Mornhinweg : Tebow is a Jet

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by CowboysFan, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Credit goes to : Sports Babe Brandi for digging this up.

    My personal thoughts are a big LOL at the Jets......they want to make sure Tebow's career is completely destroyed before letting him go at the last possible minute.

    Marty Mornhinweg is talking again this morning and it sounds like there's a very good chance that Tim Tebow will continue to be a NY Jet...and Marty will find how to make it work.

    New Jets OC Mornhinweg on Tebow "I've talked to Tim and he's part of this football team...we had a long discussion and some thoughts there."Kristian Dyer (@KristianRDyer)

    Mornhinweg on Tebow: "The man can play football, how to utilize him is the key." Kristian Dyer (@KristianRDyer)

    MARCH 11, 2013 1:41 PM
    Marty Mornhinweg says that Mark Sanchez 'will probably have just a little bit of a leg up' in Jets quarterback competition

    Mark Sanchez “will probably have just a little bit of a leg up” in the Jets quarterback competition this offseason, according to new offensive coordinator Marty Mornhinweg. The Jets will add a couple more signal callers into the mix via free agency and likely the draft, but it looks like Sanchez has a slight edge entering the competition.

    Mornhinweg also admitted on Monday that he’s spoken to Tim Tebow, who was a non-factor last season.

    “I certainly like to have competition at every position, including the quarterback spot,” Mornhinweg said in his first comments to reporters since getting hired this offseason. “Mark will probably have just a little bit of a leg up it would appear. But I would like to have competition at that position as well as all the other positions. There are a select few on this football team that have kind of earned the right to step in there as No. 1 on the depth chart. But I would certainly like competition at all of our other spots, including the QB spot.”

    Sanchez finished a forgettable fourth season that included 26 turnovers and the first benching of his career.

    “He’s played some awfully good games,” Mornhinweg said of Sanchez’s career. “It’s been just a touch scatter. So that’s our responsibility. He’s proven that he can play at a winning level, at a high level…. He’s proven that he can make all the throws. So now his challenge and our challenge is playing at that level on a much more consistent basis.”

    Tebow, who is expected to be released this offseason, had a talk with Mornhinweg, who praised his skill set.

    “We had a long discussion,” Mornhinweg said. “He’s got my thoughts on the situation and he has some thoughts as well. If he’s on this football team, which he is right now, then I would do it a certain way and try to utilize all of our players that can help us win a football game.”

    If Tebow remains on the roster, Mornhinweg made it clear that he’ll be a quarterback.

    “First of all, he would be taking reps at quarterback and then some of his other skills could certainly help a football team,” Mornhinweg said. “What he did in Denver (two seasons ago), that was something else. So, the man can play football. So, how do you utilize him would certainly be the key. So, he’s on our football team right now.”

    “It’s my duty and responsibility to have some thoughts on how he could help us win the next football game,” Mornhinweg said. “So I have put an awful lot of thought into that. He certainly has some skill to do that. I will say. He’s got some quarterback skills. As a quarterback, the gut instincts are real important and he certainly has that…. Just talking in general (about) quarterbacks, the decision making is key as well as the accuracy and timing. He certainly has some of that. That’ll be interesting to see exactly where he’s at.”

    NOTE: Mornhinweg said that he hasn’t spoken to Santonio Holmes yet. But he expects him to be ready and recovered from his LisFranc foot injury some time before training camp.
    #1 CowboysFan, Mar 11, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2013
  2. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    This is why I think most Teboners are crazy. People like you and this "Sports boob" or whatever his name is claim that Tebow didn't get to start, because the Jets are afraid Tebow would win and make them look bad for not doing it sooner. Then you guys say they don't really want to cut him loose because he will win and make them look bad. ...and now you are saying the Jets are actually out to DESTROY his career.

    Only to those that think Tim Tebow is the center of the universe. Never once has it crossed any of your minds that maybe Tebow just isn't that damn good. Instead you gotta believe the whole world is out to get Timmy.

