Just realized my favorite player in this years class is still available, really surprised he is still available this round
Marquess Wilson is a solid choice, although If that is the player you were implying before, I don't think he goes higher than about this area.
Haha, love all the guesses but he wasn't. I think Wilson is a sleeper, gets too much of a bad rap for some of his attitude/ playing at Washington State
He was justified for it since Leetch has had a history of doing this dating back from Texas Tech......I just hope teams don't hold it against Wilson for whistleblowing basically. He could be this year's Mike Williams story.
That whole Mike Leach thing really spun things out of control. He's certainly a boom or bust prospect. Needs to learn how to run a route properly but he's definitely a dynamic player.
Laxin is trying to pull a fast one on us. The 49ers are NOT allowed to have round 3 prospects, thats just not fair to the NFL.
LOL 2nd time I did that... Thats what happens when I control-f 5 different names... haha Matt Scott is a good developmental QB behind Kaepernick- similar style of play and they can keep the same system if ever injured. He's a better fit than McCoy
I was debating between Scott, Bray, and another player at the Jets pick. Ultimately went with Bray but I LOVE Scott's potential.
I like his fit with the 9ers. He has time to develop and provides a great option in case Kaepernick gets injured. If he develops well enough (like the 49ers can do with QBs), they may even be able to trade him for a profit.
I'd bet they'd even throw him out there a few players here or there in his rookie season. Almost to show that he can be a similar player to Kaepernick (although he does not have the arm Kap does). Definitely a buy low sell high candidate for the future.
Just send Johnny my list for the Falcons and Ravens. Had Scott on my list for the Falcons, figured he was a good developmental pick at this stage. I think I'll be back for my picks though.