Might be to blitzkreig the regime though. North Korea goes off. The Chinese blitz in and knock over the regime. The US and the world say thank you. The US, recovering from whatever bloody nose the North Koreans inflicted, thinks twice about whether interfering in East Asia again is a wise move. Sounds like a win-win for the Chinese to me.
Not sure, but apparently a photo taken of a North Korean leader showed a map in the background and Austin Texas had a marker (or whatever) on it. Fair argument and a distinct possiblity. I don't think that people take into account the Kim Jongs' materialism, which leads me to believe they're less willing to piss off the U.S. than, say, Saddam. Military leaders are possible, but it's more likely that it's his uncle. Just found this article http://abcnews.go.com/International/north-koreas-real-power-kim-jong-uns-aunt/story?id=18854045 . Didn't read it but based on the title and publication date (3 days ago) it's relevant. I should've clarified those were reported targets by NK as opposed to "where NK should target to do the most damage" or whatever. The main benefits to launching a missile against Hawaii as opposed to mainland U.S. are 1) maximizing chances of successful and accurate launch 2) less missile defense capabilities protecting Hawaii 3) Reduce effectiveness of Pacific Fleet by eliminating Hawaii as a military launchpad to fighting against NK
MISSILE capabilities, not nuclear. The nuclear warhead would just be put on the tip of a ballistic missile turning said missile into a nuclear missile. But yes. "Posturing". Correct but Kim Jong-Un accelerated rate of it. Interesting quote from the ABC article: That quote also applies to the rhetorical question posed by What's the worry/concern? Avoiding a military coup. That could be correct. Some say that his uncle is a strong influence over him and it's possible that he's more aggressive than Kim Jong Il and is influencing his nephew to push the envelope. Typically in the past North Korea would do something (like a test a missile) and then not really respond to the condemnation by the West other than standard rebuking. This case is different by rate and, I would argue, by the fact that North Korea is "standing up to the U.S." (see: criticizing U.S. for flying B-52 bombers calling it "heightening tensions") Depends on the situation, it would be rather unethical to just bomb them without considering civilian casualties. It would probably be like nothing we've ever seen before: drones, targeted bombings, possibly troops on the ground, but overall a greater focus on the gov't and military leadership. tl;dr: they'd be destroyed easily. Mainland? No, not to the West's current knowledge. China supports NK but not its belligerence so WW3 wouldn't necessarily break-out but that depends on the circumstances; for example, if the U.S. were to preemptively strike NK, then maybe NK would receive support from China/Russia. NK's strongest allies (Venezuela, Iran) don't have strong military capabilities. The second question there is wordy but I think you're asking either "Is it bad if the U.S. were to strike NK with a nuke" (Yes) or "Is there any downside to retaliation without nuclear weapons" (No). Note: Also there's no guarantee that if NK were to conduct a missile launch intending to strike, say, Hawaii that it would even be anything more than a standard ballistic missile as opposed to a nuclear missile. Resources: Timeline (by Yahoo) since 2006 http://news.yahoo.com/timeline-north-koreas-escalating-aggression-151000073.html ABC News about the aunt and uncle http://abcnews.go.com/International/north-koreas-real-power-kim-jong-uns-aunt/story?id=18854045
Modern technology would've significantly reduced (almost minimized) Korean War casualties and sectarian violence is a significant problem in Afghanistan/Iraq but not NK (one of several differences).
trade with NK accounts for less than 1% of China's GDP, the only thing China doesnt want is to be saddled with milions of refugees it then has to house, feed, etc.
Decades of sanctions and a starved economy has done little to stop NK from pushing ahead with nuclear weapons and missile development. We are currently attempting this same containment policy in Iran. Japan will re-arm to defend itself, the South Korean economy will shrink as investors pull out. In a few years Pakistan will fall to the Taliban or something like it and India and Pakistan will be poised to make a first strike before the other does. Europe's economy is in free fall and the Eurozone may not just split up it may break up violently? China has reported 5 deaths in the last month from a bird flu that has never before jumped to humans. There is no doubt we are heading for nuclear Armageddon or a pandemic of massive proportions. Normally a saver, I bought a very hot car this week.
or, more likely, there will in due course be regime change in the North which will then get subsumed into China. people just love to overdramatise things - anyone would think that the media needs things to report, governments need to keep their populace scared and grateful for protection, people need an enemy etc etc we are no more likely (and are in fact probably a lot less likely) to be heading towards nuclear armageddon now than at any other time in the last 40+ years enjoy your car.
Man is the king of the jungle and will eat their young just as fast as a Lion will. The body count is only going one way, up.
Had the top down and was cruising in the desert yesterday. Nothing like the desert in bloom. Fabulous!
We have had sanctions on them for so long they can't travel with an American Express card. They have to carry extra suitcases with USD in them and the airline fees for checked bags are really pissing them off.
You forgot the US dollar isn't actually worth the paper it is printed on at this point but the bankers and ratings agencies don't want to get cannibalized by their neighbors so they're just winking at the problem until something forces their hands.
North Korea is mad at the US because sanctions plays havoc with the 1%'s ability to live like kings while the peasants starve.
We'll stop printing it when it has become obvious that nobody cares if we print it or not. Fiat currency is only as valuable as the credibility of the authority that prints it allows it to be. We're in probably the 5th year now of an all-out assault on the authority and legitimacy of the federal government. Anybody who thinks this isn't going to end badly isn't watching very closely.
Of course it's going to end badly we are all going to die. In the meantime how did it work out waiting for the market to bottom at 4,000?
its coming biggs.....my impulse target is 7854...not quite 4000 but close enough IMO sometime at or before fall of 2015/spring 2016 and then another major bull to carry into 2020...... i do not think it will be a rapid panic because the market gods will prevent that at all costs under the current president....it will grind down and frustrate alot of people just like it has on the way up. thats my tea leaf, we'll see.
If you believe that it still makes sense to continue dollar cost average. Had you done that during the last market destruction and stuck to your plan you would have done very nicely.