Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    You lose all credibility when you post on a rival board on how all their players suck. You lose credibility when you debate like you are a fan of the team.

    You are not honest with yourself you are on rivals team message board saying how much their QB, Coaches, GM etc suck. Not only that but then you engage in debate with fans in how right you are. Not just once or twice but continually.

    It is easy to post as a bandwagon poster and just agree with the majority jets mob. Your post are not original thoughts they are the same as all the other Sanchez bashers. You don't give any unique insight that you would expect from a rival fan you just post the same thoughts as other disgruntled Jets fans.

    Then you attack other Jets fans for defending wait for it the Jets. The Jets are down so it is easy to criticize. That is what Jets fans do look how bad we are. Then a Dolphins coming out and saying yep you do is supposed to make you a good poster?

    Junc takes the extreme to demonstrate his points but all in all he is a jets fan but gets criticized for defending the Jets. Not only does he get criticized for defending the Jets but from a Dolphins fan? (Which I still don't believe)
  2. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Is this the best you have? Everyone of your posts just seem to be a drive by comment. At least put a little more thought into it.

    Rex should be fired
    Tebow is great
    Sanchez sucks

    Pretty much all your posts
  3. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    What is the fun in that? :) The vocal Jet fans want him gone now and can't stand anybody saying he should have another shot even though from all accounts he will get one.
  4. Jet Pac

    Jet Pac New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    I see your point, but that's the whole point of this message board. Talk about Jets related topics that nobody has any control over.
  5. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Sanchez played well for a rookie in 2009, he played well for any QB in 2010. Those that don't understand that don't understand this game and what that position is all about.

    Flacco had MUCH less pressure w/o a trash talking coach and playing in NY, he also had a team full of leaders including the best in the game Ray lewis. VERY different circumstances and yet Flacco was terrible in postseason until the '11 title game.

    Dalton is playing w/ no pressure, better weapons and beating bad teams while losing to good ones.

    Boller never helped Bal get to a postseason. NEXT

    Leinart never helped Ari get to postseason and when they had a future HOF QB they made the SB while when we had a future HOF QB w/ similar weapons before Mark got here we failed to make the playoffs. NEXT

    Alex Smith has 1 playoff win at home and isn't it interesting his success went up as the talent around him went up?

    When we had talent mark Sanchez was a good QB who helped us win a lot of games including postseason games, when the healthy talent was awful last year Mark was awful. It is foolish to give up on a young QB after a year like last year where no QB would have had success.
  6. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Have watched Garrard play? He was beat out by Blaine Gabbert.

    With that being said I like Garrard he is your essential game manager that has always had a great running game. He has an average arm and average accuracy. He is a big guy that is hard to bring down and can extend plays. He is not going to make that tight window throw.

    In other words he is a great stop gap if Mark blows chunks this year but Mark is a more talented thrower.
  7. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    PERFECTLY said. 100% on the money and explained calmly and concisely.
    The single best post in this entire thread.
  8. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    it's actually terrible but b/c you are on that side of the argument you think it's great. That's what always happens on these boards, it doesn't make any of our opinions right or wrong but it cracks me up when people say things like this b/c his post proved absolutely nothing.
  9. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I love how people just throw out #s as if all things are equal, imagine what mark could do w/ Julio Jones and company in Atlanta. I guarantee you Atl would have a SB app by now and wouldn't be 1-4 in postseason w/ all those weapons. Ryan may eventually be a guy who can play in big games, so far he hasn't been despite playing 3 home games. Right now he's a rivers/schaub type- "great" reg season QB who struggles to play under postseason pressure. I'd rather have a decent/mediocre reg season QB who can play under playoff pressure.
  10. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    It's funny that you support Mark Sanchez, and then ask me if I've seen Garrard play. To answer your question - YES. And he's shown he can be trusted to competently run an offense ... and he's put up much better numbers with less talent.

    You use the word "average" to describe Garrard's accuracy ... 62.4% completion percentage in his 68 starts. If his accuracy is average, then what word could you possibly use to describe Sanchez's accuracy?? Abysmal? Appalling? Atrocious?
  11. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    2444 Yards, 15 Touchdowns (3 rushing), 23 turnovers (3 fumbles).

