This was all sparked by friends of mine. let me start .. Lent - first off, last time you went to church was your confirmation and you are a horrible human being. somehow not eating meat on Fridays for a few weeks once a year will make up for a life time of bad decisions? Give me a break, you’re as catholic as Mel Brooks. I don’t get all the people who say “oh, I can’t eat meat, it’s lent” YOU DON’T PARTICIPATE IN ANYTHING RELATED TO THE CHURCH. It just pisses me off so hardcore.
Yeah, fake religious people drive me nuts. Act one way all the time then try to pretend they are holy or something. That mocks God more than just being a bad person, I say. I deal with them all the time. Other stuff: -People thinking they are so great, when they are really worthless. -This old lady I know who coughs non-stop, smokes non-stop and always says "I wish I could stop coughing." -Fans of teams who succeed, who trash teams who suck, instead of just being thankful that their team is doing well.
Cigarette smokers who aren't mindful of others piss me off, especially when they throw the butt on the ground or stick it in the sand at the beach. Owners who don't scoop up their dog's sh#t. The cost of living in Hawai‘i My gf. Damn that btch makes me mad sometimes.
i was born catholic, it never took. i will be having a 28 oz. prime rib on lent, and every friday possible :grin:
-On the subway, standing in front of the door instead of moving into the aisle to let people on/off. You block half the doorway and slow everyone down. -Subway again, people who charge on before letting people get off. Unwritten rules people. -People on the quiet floor in the library, leaving their phone on ring then taking the phone call and thinking by magically walking into the open stairwell nobody can hear them yelling into the phone. Also leaving your phone on vibrate on the quiet floor, but having it rest on wood/metal/some annoying surface that causes it to be obnoxiously loud.
HAHAHAHA same thing pisses me off with people getting on or off elevators. Let the people off before you try to get in.
Small dog owners in general: don't clean up after them, let them bark up a storm and nip and bite people like its cute.
1. Idiot selfish drivers. I can't stand people like this. I'm talking about the people that don't signal, won't even pull slightly right when turning right, and will flat out cut people off to save an extra 5 seconds of driving time. People that are too stupid to stay right except to pass are the worst. Most traffic build ups that aren't in rush hour are the fault of one selfish prick. To a lesser extent, the people that drive slow and then speed up when you start to pass them make me want to hurl a bottle out the window at them. How selfish can you be? If your position in the lane was fine before, why does me passing you affect that? 2. Managers / supervisors that micro manage everything and make it harder for everyone else. Maybe it's just my place of work, but I can't stand it. People like that cause so much extra work for nothing, then they have the nerve to get angry at somebody who might fall behind because of all the extra procedures added in to the daily workload. It's no longer good enough to do your job, you now have to document everything simply so this ego centric idiot can monitor you and follow your every move. What's even worse is when they make a compulsive decision to change something, causing the workers to to redo something they have already done. My biggest pet peeve is doing something twice for no reason at all. 3. 90% of the time it is harmless and cute. What really urks me is the pitbull (or other potentially deadly dog) owners that train the dogs to kill but won't even ensure they are on a leash or fenced in. I know somebody that had their cockapoo dog mauled by a pitball while taking him for a walk because of negligent owners letting their dog roam free. Simply disgusting. If that was my pet, they would be sued and paying me for the rest of my life. I'd say dog owners in general that don't clean up after them are lazy scumbags. Cats >>>> anyways. 4. Religious fundamentalists that think it makes god happy to lie about science and pretend like their religion is anything more than faith. The amount of lies and deception these people talk about is simply unreal. All to sell a religious that has no proof of it in the first place. They attack science without learning a single fundamental fact about it first. People like that are ego maniacs who just believe they are right, because they are emotionally connected. Now you guys really know how to piss me off. Hopefully this won't be used against me.
I hate the slob who sits on the bus, and puts his bags, coat, hat, scarf, lunch, iPod, ect on the other seat. Then, when the bus is full and you want to sit down, they get pissed off.
People that walk slow when I'm walking fast. People that walk fast when I'm walking slow. Umbrellas are the lamest thing a man can hold. SUVs in front of me when I'm driving (or any vehicle I can't see over). Slow moving vehicles in the left lane. 34th st and 6th ave after work, fuck that mess. 8th ave after work and pretty much all the time except, I love Columbus circle. Any and all paperwork. Monday's always suck. The new England patriots or better yet just their coach. 7th ave sucks too. Thank god for broadway. (fuck you science nerds!) :smile:
Nominally heterosexual men who start internet conversations with strangers about the kinds of soaps they use and where.