It's hard to make a Dolphin look mean and intimidating. Flipper: friendly as fck. Snowflake: he could kick a pigskin, but kickers aren't that mean.
dolphins are notorious for killing eachother... they fucking smash eachother and cause internal injuries... at least thats what i remember seeing on history channel or some shit. that logo at the top of this page looks much less gayer than the other one. im sure they will choose the other one.
It's been confirmed that this is the Dolphins new logo: It doesn't look so bad on a helmet. Here is the old one for reference.
It may take a while to grow on me ... we will see. The new facemasks will be white and the jersey colors will be more throwback to the 70s
Ahh, I always thought the old one was corny. Come on, a Dolphin wearing a football helmet? At least the new one looks updated. :finssuck: and always will no matter what their logo looks like.
Much better than the smiling, friendly Dolphin of old, IMO... (They should have had an image of a dolphin with sidewinder missiles strapped to its dorsal fin or a flamethrower protruding from its dolphin beak thing...)
I liked the old logo a lot more than this new one. Doesn't matter to me though.. When are the Jets gonna switch things up?
This is supposedly what the new helmet looks like with the logo and white facemask no orange stripe on the helmet ...
lol I don't care if they wear glass slippers as long as the product on the field is good. It's been mediocre AT BEST for the most part during the last 10 years