    This is not playing well for a Rookie in the NFL today.
  12. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    Also, for those that think Sanchez is "clutch" here are his 3 year average stat split in games that are "late and close"

    Completion percentage:45.3%
    Turnovers:7 (Interceptions:5 Fumbles Lost:2)

    He is not at all clutch, unless you engage in selective memory.
  13. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Junc, you come across as delusional in most of your posts on Sanchez. If people bring up the numbers you dismiss them instantly as "not watching the game" just looking at the numbers.

    I've been watching Sanchez for 4 years now and I have seen him make about a dozen great throws. I have seen him make a hundred truly terrible ones. Most of the time his play is mediocre and uninspired. That's why the Jets offense has never caught fire with him on the field the way that it did at times with Chad and Favre.

    Did you know that in Mark Sanchez 62 career starts the Jets have scored 40 or more points just once? This despite a defense that has routinely given the Jets a short field to operate on over the years?

    The Jets have scored 30 to 39 points just 10 times in the last 4 years.

    The worst offenses in the NFL over the last 4 years in terms of yardage gained are:

    2012 - Arizona
    2011 - Jacksonville
    2010 - Carolina
    2009 - Cleveland

    Between them they have 8 games between 30 and 39 points and one game over 40.
    #6313 Br4d, Apr 10, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2013
  14. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    not compared to what many of the rookies the last 2 years have done but overall he had a good year for a rookie. he had 3-4 really bad games that skewed his #s but he was good for us and stepped up in January.
  15. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    You're trying to use logic against homers/fanbois. It won't work.

    In reality a fan of another team usually can see things more clearly (given they're watching the games) since they can be dispassionate about the players/team.
  16. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    It's funny how you always need to hurl insults, instead of just attacking the argument you need to attack me b/c your info just isn't that good.

    What does that info prove? we are a D first team not a high flying aerial assault team. We try to get leads and hold onto them, we have had conservative offenses which came down from the HC.

    Also keep in mind in 2009 he got Braylon for week 5, lost a starting WR and we ran it a million times.

    In 2010 he didn't get Holmes until week 5, Cotch missed games and played hurt.

    In 2011 3 of his top 4 weapons were out of football in 2012(most of the year, Plax came back late)

    Last year Jeremy Kerley was his #1 WR for most of the year.

    It's always black and white w/ you guys, sometimes you actually have to dig a little deeper than just post #s w/o context.
  17. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Once again posting stats w/o context. You guys crack me up, do you even watch football?

    I had someone tell me Matt Ryan was #1 in some silly late game stat in one possession postseason games when he has been terrible in postseason.
    use your eyes please.

    B/c we back Sanchez it doesn't make us homers, it makes us knowledgeable fans rather than blind sheep following "experts". You missed my earlier post, please see below:

    I think w/ many of these arguments the original point gets lost as we get a little crazy w/ the personal battles. Below are my thoughts on mark summarized for you, I encourage you guys to print this out and put it next to your computer so you always have a handy reference and you don't misinterpret my comments anymore:grin:

    Mark Sanchez was brutally bad in 2012
    Mark Sanchez may never recover from that bad season
    Mark Sanchez played well for us his first 2+ years
    Mark Sanchez played really well for us in postseason
    Mark Sanchez is still a work in progress
    Mark Sanchez was never great and will never be great
    We can win w/ Mark Sanchez as our QB
    Mark Sanchez helped us win a lot of games and helped us lose a lot of games
    Mark Sanchez has many areas to improve upon to get back to being a quality NFL starting QB

    I have been watching this team since 1981 and watching the NFL since 1981, it's not easy to win in January. The NFL's greatest D's struggled to win w/o quality QB play and while our Ds were good they were not great and we would not have won 4 playoff games(all on the road) w/o quality play from mark Sanchez. This does not mean mark carried us or that he was THE reason we won, he was part of a very good team and his play helped us win 4 playoff games. We all know we were/are a D first team, we won those games being led by our defense but again even truly great defenses struggle to win w/o quality QB play so we needed Mark to play well and he did.

    I am not one to throw people out b/c they had a bad game or bad year, in the best interest of the future of this franchise Mark Sanchez deserves another shot to win his job back. Nothing should be handed to him, he will have to earn that job w/ hopefully a better cast of healthy receivers and a better OC. we owe him too much money to simply cut him and move on, in this league teams get really good and really bad right away. One good offseason can change everything, our best chance to win this year is if Mark is rehabilitated by Marty and has a decent season.