    It's good that Morningwood wants to look at Tebow's skillset and try to use him. but we have heard all that before. I recall a lot of people telling me the Broncos were going to do the same and work with him... didn't happen. He goes to the Jets, and we hear what a great football player the thought he was. One look at practice, and he was tried out as punt protector.

    I think before you get too excited about Morningweg and his chat with Tebow on how to use him, just remember, he hasn't even had a practice with him yet. Tebow's "thoughts," since he whined about being a wildcat QB prior to the season ending, were probably along the lines of him getting quality time at starter, or at least getting more plays as a QB rather than a sort of RB. While it does sound wonderful that he wants to give Tebow some reps, just remember that there is limited time between games thanks to the new CBA limiting hours, and even two a days during camp. When it comes time to gameplan for the week, a lot of these comments some of you might be taking at face value as some sort of a promise will go out the window.

    We've pretty much heard all this before. Seems to go out the window once the playcallers get a look at him up close.

    EDIT - Looks like Garrard was signed by the Jets. looks like for Tebow it is back to wildcat gimmicks and bench time.

    ....and the funniest part: Tim Tebow CHOSE his current team. :rofl:
    #2 Concerned_Citizen, Mar 12, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2013
  3. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    The whole idea that people are out to destroy Tim's career is silly but it manifests itself to varying degrees in pro-Tebow arguments. You see the typical "Rex/Fox/Elway/Sparano will be damned if they let him succeed (or some variation of that.) My question is why? NFL people do not benefit by holding him back. In fact, any GM or coach could gain a great deal from just being associated with any Tebow success. Mike McCoy probably turned that association into a head coaching job regardless of how much he had to do with it. Any coach that produces a winning season with a shit pile at QB is going to be thought of as a genius capable of coaching anyone. If the kids fails, it isn't the coaches fault because he was a crappy player to begin with...there is no evidence anyone is trying to destroy his career. It appears he is being held back by his own inadequacies.
  4. Bill Belichdouche

    Bill Belichdouche Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
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    Hopefully he's just pulling a tannenbaum
  5. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    Tim is not the first openly christian or left handed or white or UF alum or chin bearded or 6 ft+, QB the league has ever seen. In all honesty, there is nothing Tim has done professionally that distinguishes him from other marginal NFL talents that have come before him. This is another reason I doubt the conspiracy theories. Why would any NFL team contribute resources and publicity to ruin a back up player's career. Do people believe this about David Akers, Vince Young, Charles Rogers?
  6. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    You realize marty ball is a term that has nothing to do with morningwood, right?

    This is obviously posturing on the Jets part making a last ditch effort to get teams to throw something their way in a trade before they cut him.
  7. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I don't get it either. Every coach is paid to win games. If they thought, as Teboners do, that putting Tebow in automatically generates wins, they'd do it. If they try to formulate a plan, and they see him throwing dirt missiles in practice, they're probably not going to stick him in there on some faith that no matter how shitty he plays, they somehow will win.

    Yet it never really crosses their mind that maybe it is because they think Tebow sucks. Never even crosses their mind. Much easier to believe there is some conspiracy out there to screw him over instead... to what gain? One can only guess. To the Teboners, it seems they buy into the "saving face" theory thinking Rex wouldn't be able to deal with the criticism of not going to Tebow sooner if he were dropped in there and they suddenly started winning.

    Easier to blame it on a tatoo I guess.

    He's not the first for any of those things, and not even the first with several of those qualities. He's a media creation. That is about the only thing "special" about him.
    #7 Concerned_Citizen, Mar 12, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2013
  8. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Please find me where I have ever said that, you won't because I haven't.

    You continue to make stuff up out of thin air and I continue to call you out on it. Stop attributing other things people say to me, its not cool and it keeps happening.

    I just copied the title over. I know who Marty Shottenheimer is since I have been watching football since 1977.

    He has a winning record as a starter in the NFL in 16 games started and is 1-1 in the playoffs. That alone puts him above the "marginal talent" as you put it.
    #8 CowboysFan, Mar 12, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2013
  9. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    "My personal thoughts are a big LOL at the Jets......they want to make sure Tebow's career is completely destroyed before letting him go at the last possible minute."

