Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. xmscott

    xmscott Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    You must be new to this franchise. I'd get off the boat quick.

    And to add to that "apologist" list of "weapons lol". You bring in Tim Tebow and a horrible OC to top it all off.
  2. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    [QUOTEthat chance sailed past a long time ago.[/QUOTE]

    How long ago five or Six years ago?
  3. Testaverde

    Testaverde Active Member

    Dec 9, 2011
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    I have found that Sanchez is a good tool for me to use to weed out posters who don't know how to evaluate a QB as opposed to those that do.

    Sure it does! Especially when the amount of TDs thrown were 65% higher than any other season he had. Just like a long run can skew an average for a RB who really didn't have a great game, Mark's career high for TDs in 2011 skewed his career average. People only want to focus on his TDs and ignore that he had 26 turnovers that year as well.

    The injuries and poor play calling did play a part in how bad Sanchez was, but it wasn't that far out of what we usually got from Sanchez. 1985er's point was that people are making too much of the injuries for an excuse for Sanchez and acting like 2012 was some kind of aberration. He pointed out that his average was nearly the same. Not identical. No QB's average is ever going to predict the exact amount of TDs and turnovers a QB will have the next year and it seems like that is what you expect by saying math averages are an exact science. The averages are an exact science, but we can only use those as a comparison for the next year. It is ridiculous to think that the numbers would ever be identical.

    Mark's average was very close to the numbers he produced in 2012.

    Completion percentage:

    Averaged 55.1% from 2009 to 2011.
    2012 he was at 54.3%

    A difference of 0.8!

    TD passes:

    Averaged 18.3 from 2009 to 2011.
    Threw 13 TDs in 2012.

    A difference of 5.3 TDs!


    Averaged 17 from 2009 to 2011.
    Threw 18 in 2012.

    A difference of 1!


    Averaged 9.6 from 2009 to 2011.

    Had 14 in 2012.

    A difference of 4.4!

    1985er is exactly right! His career average before the 2012 season was very close to what he produced during the 2012 season. Could Sanchez be a little better with better play calling and better weapons around him? Sure! But not enough to ever be a franchise QB that we all wanted him to be. It seems like the excuses for Sanchez will never stop. Last year all I heard was that it was all Shotty, and that Sanchez will have a break out season. Just look at what Favre did when he got away from Shotty they said. Just look at the great season Brees had when he got away from Shotty. Just look at the successful season Pennington had. The last one I find pretty funny since Pennington did have a successful season throwing 19 TDs and only 7 Ints throwing to guys like Ted Ginn Jr. and Greg Camrillo while being coached by Sparano which just so happened to be our OC. Now the reason Sanchez played so bad was because of Sparano and no receivers to throw to. :lol: And now the cycle continues. Sanchez will be so much better with a new OC. :rolleyes:

    If you haven't figured out that Sanchez is NOT a franchise QB, then you never will.

    I honestly don't think you guys will still have a clue even when Sanchez is a backup somewhere. I guarantee that you guys will have an excuse waiting for me when that day comes in the near future.
  4. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    How about the absolutely horrid and disappointing end to 2011? The last few games of the season were some of the worst of the year, and those are the most important games of the season. Thats where he lost who he was- his role as a "gamer". He lost all "swag" and confidence and that carried over to this year. 2011 might have been the most disappointing year of all. We were set up to win big, and the team and Mark completely fell apart at the end.

    If thats his best season, its telling on his career as a whole.
  5. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    If Sanchez did not have that gross contract, he would have been cut last month and this discussion would not be happening.
  6. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    which is exactly why it amazes me that it is not only occurring but that there are so many people actually defending the guy.

    its really quite fascinating.
  7. Ben Had

    Ben Had Active Member

    Nov 19, 2011
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    WOW...this is an outstanding post...not because I thing sanchez is marginal but it really shows facts!

    It will be interesting to see who try to argue the other side:beer:
  8. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Wrong again, Sanchez Lover.
  9. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I don't think it's all that many. Maybe five or six hard core Sanchez Fans. Don't let the facts get in the way of their love for him.
  10. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    I just typed out a long reply and deleted by mistake so I will just summarize.

    2009- Sanchez was a rookie played well for a rookie

    2010- Took the team to the AFCC was up and down but played well in the Post season we though we had our Franchise QB- Now fans go back and critisize really amazing.

    2011- Took away 90% of his weapons and decimated the o-line. He still played well but had sporadically. Struggled down the stretch but rumor had it he was hurt.

    2012- Replace schotty with another first time OC Sparano he proves overwhelmed. Despite Keller, Kerly, Holmes, Chaz, Hill being hurt most of the preseason Sanchez starts of strong playing well against Buffalo, Miami, Houston and New England and the Colts a couple breaks the Jets get through the hardest part of their schedule with a winning record. Losses not on Sanchez.

    In true Sanchez fashion and with a decimated recieving core he struggles the next two games. Again, like Sanchez does he bounces back against the Rams and has one of his best games.

    The the New England game Mark comes out plays well driving the team and the throws the ill advised pic but NE still has 80 yards to go. Does not matter drives and Scores.

    A fumble by Greene an 85 yd swing pass kickoff fumble and the now infamous butt fumble put the Jets in a hole they cant get out of. When things settled Sanchez actually played well going 26-36 passing.

    The after math killed Sanchez the media and the piling on of the fans over the "Butt Fumble" was to much for Sanchez and he crumbled. Playing the worst game I have ever seen against Arizona, and just when you think he would bounce back against the Titans (Like he usually does) he got Tebowed and played another horrific game.

    So yes I still have faith in Sanchez we will see if has recovered from the "butt fumble" or if the fans or media will let him. He has shown if nothing else over his four career resilience now he just needs to show some consistency. That usually comes with good weapons and good coaching.

