Tebow's fans will be his end

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by LeonNYJ, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. usc1978

    usc1978 New Member

    May 29, 2011
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    Well, you were ignoring Sanchez' success because they occurred early in his career, I thought we could do the same to Tebow who failed in the latter part of his as well.

    Tebow isn't anything like the guys that are having success as running/passing QBs. The main difference is that they can all throw the ball. Tebow can't. There's a reason the teams in the NFL agree with the sentiment here. It's because he's not good enough. And now he's also proven that he's not a team player, so he doesn't even have that going for him anymore.
  2. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    but it DOES make quarterbacks look better when defenses back off. I don't know why you continue to ignore that and insist it was all about the playcalling and Tebow really is that damn good if only the Broncos went into that approach the whole game.

    I'm simply not buying it. If he were good, he still should have been able to complete more passes when he was called to do so. he coudln't, they punted more as a result. They ended up calling more plays that he COULD do. Plain and simple. Fact is, defenses changed up, they lost. The one that didn't, ended that last drive as quickly as all the others. Period.
  3. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    But I thought all he did was win?
  4. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Umm, no, he hasn't proven that he isn't a team player. That's a RUMOR that you are perpetuating, one that Tebow has flatly denied, a denial that NO ONE has come forward to contradict.

    You can continue to spout that crap as often as you like, but rest assured, I'll happily call you out on it each time you do.
  5. usc1978

    usc1978 New Member

    May 29, 2011
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    Yeah, but I think most people don't take your opinion too seriously after you jumped on the, "Tebow didn't get to pick New York" buffoonery rather than just say, "Yeah, he fibbed about that, but that's because he didn't want to hurt his hometown fans' feelings."

    Tebow is clearly not a team player. He blatantly tried to sabotage McElroy rather than support him.
  6. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    The point is, the offensive alignment is what dictated the defensive coverage. Remember when I talked about going 5 wide and you rather ignorantly claimed that defenses would leave guys uncovered, preferring instead to stack the box? You somewhat wisely dropped that line of stupidity, but it seems that you still managed to miss the point.

    There was an article that talked about Belichick sending McDaniels down to Florida to learn at the feet of Urban Meyer. What the Pats were interested in was how to use formations to DICTATE COVERAGE and force mismatches against the Defense.

    Here, lets try a fun game. I'm the OC and you are the DC. I send out 2 TEs, 2 WRs and a speedy running back. Offense lines up in the shotgun. I have 1 WR spread out very wide to each side of the field. I have 1 TE spread out wide on each side of the field as well. The TEs are 2 steps inside and 1 step behind the WRs. RB is to the right of the QB in the shotgun

    How are you going to line up on defense ? What coverage scheme are you going to use ?
  7. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Bullshit on both counts.
  8. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Obviously you can't simply ignore 5 wideouts with only 2 people to cover them.

    but I'm not sold that that it was all about playing the spread, and that Tebow would have been almost unstoppable had they done that all day.

    ...the Broncos didn't just send 2 wideouts all day every game. There were several plays where there were multiple receivers out there running routes. 4, sometimes 5.

    Defenses didn't send 9 EVERY DAMN PLAY either. All they needed to do is keep guys in their lanes, and commit as many people to stopping Tebow as the Broncos committed to blocking, plus one. So if you thought I was arguing to stack 9 100% of the time, you were mistaken.

    Take away Tebow's running by containing rather than blitzing. Make sure he sees that one extra guy coming at him, he will more likely start looking for an exit to run to rather than finding the open guy. He was way too hesitant to throw at times, teams figured that out. This is why he was ineffective. It wasn't because they weren't running the spread more.

    The reason it worked in the 4th quarter, was because teams backed off, didn't contain Tebow, gave him time to think and pick his spots, and it burned them.

    The trick is to STAY on Tebow, limit what he can do with his legs, make him jittery so he'll think more about running than finding the open guy.... and more often than not, his inaccuracy throwing the ball will take care of it for you.

