How many AFCGs have been @ home since 1960 excluding the 1968 PO game vs Oak? With the squad that is presently projected IMHO it may be as long as 5 & most likely 7/10 years before the NYJs are SB caliber team. Lets see who will be gone by then The new GM RR Mangold Revis Probably Woody who will take his profit & run Kerley Cro Slow Mo Harris Fergy The rest of the OL I did not include such marginal players as Greene-De Vito as others like them Pouhla Hopefully Bradshit :sad:
I could if I actually believe you & others like you were actually being sarcastic so I guess that means you have to regain your creditability with me. In case you are interested my personnel opinion of you amongst other on this board are you are NYJ fans with zero NYJ common sense whenever the NYJs are mentioned. :sad:
The NYJ server must be so small since I received a Email to contact them & when I did it said the server was busy & they place me on there waiting list so I could access my account :sad:
I'm a buyer for lowers @ $100 per game, no preseason and no PSL, with a significant discount on parking. Otherwise it's all stubhub for even less than that
If you have no changes to your account profile, just ignore their email. You're not making changes, so you don't even need to log in.
Prediction Man, you are being generous. You'll have plenty of takers on that deal. This team is going to stink up that new place right out of the gate. I anticipate the season being over by the Bye. Prices on StubHub will hit ridiculous, unenvisioned levels. The most expensive game will be the Pats game at $75 in the lowers and $45 in the uppers if you're near the rail and $30 if not. All the rest, as the season draws to an ugly, ugly finish, will eventually taper off to $40 in the lowers and $20 in the uppers across the board. This will be the final capitulation of STHers... this year. No other year will mark as drastic a reduction in ticket sales as 2013. It'll be all over the news media. Hell, it is now.
I tried to contact the Jets through the online chat and of course they said prices aren't being announced yet. I think they're full of it at this point. After that letter we got from Woody on Saturday I'm worried that prices for us will be the same and he will send some malarky that Hurricane Sandy will cause him to keep prices the same. Then in June we will see upper deck prices go down again. Either way I know I'll somehow buy them again. I missed two games last year and hated watching them from home. I'm guessing we will see a lot of Steelers and Raiders fans at the stadium for those two games.
This was going to happen anyway but yes I think this year it will be worse :sad: not only these teams but you will see many opposing fans at most other games as well. Woody and his brochure once said " we now have a place to call our own " but I don't think this was what they had planned on ! What a shame that they built this warehouse of a stadium and put these crazy prices on tickets and worse yet alienated long time season ticket holders like myself ! I dont care what they offer I will NEVER purchase season tix again. Will I attend games ? Yes I will cherry pick as I have been doing , and save ca$h and decide if the game is worth going to . There is nothing like tailgating and attending games but my tailgate is GONE ,,,,no one attends games any longer from my tailgate and the people in the seats next to you in your section change week to week,, and that is in the lowers as well as the uppers :sad:
EXACTLY !! I've been going to games since Shea . Having the same people around you every week was enjoyable . Woody has ruined the atmosphere at games FOREVER !!!! I'll continue to attend games , but it's not the same .
Yes, you are correct, and seriously, my own personal opinion is that Woody will be offering nothing. Nothing. It is all wishful thinking and our conjecture on our part as to "what he SHOULD do," but the reality is, he will do nothing. No price reductions. No price concessions on Preseason games. MAYBE the same break we got with parking... maybe. But everything else we think he SHOULd do, he won't. Not YET, anyway. Because like you say, come June you will start hearing all kinds of radio ads on the FAN and elsewhere advertising $50 tickets. $50 seats for newbie walk-ins with NO strings attached... no commitment for seasons, no Preseason games to pay for. ZIP. THAT is what is so freaking annoying about this process. We have to foot the entire bill for Preseasons and Parking (parking even for the Preseasons!) and the newbie walk-in not only gets his seat for $50, he doesn't foot the bill for any of the other stuff. So now the newbie sits next to me. My seat was $125 and he works his way down past security and sits in Row 2. Now what the hell am I supposed to think about that? That's the unbelievable part. That Woody has to know how much he is pissing off the old timers and yet he doesn't give a shit.
If he leaves the prices the same (and I believe he will), the ONLY hammer the UDers have left is to tell them we want another upgrade again. If they're going to charge us full price up the whazoo and give away thousands of tickets thru SH later this summer, the only thing we can do is improve our seats once again. This way, you at least have SOME value to what you are doing. Other than getting that, I really don't see why people will hang around and pay full price for this stuff again, especially knowing you can get into the stadium ANY TIME YOU WANT and for ANY GAME YOU want and probably do it at considerably less than face and without the Preseasons and Parking for Preseasons. Hell, even if you had to pay over face for the cherry-picked game you want to attend, you're STILL ahead of the game big time.
For me I don't want to move my seats again. I don't want to make into a higher price level and there were a few regulars by me who I liked so I would like to keep the location. It also doesn't hurt that I just had a third surgery on my leg and it will take about a year to fully recover to the elevator being by my seats and the first row help quite a bit. Only thing I need is a cheaper ticket at this point. I'm certain there will be some kind of bonus. Probably reduced parking. We will all find out soon enough. If anyone talks to a rep and finds out prices please post here ore PM me.
You should talk to a rep and tell him of your physical needs. Maybe you will get premium seats at like UD prices. Woody doesn't have a humanitarian clue, but some in his orgaization do.
Here is a suggestion to you whiners & moaners use social media to get back at Woody Open up a Facebook & Twitter pages call them I hate the stadium or the NYJs stink or Woody screwed me & instead of constantly going over the same old garbage. On this board it reaches very few ears but if you were to alert Cimini, Manish, Canny that the pages are up & running & just maybe you may find some success & the best thing it cost you zero but the time to enroll & set up the pages :sad:
I sometimes buy/sell tickets to different things. A friend contacted me yesterday asking what I thought about 49ers PSLs. I went to their website to check out their offers. When you go to their webpage on the bottom they give you options to buy tickets through the computer and all. That stadium is so much nicer than Metlife. Only thing that stinks is the $2k upper deck PSL. They also offer financing but even they aren't sold out and this is a team that was just in the Super Bowl. The one nice part. A 3 year price lock.