Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Well just as people still believe in Sanchez, people used to believe the world was flat. Some people can't be convinced of something no matter the volume of evidence supporting it.

    Mark Sanchez is not a great, good, or even average QB.

    He is a backup at best.

    He should be gone by now.
  2. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Why are people even bothering to have this discussion at this point? Sanchez is going to be the QB in 2013. He might be terrible. He might bounce back and be great. Whichever it is, some will still be here having this pointless discussion.
  3. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    You defend Mark to the point of absurdity. You must be a family member.
  4. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Post of the thread award nominee IMO. Good points.
  5. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    He already has been extended. :rofl2:
  6. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Bored at work. Junc helps me kill my day.
  7. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    I'm pretty sure he has some sort of office job or PR gig for the Jets. He didn't want Schotty or Tannenbaum gone so that tells you everything right there.
  8. I've stayed quiet on this issue b/c I think both sides are WAY too extreme in their stances. Bottom line is Sanchez had a very lousy year & SHOULD feel the pressure of being on the outs.

    That said, he still could easily turn it around & become a consistent performer in the NFL. Although inconsistent, he still demonstrates the ability to make big plays down field. No one can deny the lack of skill position help he had by season's end last year. He was down to literally 9th stringers off the street. Did he raise their level of play like Brady? No he didn't.and that's a valid criticism..but not every QB is capable of doing that. And that doesn't mean that when surrounded w/ proper talent he can't be successful.

    Anybody go to TC last year? Cause if you'd notice that Sanchez was BY FAR the most dynamic talented player the Jets had on offense. Now that doesn't mean he'll ever be a great game day player..but it IS worth noting that no one ever questions his physical's the mental. Can he avoid turnovers? If he does..the jets offense will be light year's better by default..with or without Sanchez.
  9. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    ^Good take, well said.
  10. Testaverde

    Testaverde Active Member

    Dec 9, 2011
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    This thread will be an even bigger gold mine for funny quotes in the near future.
  11. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    In a straight up, on the level QB competition, Garrad will outplay Sanchez. He's just simply more physically talented, and I also believe he's probably smarter. He's the better player. The questions are ... will he stay healthy? And will he be given a legitimate chance to win the Job? If the answer is yes to both of those questions, Mark Sanchez will be holding a clip board on opening day.
  12. Ted

    Ted Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    And the debate rages on because having the last word is critical to some. It took me 5 years but I grew tired of the pattern of manilpulating a debate to suit an agenda and of using stats only when it supports your position. Now, I just shake my head in amazement that anyone can spew crap like that endlessly.
  13. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    are all the TOs his fault? some were big, game changers though I don't recall them off hand but nothing jolts a team like that 99 yd TD or that Tebow drive.

    You've gotten better over the years, you still jump off the deep end and pretend you knew what was going to happen years ago, if you knocked that nonsense off you'd be a good poster. Keep trying, you will get there some day.

    I love when other posters try to band together against me, it's cute.

    I defend what is right, I feel bad for the rest of you who give up on people immediately.

    we saw how the new OC worked out, I like what Idzik is doing but to pretend Tannenbaum was horrible isn't being fair. Jet fans would have killed for 2 title game apps when he took over, dolphin fans would kill to have that success now but b/c we have a down year he sucks and never did anything positive for us. That's the small minded mentality of the average fan.
  14. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    In spite of...
  15. NFL

    NFL Active Member

    Apr 2, 2012
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    I agree with pretty much everything you said. Mark has the ability to be a good QB it all comes down to the mental part of the game. When they put the camera on Mark during games you would see a face on him like if he wanted to kill himself. He had 0 confidence last year.

    Hopefully Marty can help him out and now since the ten has gone into quiet mode I think be can gain some confidence back. No talking should mean less pressure for him. Hopefully we start of with a couple solid wins so that he regains the confidence needed to play the position.
  16. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Why are you so vested in the NYJ? If you really think Sanchez,Schotty and Tannenbaum suck should you not want them to remain being a Dolphins fan?

    Do you like just coming on opposing team boards and fuel the fire on how bad our players our.

    Or and probably closer to the truth is you are a Jets fan pretending to be a Dolphins fan.
  17. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I think w/ many of these arguments the original point gets lost as we get a little crazy w/ the personal battles. Below are my thoughts on mark summarized for you, I encourage you guys to print this out and put it next to your computer so you always have a handy reference and you don't misinterpret my comments anymore:grin:

    Mark Sanchez was brutally bad in 2012
    Mark Sanchez may never recover from that bad season
    Mark Sanchez played well for us his first 2+ years
    Mark Sanchez played really well for us in postseason
    Mark Sanchez is still a work in progress
    Mark Sanchez was never great and will never be great
    We can win w/ Mark Sanchez as our QB
    Mark Sanchez helped us win a lot of games and helped us lose a lot of games
    Mark Sanchez has many areas to improve upon to get back to being a quality NFL starting QB

    I have been watching this team since 1981 and watching the NFL since 1981, it's not easy to win in January. The NFL's greatest D's struggled to win w/o quality QB play and while our Ds were good they were not great and we would not have won 4 playoff games(all on the road) w/o quality play from mark Sanchez. This does not mean mark carried us or that he was THE reason we won, he was part of a very good team and his play helped us win 4 playoff games. We all know we were/are a D first team, we won those games being led by our defense but again even truly great defenses struggle to win w/o quality QB play so we needed Mark to play well and he did.

