Hahahaha. And appreciate it. I knew running it for the first time wouldn't be easy, especially in a year with limited GMs. So having GMs sign on, make there picks quickly, and leave while still having some excitement between picks would be the easiest.
Looks like baker makers last activity was last night, he has till 11:58 tonight and the clock shuts off at 12. Should I pick for him if he's not around or are we going to give him untill tomorrow?
Since its so close I'm going to give him the 2 minute extension. So until tomorrow. I hate to slow down the draft but I will give a long time GM the benefit of the doubt.
Draft will start at 10 am tomorrow. BakerMaker has until 10 to make his pick. I might not be awake but Im sure to be on by at least 11.
Ballsy pick for the Bears, but could turn out to be a great choice. Certainly has great upside and fits a definite need. Cutler needs all the help he can get in terms of OL.
I was thinking of another OT that could go there but couldnt give the Bears the pass blocking they need.
CINs pick was tough....wanted 2 guys to fall that didnt so I took Ogletree. Wish he had better character but he's a hell of a talent. Zimmer and Marvin never let character get in the way of talent, no difference here. Rey M. can be improved upon. MIN's 2 picks are within 4 picks so im hovering around here. Feel terrible slowing this down.....great pace by eveyone besides me yesterday. Glad for JTJ.
Ogle tree is a solid pick for Cincy. He was ne of the few players I would have considered there. Glad you got a good night sleep lol.:grin:
Yeah man i slept at like 10:30 or 11PM i think lol and woke up 6AM,went back to sleep then woke up at 7AM. First thing I said when up ''OH shit TGG Draft'' LOL. Got on my device and here I am. Something's wrong when thats the 1st thing that pops up in my head when waking up.
Forget sleep - my 7 year old decided to start coloring the bathroom walls greenish/brown at 3:30 AM with vomit..... Vomit round 3 just occurred 40 minutes ago but..... NOTHING gets in the way of football...and the draft
My kids are a little older, 12 and 11… Now they want to sleep in all the time and I take great joy out of the cats waking them up at 7 am to play lol.