Do you think if RG3 continues to be successful in the NFL that teams might be more willing to give up a kings ransom to get a top QB?
What does RG3 have to do with it? teams have been willing to do anything for years to go after the top flight QB's. Most often though, teams in position to draft the top end QB prospect are there becasue they need one as well and are unwilling to trade.
It's possible RG3 will end the trend of taking running QB's up high in the 1st round. He's a great player and worth every pick spent on him - right up until the point his knees go for good. I'm thinking with QB's being the most valuable position on the field that what you really want is a guy who you can design a great protection and passing scheme around to minimize the hits he takes and the plays where he is vulnerable in the open field. Sanchez has absolutely had the crap beat out of him over the last 4 years, a lot of it on him because he wasn't very smart about protecting himself in the first two years and a lot on the Jets because they put him in harm's way a lot during the last two.
Excuse my ignornance when it comes to the draft but we dont get to see a hugh amount of college ball over here. But would anybody be willing to take a chance on Marcus Lattimore in the 2nd? Thats obv based on the assumption that he wont now go in round 1. If he falls far enough is there logic in taking him and putting him away to recover then if he does work out we have a real running threat and the ball is no longer in the air. Is the risk worth the reward? or am i making no sense?