    I am not one to throw people out b/c they had a bad game or bad year, in the best interest of the future of this franchise Mark Sanchez deserves another shot to win his job back. Nothing should be handed to him, he will have to earn that job w/ hopefully a better cast of healthy receivers and a better OC. we owe him too much money to simply cut him and move on, in this league teams get really good and really bad right away. One good offseason can change everything, our best chance to win this year is if Mark is rehabilitated by Marty and has a decent season.

    IF Mark buttfumbles the season away we cut him and move on but what if he plays more like 2010? then maybe we have a future at QB again, the man is still very young in this league. My point the entire time is not to say mark is great or anything silly like that but mark can play in this league w/ the right talent around him. He's not carrying average/below average talent like Brady can, there aren't many Brady types throughout league history. Most QBs need help around them, he didn't get that last year and he was awful. Part his fault, part healthy talent fault.

    I appreciate Mark helping us win 4 playoff games, if he was 35 I might say cut him now but he's young and already has double the amount of playoff wins of any QB in our history. Why would I want to throw away a player like that?

    I would hope we all want to win, I don't care who the QB is as along as we win. Some folks act like they'd rather lose w/o mark than win w/ him. I feel bad for those folks, we all root for this team hoping they win. For some reason we all care about what others can do that we cannot but since we care so much then we should all want them to win no matter how they accomplish it.

    I hope this helps clear things up.
  18. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    lol I'll never understand this logic. What does my analysis of players/coaches/GMs performance have to do with whether I want them on your team or not?

    Am I in a position to hire/fire that I was not aware of?

    Maybe you live in some world where the truth is affected by what team you are a fan of but I don't live in that world. I'm honest with myself. I can say that members of a rival team suck and still want them to be on that team. I really don't understand the question. So I would have more credibility if I said Mark Sanchez is awesome when he really sucked simply because I'm a Dolphins fan?

    pls go
  19. Jet Pac

    Jet Pac New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Boom. The only reason he is still a Jet is because of the unreasonable contract he received from Mr. T. That should say it all right there.
  20. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Anybody who thinks Sanchez played well in the regular season in the first two years doesn't understand what the definition of the word well is.

    Joe Flacco had a better season in his rookie season than any of Sanchez seasons so far. He then had a much better season in his second season. He had a better year still in his third season. And he's not a star or anything like that, just a guy who went on a run at the end of last year and helped his team win the Super Bowl.

    Matt Ryan had a great rookie season. He followed that up with a downer in his second season that is still better than anything Sanchez has showed so far. He then had two straight top ten seasons. He's a star and probably more worthy of the contract that Flacco received this off-season than Flacco.

    Cam Newton had good seasons his first two years. Far better than anything Sanchez has shown so far.

    Andy Dalton had a decent rookie year and a better second year. His performance level is much better than anything Sanchez has put together even when Sanchez was surrounded by talent.

    These are the guys playing well early in their careers. That's what it looks like when a QB comes in and grabs an opportunity and makes the most of it.

    There are people who came into the NFL and played like Sanchez is playing right now.

    Kyle Boller came in to Baltimore and looked a bit promising in the early 00's and put up numbers that look a lot like Sanchez numbers to date. The gross numbers aren't as high because the Ravens are good evaluators of on-field play and they got Boller off the field as soon as they realized he wasn't that good.

    Matt Leinart came in to Arizona as a high draft pick and blew chunks all over the field. The Cardinals despite their lack of talent didn't hesitate to conclude that Leinart was part of the problem not the solution and they got him off the field.

    Alex Smith came in to SF as the #1 pick and they were stuck with him through four lousy seasons. Then they got a few average seasons out of him and as soon as he established any value at all they benched him and then traded him. This is what a success story for the organization based on sticking with a lousy QB until he finally figured it out looks like. Smith was a much better prospect than Sanchez coming out of school.

    I could bring up about another half dozen guys drafted in the 1st round by their teams who actually got on the field in the last decade and then were moved off of it even despite success.

    This is the NFL. You don't get to play the most important position on the field when you keep screwing up despite repeated opportunities to turn it around.

    People who see Sanchez as an asset at this point either don't understand the definition of the term or are wearing green glasses so thick and tinted that reality is not in view.
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