So 17a, we would be $95? The press release only mentioned expanding the $50 zone in the UD and that wont be us. I got my installment plan e-mail, and doing the math, the seats are $105 and the parking $200 plus $4 handing fee but that was based on the total I got, there was no specific breakdown. Your total season ticket invoice amount due is $3,354.00. This will be broken into four installments of approximately $838.50.
i made this up as an example of what i thought MIGHT happen. sorry then i had a meeting with my boss after the post sorry for the confusion
Here is the new seating price charts: Nothing really changed. $95, $105 and $125 seats all pretty much stayed the same. Rows 14-16 in the end zone are still $75 but rows 17-19 are also now $50. Section 342 rows 17-26 are $75 and section 343 rows 17-26 are $50.
thats new??? i dont see any changes and i havent got an email yet and i still get an error code on my jets account
i had a feeling the jets would put out the ticket stuff during the ncaa tournament to try an slide it under us
Terrific. We all need to call the ticket office. If you buy in Sec 343 Row 17 for $50 and slide down to Row 1, where does that leave us? Reduce our prices too, or we fucking leave.
They put out a letter on their site last Friday. That's why I had asked if anyone was going to move to the $50 seats but they worded the letter very poorly. It stated that all $75 tickets would be $50 so I was tempted to move until I realized there are still $75 tickets. Also part of the coaches club was changed to the Chase Lexus Club or something. It's on the map but those tickets are now $255 but no coaches club access. There is also 2,013 prizes the sooner you pay the sooner you get them. What a joke that will be.
There you go assuming incorrectly again. The person I rent my seats to was my next store homeowner for like 25 years so your calling him a "outsider" is totally out of context & yes 314 is hypocrite #1 for doing what he is doing which is exactly the same that I do. Heck my renter pays face who knows if 314 rents his tix out also but also charges a vig:sad:
The Upper Deck seats should just be made free. First to show up, first choice of seat. Why the heck not!? Basically already are. After all the Jets have made sure to point out that they are the No.1 priority. Pathetic.
And no 1/2 parking or food coupons this year. Instead you're placed into a competition between all season ticket holders - and get this, the sooner you pay the better chances you have! - of winning one of 2,013 prizes (get it?) and the prizes are the same things that were offered to all fans last year. Oh, and if you paid in ACH payments last year, the Jets will start deducting money out of your bank account on April 15 unless you call and tell them you'd like to pay in full by May 15. Gotta love it. Oh and next year the Upper level gets $20 seats. :breakdance:
Bro 2010 I paid in installments. Last year u couldn't do payments and get the prize if u did it before. Well guess what?? I got half parking AND it was in yellow. Squeaky door gets the grease and as soon as I get my invoice I will start squeaking. Actually hell ill start today. I will let them know the jets season tix are a luxury not a necessity anymore.
I called this afternoon and asked for an upgrade. He said the usual... that "after May 15th" they will know who has not renewed and there's no telling before then as to anything available. Okay... Fine. But I said, "Last year when I called at that time, you told me you had 'already printed the tickets and nothing could be changed.' " So he didn't know about that, of course, and told me to call back after May 15th. I don't know. It's still always going to be a crap shoot when you call. Call too soon, you're told to call back. Call after the "tickets are already printed," you called too late. All part of the colossal Fuck Around. "Fuck Around the Upper Deck People from the very beginning and Fuck Them Around from now until eternity. Fuck them Around every time they call and Fuck Them Around until their God-Damned, so-called "Seniority" that we promised them isn't worth two shits. Fuck them Around until they fucking give up altogether. And then we will have Fucked Them Around until we made them ALL surrender their seats and then we can start from scratch with NOBODY having any seniority at all!"
its a shame that you have to be that way about it but its really the only way to do things. im not that type of person who calls and complains or asks for extra shit but they just force you to do it and all the stories from you and 227 and 17a and others are just proof that you have to badger them and make them understand that you will drop them like a bad habit in order to get any attention from them.
My dad sister and tailgate crew were all a nervous wreck when I didn't renew. I was ready to walk away and I don't like the whole cherry picking idea. I'm not keeping $1-2 k worth of tailgate equipment to use 3-4 times a year. I got the run around they had nothing better and then I didn't pay and they called up with a couple locations. I liked the first row idea and they were on the aisle so we got them. My dad sat in the seats last year and was very happy and I've been given instructions by both him and my sister we are not going to ever move from where we are now. Now it's just trying to get a way to lower prices. I already heard on another board that they sent an upgrade to people in rows 23-26 to move down to rows 17-19 that just opened up in the $50 zone. I already predict that rows 23-26 will drop to $30-$40 for this season. They will do another relocation again and then lower prices where necessary. This is my prediction for the record.
im OK with my seat. it could be better.there are still 6 rows in front of me so i will continue till i get there. im not ok with the price.