337 I understand u not loving the cherry pick idea,,,,,but what makes you say 3 or 4 games a year ? You could still go to every game even if you cherry pick . Let me add that I do not sit in the same exact seats every time I cherry pick but you can still get the same section and relatively close to those same seats each time :grin:
Ditto. That's how me and my fellow STH's feel who own there tickets but its under my name unlike Champ who's a ticket broker and never goes to games and sits on his ass and complains about the past and never talks the game of football and is the site mascot .
I guess it is to difficult for you to understand that just like you I rent my tix to my BUDDY. Well if I had not moved out state I would still be attending the games with him as I did when I did when I lived in NJ. Now what do you have to say about that #1 hypocrite on the TGG board? :sad:
yeah our location at bad with the bathrooms beer line and stairs right behind us.i really wish it was slightly cheaper. im not asking the jets to make my tix $50 but $105 is slightly high. especially when u throw in those 2 worthless preseason games. if it was $105 for the 8 regular season games & $50 for the 2 preseason games then im good.and the jets need to realize this
Zero regrets,,none ,nil,nada,,,,,,,,happy I walked away and even happier that I did not purchase a cock a mammy PSL ! It always feels good to type that :grin:
I was hoping for $90 a ticket. They are never going to decrease the pre-season by themselves, only if its NFL wide. If you call the Jets, the best we can hope for is a decrease in parking or an upgrade which will cost even more. Unless you are willing to lose your current seating and go to August without paying. I love my seats, took my 3 years to get here. Me and my buddies WHO GO TO THE GAME WITH ME EVERY WEEK FOR 32 YEARS, are not willing to gamble to save $50 each.
only those who are already enrolled in ACH Payments have received their invoices.all other season ticket holders will get their invoices 1st week of april.
ACH enroller have received e-mails alerting us to the payment schedule and to call if we want to opt out. We have not received invoices either. I opted out since I am not getting any parking off. Its a pain trying to collect $ every month from the OTHER SEASON TICKET HOLDERS THAT GO EVERY WEEK WITH ME FOR 32 YEARS AND PAY THERE OWN WAY AND ARE NOT MY CUSTOMERS LIKE OUR MASCOT.
I like the idea of the same exact seats plus for me to get three is difficult. The other issue is when you don't have the tickets if a function comes up it's tough to say oh yea well you know I dropped my tickets but I am still going to go anyway and skip your function. Example is first year in the new stadium: I was invited to an engagement party. It was the day of a big Jets game (I think that Pats) and we do our San Gennaro theme tailgate the last weekend in September. The food for that tailgate is always insane. Anyway back to the important part of the story. They knew I had season tickets and didn't want to miss the game so they knew I wasn't coming and they were fine with it. If I had dropped my tickets and cherry picked it would be much more difficult to say oh yea I'm not going but I don't even have tickets yet. Like I said I only pay for one seat including preseason I'd probably save $250-$300 on average but for me it's my one luxury and I just pay the bill and it's over and done with. I like the idea that last year I knew everyone around me and when I saw the stubhub family if they wanted to get up constantly and walk past me I'd tell em they are guests and only to walk by me it if was for commercials.
I never do the ACH plan. I don't need to collect either every month. Instead I pay the bill as late as I can and I charge it to my Amex card since usually they charge the vendors that use it the highest fees of the major credit card companies. Makes me feel a little bit better. I pay my bill in full every month so it's not an issue with interest or anything.
I've made up my mind I'm not paying my bill until I work out an upgrade. I don't care if it's one row down or 4 seats closer to the 50. I am still working on massive amounts of aggression and anger management with these clowns. I WILL make a pain in the ass of myself just on general principle.
yeah you have lost a bit of your bargaining power because you like your seats... but they dont need to know that.. the great thing is to hear what others are attacking them with and the response they are getting so you have a better idea of how hard to push. this thread really is a great thing
This is the problem. You wind up with 8 games worth SOMETHING and 2 games worth NOTHING. Do the math now. 10 games X $105 = $1050. But now divide the $1050 by 8 = $131.25. Now the parking too. $25 X 10 = $250 divided by 8 = $31.50 $ 131.25 + $31.50 $ 162.75 $162.75 is the REAL cost of those seats per legitimate game. The Preseasons should be optional and $25 anywhere in the stadium. And free parking. Let the occasional fan with the 4-year olds come to a fucking game. First come, first served.
i really do love the aggression! this is what they get for being assholes!!!!! 337 thats absolutely fantastic, you know waht fuck you im going to charge it on amex so you get a higher fee.... thats fantastic!
Sorry I totally disagree when U say the 8 regular season games means something to such a bottom feeding team like us. :sad:
Duh there is a very simple solution to your problem if U thought about it just let you so called buddies buy there own tix :sad:
To those of you dealing with the jet ticket office,,,,always remember one thing when negotiating with them,,,,,,,they are lying sacks of shit that have repeatedly bullshitted many and judging by their history they will continue to lie and bullshit so my advice is if you are going to call them in hopes of getting better seats , tell them " you do not care to wait and see who else pays their invoice and you do not care if the tickets went out to print but that unless they upgrade you rite here and now , and I mean before you hang up that phone ,,,,,,then please kindly take me off your season ticket holder list as you are no longer interested " Before I cancelled ( with zero regrets I remind you ) I knew where I wanted to sit and be moved to and because of this thread and friends and family members I knew what others were being offered or had gotten . That said just before I was going to hang up the nice lady made a last ditch attempt to move me " the best that she could do " and sadly for her it was not what others had been offered and not what I wanted so I walked ! You must play hardball with them or be prepared to get lied to AGAIN . I would like to think that the ticket office has changed their policies but sadly the saying is true leopards don't change their spots,,,,,good luck all,,,,,,ps thank god I did not purchase a cock a mammy PSL !