    Was this line not your words? The jets are out to screw Tebow?

    I also didn't make that line up out of thin air. I might be mistaken as to who it was that said it, (all you Teboners look alike) but more than one of your bretheren right here in this forum definately said Ryan didn't play Tebow because Ryan was afraid of looking bad for not going to Tebow sooner when he inevitably won games and took them to the playoffs.

    I'll try to find it.
  10. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Well, here is one by Backup-QB.

    I believe this is what we in the Army call "CYA" or "Cover Your Ass". If Tebow succeeded, it would have made Rex Ryan look like an even bigger fool for not starting him earlier. Having factual proof that your idiocy cost your team a playoff run is a sure way to get fired. If McElroy succeeds, he can just say, "Well who would have known McElroy would have been the answer?" - Backup QB.

    That took me 5 minutes to find. I'll try to find more, but I can assure you I didn't just pull that out of thin air. Some of you actually believe that horseshit.

    If I was mistaken that you were one that said this, then my bad, but if I'm bringing it up, then I definately did see it somewhere.
  11. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I merely stated that Tebow succeeding would make Rex look foolish for not starting him earlier. At no point did I say he was purposely screwing Tebow out of some vendetta. In fact I specifically stated he was covering his ass. Those are two very different concepts.
  12. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    The idea of having "proof" that not starting Tebow cost the Jets a playoff spot is horseshit too. The fact that Tebow started for a playoff team in 2011 does not mean he would have had the same win/loss record. Before anyone gets pissy let me offer Eli Manning and the Giants.
    Giants/Eli Manning won the Super Bowl in 2011 ---> Giants/Eli Manning must have made the playoffs and won the Super Bowl this year as well.....right?
  13. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    We are talking about hypotheticals here. "If" and "then" conditional statements.
  14. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    BQB, you lost me. Who is using "if" and "then" statements? Me or you?
  15. SF MoneyBags

    SF MoneyBags Member

    Dec 19, 2012
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    I also disagree that Tebow succeeding would make Rex look foolish. Any coach that replaces an underperforming starter with a guy that goes on to succeed (addressing the scenario you presented) looks smart or at least competent for doing so. Right or wrong, John Fox's move to Tebow looked pretty smart; after Orton was benched, his replacement played well in an important playoff game. The move made sense based on Orton's performance and I don't think many people thought Foxy was foolish.
    I offer that up as another reason why the conspiracy theories lack substance.
  16. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    That was sarcasm CC...give me a break man.

    I have stated many times why I think tebow was not played.

    I thought it was that he sucked in practice, when the jets QB coach said that that was not the case, the only logical explanation is that they needed to let Sanchez work it out no matter what because of his contract , with another possibility being that even if Tebow got in and won some games and did well, they did not think it was sustainable. They wanted him for the wildcat, Sporano's general suckhood combined with Tebow's weight gain and slower running torpedoed that (I have watched him since high school and never had I seen him that slow with absolutely zero quickness and guess who asked him to gain 20+ pounds? right...)

    Those are logical explanations.

    The Jets destroy a lot of careers, not just Tebow's, because the coach and FO of the organization blow. Its not personal to a particular player , they universally blow. I am pretty sure every Jet fan on these boards feels that the previous coach +FO combo blew and the current one is not exactly setting the world on fire.

    That's fine BUQ is entitled to his opinion and I respect it (we differ on this one but agree on most) but you specifically said I said it.

    So again.... I would appreciate it if you stop making stuff up about me.
    #16 CowboysFan, Mar 12, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2013
  17. Passepartout

    Passepartout Active Member

    Feb 14, 2004
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    Well come 2013 opening day or training camp, Tebow will be just a memory. Meaning he will no longer be a Jet. Want to bet!
  18. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    we can only hope
  19. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Collectively, as a group, "we" are discussing hypotheticals.
  20. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    The problem is that the example he used by quoting me does not allege what he says it does. It does not make an accurate correlation.

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