If he truly said this, I think we should prepare for something we have not seen since the likes of the Kotite era: Woody Johnson: "We’ve made some dynamic changes. When the fans see what we’re doing, what we’ve put together, I think they’ll be very happy"
I would get excited about this, but its probably that they put up a new poster in the the entrance of the stadium. Hopefully I'm wrong and they traded Revis for Aaron Rodgers or something of that sort.
It's probably something like this. Maybe he's talking about repricing seats with the demand like the Mets have. At this point, who really knows?
This guy and Idzik get mauled by the comments section on ESPN. Do you guys think they are real Jets fans or just trolls? I mean it is God awful. I think Idzik is making all of the right moves to get us low cost gap fillers and build through the draft. You cannot judge him until you see the product in 2 years am I right?
Nothing that comes from Woody Johnson surprises me. One of the most clueless owners in sports and it's not even close. His main job is to just stay out of the way and keep his wallet open.
Please note that this was not a direct quote from Johnson's twitter, but numerous Tweets reporting Johnson said it: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sclien...40,d.dmQ&fp=e086204f65cfae40&biw=1366&bih=587
Also, Revis is gone. Posters posting stuff about they better be giving him a new contract and stuff like that, it's a waste. He's gone.
Link to a similar quote: http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/jets/jet_out_RvOAZvEnLb8qqRXHUKoGbN?utm_medium=rss&utm_content=Jets “Twenty to 25 percent of a team changes every year,” Johnson said. “We’re not making these changes to get worse. We won six games last year. I’m upset, and I know what the fans are thinking. “When the fans get to see what we’ve put together, people are going to be very happy,” Johnson added. “I think you’ll see a new culture coming through. At the end of the day, we’ll put a winning team on the field.”
Oh my God! What a dick. I can't believe he said that. This is the most despicable, vile, stupid, inane thing I have ever read uttered from a human being's mouth. Blah Blah Blah. People need to chill the fuck out and stop acting like their hair's on fire when it comes to the Jets. It's a process. We need to take our time and build something from the ground up.
Jesus Christ......this is news? Close this thread already. Why not just post every story written in the post......Wasting my time!
part of me wants to believe the notion of well what is he supposed to say...... however, he has been giving the company line for the better part of 2 years now and its about time for a little realism. i would be more comfortable with something like "well, we had to get a bit leaner in terms of salary cap and create some competition at certain positions so many of these moves weren't unexpected. we have some good, young talent targeted in free agency and will of course be looking to fill out some positions via the draft." i can do without the nonsense about fans and what they are gonna be excited about.
The first part, is can MM rehab Sanchez...(jftr...i think he can)....otherwise youre talking about a new QB, and that wastes another year...... They dont have as many holes as the doomcriers are making it out to be, so, with the talent in FA, and a good draft, if they can avoid the injury bug...it should be ok.
im the first one to kill woody, i think he is an ass and an asshole. however i cant kill him for this one at this point. the real bs will start when his "new" jets fans he was so worried about start to jump off the upper deck and psl bandwagon. THAT is when you want to start listening to his traveling road show of bullshit.