    IF Mark buttfumbles the season away we cut him and move on but what if he plays more like 2010? then maybe we have a future at QB again, the man is still very young in this league. My point the entire time is not to say mark is great or anything silly like that but mark can play in this league w/ the right talent around him. He's not carrying average/below average talent like Brady can, there aren't many Brady types throughout league history. Most QBs need help around them, he didn't get that last year and he was awful. Part his fault, part healthy talent fault.

    I appreciate Mark helping us win 4 playoff games, if he was 35 I might say cut him now but he's young and already has double the amount of playoff wins of any QB in our history. Why would I want to throw away a player like that?

    I would hope we all want to win, I don't care who the QB is as along as we win. Some folks act like they'd rather lose w/o mark than win w/ him. I feel bad for those folks, we all root for this team hoping they win. For some reason we all care about what others can do that we cannot but since we care so much then we should all want them to win no matter how they accomplish it.

    I hope this helps clear things up.
  18. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    He only had 4 games that year with a positive td to turnover ratio (i.e. he only had 4 good games).

    Here were the playoff numbers:

    @Cin 182 yards 1 td
    @ SDG 100 1td 1 int
    @IND 257 yards 2 tds 1 int.

    They're nothing special, if anything they're below average.

    You can maybe say he played well in the playoffs that year. He certainly didn't that whole season.
  19. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Nothing special when just looking at #s but I bet Philip Rivers #s were special b/c he threw for more yds? or Carson Palmer?

    at Cincy he was near flawless, he had 3 incompleteions and 2 were drops.

    at SD he converted 3 huge 3rd downs and protected the ball well. The difference in the game was Rivers took a huge chance he didn't need to take and we picked him off setting up a TD

    at Indy was the worst of his 3 games despite the best #s but he lost his run game on the first possession of the 2nd half when Greene went down.

    sometimes it's about playing w/in the gameplan, not taking chances. How many supposed great QBs have we seen take silly risks and get burned only to lose? There's something to be said for not making the big mistake and it was a big reason we won 4 playoff games.

    he only had 5 games w/ a negative ratio, it works both ways. He had 3-4 brutal games that skewed his overall #s but overall he was good for a rookie and elevated his play in the playoffs.
  20. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    But he didn't play well for a rookie in 2009 and he didn't play well for any QB in 2010. You're either delusional or lying when you make these statements.

    Sanchez had a terrible rookie season that cost his team games left and right. The Jets win 10 or 11 games that year with just about any other QB playing for them. They won one of their 9 wins with Kellen Clemens playing.

    In 2010 Sanchez again lost games for the Jets. He had a terrible performance week one at home against Baltimore, a team that would go on to win only 9 games on the season. He had a bad performance against Green Bay, again at home. He had a bad performance against a bad Fin team, again at home. All 3 of those games should have been Jets wins on the way to a 13 win season or so. Instead they scored a combined 15 points and lost all 3 as Sanchez flat out sucked at QB.

    This is an intervention Junc. I'm pointing out indisputable truths to you in the hopes that there's somebody home to receive them.

    The playoff game against the Pats that year is won because Jerrico Cotchery changes field position for the Jets in a huge way with a 40+ yard catch and run through traffic. Braylon Edwards elevates to catch a 37 yard sideline pass that most WR's would have helplessly watched sail over their heads. Shaun Ellis goes berserk on the day and sacks Brady twice and puts footsteps in his head for one of the few times in his career.

    Sanchez didn't hurt the Jets that day but he passed for 166 yards, 58 of which came on one catch and run by a great competitor and 37 more came on a grab almost nobody else could have made. Sanchez wasn't a spectator on those plays but they weren't his plays, they belonged to Cotchery and Edwards.

    Sanchez sucks Junc. There isn't any other way to look at it at this point. He actively cost the Jets a bunch of games in the "good" years when homefield advantage would have meant something and he's been mediocre to terrible since then.

    This isn't a disputable point.

    I realize it's impossible to win an argument with a two year old who has decided that no is the answer but I'm kind of hoping you have more than that going on at this point.
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