown

    twown Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    Can we please change the thread title to Suckchez??

    Or, if that's too flip, change it to Sanchez isn't working out.

    Do something with it.

    Anyway, poor Suckchez. I really feel for him.
  14. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    At least Sanchez's BFF Garcia is sticking up for him by downing Tebow. Mark will get another shot to be a QB because there are always pick up games at local parks throughout the U.S. Flag Football might be his ticket.
  15. Swedish Ale

    Swedish Ale Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    This is not a troll post, I'm genuinely interested in getting an honest answer.

    To nyjunc and hobbes:
    • If Sanchez is cut from the franchise, will you still follow him - and will you think the Jets has it all wrong, and they should've kept and keep playing him?
  16. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    A is A. A cannot be not A.

    Weve watched Schotty suck through 3 QBs. Two went on to have better years, post Schotty.

    And, Favre fared better, under Schotty because, as reported, Favre was allowed to run what he wanted..lbut...when Favre was injured who came up with that brilliant Seattle game plan.

    Sanchez, has flashed great talent, in big spots, and as Kurt pointed out,at training camp, he was the most talented, dynamic offensive player. And that was when everyone was healthy.

    OTOH, weve seen Sanchez come up in spots despite piss poor coaching, and with High School JV talent around him.

    And, as most of you have pointed out...most of his issues are on the mental side of the game...thats coaching.
  17. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    The things that have hindered Sanchez are,,

    Dumping Pennington, for favre. If Sanchez carreid a clipboard behind Penny for two years, hed have gotten where he should be quicker.

    Not Firing Schotty, the day Sanchez was drafted.

    And then Getting to teo AFCCG further enabling Schottys tenure.

    When you watch a player flash big time talent, in big time spots, but your iffense sucks...the OC has to go.

    Like when Ozzy cut Cameron loose mid season.
    #6397 Hobbes3259, Apr 12, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2013
  18. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    in the title game he and the O put up 17 pts in the 1st half and gave us a double digit lead. Sometimes you play low scoring games and other times higher scoring games. The bottom line is we were in that game, people act like it was 21-0 when the starters came out and we feasted on their backups. Imagine the SD game played out under the same scenario, we trailed by 4 midway through the 3rd- if they pull starters everyone would say they gave us the game and we didn't have a chance otherwise but the game was played out and we WON thanks in large part to the play of the QB.

    The reality is he was 8-7 as a starter(missed TB game) in 2009 and 2-1 in postseason.

    as great as Favre played he threw away ANOTHER NFC Championship Game. Unfortunately the Favre we got didn't play like the 2009 version or we would have had a great shot to win it all in 2008 or get close until he choked.

    Favre NEVER wanted to be here, do you understand this? He was giving the Lions tips on how to beat the packers 2 days before our first game w/ NE- our home opener! he was never going to play like that here b/c his heart wasn't in it.

    If they cut him now I will think they made a mistake, if he struggles again this year and is cut next year I won't have an issue w/ it.

    will I follow him? I will root for him but I'm a Jet fan and all I care about is if we win, I don't care who the QB is but I know Mark is still young and w/ the right cast gives us a great chance to win. All I care about are wins.
  19. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Junc, and Jon Bon Bruno....

    If the Jets cut him, and he goes on to be better than whoever replaces him, the question is will the naysayers deflect and make excuses or admit they were wrong?

    PS..the built in bullshit excuse will be he couldnt handle NY, which os the one thing hes done well here.

    You already see some posters going that way.
  20. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Lol man this is just too good.

    No disrespect to Kurt because he is a good poster who puts a lot of thought into his posts, but Hobbes you just latched onto the opinion of a guy simply because he agreed with you.

    That's how it is with you. You have this little vault inside your brain full of confirmation bias. Yay now I have Boomer(one time), Simms, and Kurt!!!

    That is just pathetic. He offered nothing more than anecdotal evidence and you just lap it up like a little puppy. Just because he said it it must be true right!!!

    I guess if a respectable poster said they went to camp and saw Sanchez playing like ass you probably wouldn't believe them though. Just a feeling I have.

    Heres a tip. When somebody says something like that, you take it into consideration. You don't take it as gospel. That is how rational people behave.
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