    I am rooting for you Mark.
  11. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Yet, you fail to bring up the Tebow and OC ... there's a reason why Sparano was demoted. Real mature, yet you've called me out for my credibility? Someone literally thinks your a new Jet fan -

    Instead of acquiring Tebow and trading picks, don't you think it would of been a better idea to maybe get a WR, or a TE? While the kid is here, better make the best of it.

    Back onto the topic I'm more in the middle, I want the kid to succeed, but in the end it's prob too late - He's done some dumb ass shit, but at the same time this organization did a pretty shitty job. If anything it's not the interceptions that piss me off, it's the damn fumbles and the over-willingness to make a play when nothing is there.

    Plenty of blame to go around, I guess the haters think the Jets FO does everything right all of the time? So they don't bring up the revolving door at the skill position and the shitty OC that proved to be shitty with Pennington as the QB?

    No point in hating on a QB that will more than likely start. I doubt Garrard is beating him out - Kolb still isn't even here and even so he's shell-shocked also.

    It's going to be a really interesting season. He's got the OC, he's got some decent weapons let's see what the kid's final go around entails
  12. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    I have not heard one so called Sanchez lover say otherwise. I just hear he sucks he is inaccurate etc etc.

    The truth be told he maybe shot but this kid bounces back and if he can bounce back from this he will be a jet for along time.

    If not he is gone. The other agendas from posters like bigblocker that thinks he is smarter than everybody is what is annoying.

    Truthbtold and laxin are just pissed jets fans I can understand that. Give the kid a chance in this system if he fails we are no worse off. Kolb or any other jag is not the answer. A new good will have to come out of the draft.
  13. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I don't think any else thinks a JAG is the answer. They just trust the JAG to hold the fort more than Sanchez and be a solid backup for Sanchez if he fails and implodes again. If Sanchez was our only option this year, and he sucks, then we are forced into where we were before Sanchez, no QB but forced to take one in the draft and start immediately. Now we are in a position if we get a JAG that if Sanchez sucks, we can still draft a QB but don't have to AND and we have this JAG hold the fort until the new QB is ready.

    There is just as much a possibility of Sanchez becoming extremely better as there is of him continuing his downward spiral. I see him becoming an average to slightly below average QB. This would be an improvement from last year, but not enough improvement to keep him at this money
  14. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    I agree with you except I see Sanchez with a bigger upside. If he implodes he is gone no if, and's or "butts"
  15. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The problem is that if Sanchez implodes again on the Jets watch he's probably going to take Rex with him as well. People are forgetting that Sanchez play in 2012 was a step down from 2011. If he steps down again the Jets really will be a bad team next season. That's what the franchise should be avoiding at all costs. It is pie in the sky to suck for a top 3 pick.
  16. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    It was only a step down the last few games with some extenuating circumstances. Pretty big ones. His problem is not talent it's turnovers stop the turnovers Sanchez will be a very good QB in this league.

    I never said put all your eggs in the Sanchez basket if he sucks or gets beat out Garrard will play and that is the end to Sanchez. If we are out of playoff contention and we drafted a QB they will play.

    Rex job will be based on how the team performs. Are they trending upward with young talent shining or imploding coming down the stretch again. That is both offense and defense. The first Rex keeps his job the latter Rex is gone.

    First eleven games Sanchez 10 picks after the "Butt" fumble last four 8 picks. That Pats game killed Sanchez mentally.
    #5856 cval, Mar 21, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2013
  17. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I am sure I don't know what you are talking about in "calling you out" - do you mean in some other thread? My quote was from a poster who said I was new to Jet fandom.

    ANd I certainly do not think the Jet FO always does everything right, and I certainly was not only opposed to but appalled by the Tebow trade.

    And I am happy they replaced SParano with Marty.

    None of those things make Mark Sanchez a good Qb, though. He sucks.
  18. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Do you mean you think he has a higher % of getting better than becoming worse?

    Just thinking about it, I see a 60% chance he just becomes slightly below average to average. Okay, not great. 20% he takes another step down, 20 % chance he looks like a new player under MM.

    Getting a top 3 picks means we might land a franchise QB, but our D won't be up to par with it since Rex would be on his way out. Tough situation to be in.
  19. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    I don't see the Jets roster being any worse than last year and we won 6 games and could have won nine. We won't be getting a top three pick unless we trade up for it.
  20. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Sanchez was terrible for most of the season. His December was another step down with 1 TD and 8 Int's in the month but that shouldn't cloud the fact that he was really bad all season. He had a 4 game stretch right after the opener where he threw 132 passes at a 43.9% completion rate.

    This is just not a debate. Mark Sanchez is a bad QB at this point in his career. He's never been a good one but he has gone to outright stinks recently.

    The reason I've gone completely off of him is that he has sucked horribly in December two years running now and he didn't look good last year at any point after the opener.

    If his name was Rex Grossman would it make it easier for you to open your eyes and see what's in front of you? Kyle Boller? Jamarcus Russell? Blaine Gabbert? Brady Quinn? Vince Young? Matt Leinart? Jason Campbell? J.P Losman? Byron Leftwich? David Carr? Joey Harrington? Patrick Ramsey?

    There have been a lot of bad QB's drafted in the first round over the last decade. Mark Sanchez clearly belongs on that list at this point. There have been some good QB's drafted in the first round also and all of them had shown that by year four.

    We're done. If Sanchez has any life in front of him as an NFL QB it's not playing in front of a hostile crowd that is conditioned to expect him to turn the ball over at the worst times. It's not playing with a group of players who expect the same.

    Rebuilding means what you had before failed and now needs to be replaced. Sanchez is #1 on the list of things that need to get knocked out of the structure and replaced.
    #5860 Br4d, Mar 21, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2013
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