    Watched him get owned that way for 3 1/2 quarters a game.
  9. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Don't know about the sabotage, but there is not doubt Tebow tried to make it look like the choice to go to New York wasn't his.
  10. usc1978

    usc1978 New Member

    May 29, 2011
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    He took away one of the team's weapons (by removing himself from the wildcat), thus hurting McElroy's chances to succeed. Depending on your belief about how much his camp leaked stuff to the press, he also made his situation a distraction for the team. At the very least, he didn't focus his effort on helping his teammate, he focused his efforts on his own situation.
    #130 usc1978, Feb 15, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2013
  11. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I don't think I ever said that he would be unstoppable. If I did, I didn't mean it literally. I mean, if I said that Aaron Rodgers is unstoppable, would you presume that means that he's going to get a TD every time he steps on the field ? Of course not.

    Several plays ? Yeah, SEVERAL plays over the course of 3 quarters of 11 games. SEVERAL whole plays huh ?

    Yes, but when the Broncos went with 2 TE sets and kept the TE's in to block, that puts more people in the box making it easier to contain Tebow and force him to throw from the pocket. It also means that you only have 2 WRs out in patterns and they can be covered by the #1 and #2 corners.

    Just think about the Jets defense. Wouldn't you love it if teams only sent out 2 WRs to be covered by Revis and Cromartie ? Hell, I'd send the house on every down.

    I have to believe that you really haven't watched Tebow play. The only time he takes off running is if there's a huge clear path in front of him, or if the pocket totally collapses and he really doesn't have another option. Otherwise, he scrambles around and tries to find open receivers, like he did on the TD pass to DT against the Vikings, and the Bears. Or his TD pass to Fells (iirc) against Miami.

    The reason it worked in the 4th Q is because teams had to defend against a Spread offense AND Tebow's threat to run. How is it that you can't understand this ?

    Yeah, but watch the other 1/2 quarter, when they ran the Spread, and things changed completely.

    There are 5 freaking receivers running out in patterns. I ask again, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO DEFEND THAT ? Are you going to go straight man to man on all five with no safeties ? Are you going to double one of the receivers ? Are you going to go Cover1 ? Cover 2 ? Cover 0 ?
  12. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Your problem is that he didn't remove himself from the WC and you can't prove anything to the contrary.

    The fact of the matter is that YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA what Tebow or his camp did. The guy has been in the media spotlight for 7 frakking years and his integrity and dedication to his team and teammates has NEVER been questioned.

    But no, you see a report based on unnamed sources and you immediately jumped on it and take it as gospel. You PRESUME that Tebow's camp leaked stuff to the press about a trade, and that he didn't focus his effort on helping his team or teammates.

    Why am I not surprised ?
  13. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Then you didn't watch the games if you thought the Broncos only ran 2 on pass plays even "most" of the time.

    I'd love it too, except the Broncos didn't only send two. Tebow rarely looked for his checkdowns, which was a knock on him all year. Often had a tight end out there running routes with a third receiver. Thomas, Decker, and Eddie Royal were often all 3 on the field a lot more than you seem to suggest.

    Watched every game, and much of the time he looked lost. He did tone down the running a bit toward the end, but there is no doubt his first instinct is to tuck it in and run. His scrambling was good, but often scrambled outside the pocket when he didn't need to and ended up getting into trouble. He was FAR too hesitant to throw the ball, which led to sacks or throwaways.

    Understand completely, but it just wasn't what happened. They backed off, gave Tebow his space, and he scorched them for it. Props to Tebow for capitalizing, but it is what it is. Stick with what worked all day, you win. Ask Kansas City about that second game.

    I just told you, you'd have to drop some guys back into coverage. Can't stack 9 there, but doesn't mean you can't have enough guys to contain Tebow. But as long as you send at least one more guy than the offensive line can block, the 5 wideouts won't matter because Tebow will either throw in a panic and miss by ten miles, or he will see the guy and try to make a run for it.
  14. usc1978

    usc1978 New Member

    May 29, 2011
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    I've only seen one report contradicting the one that he pulled himself from the WC and that was from Tebow, someone who has proven he's a liar if it serves the purpose of protecting his reputation.
  15. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    OK, if you want to include a back slipping out of the backfield late in the play as a Receiver going out for a route, then yes, the Broncos ran some 3 man routes every now and then. A back, coming out of the backfield, going across the box filled with LBs/.

    That said, I do agree with you about Tebow and checkdowns. It's something he definitely needs to work on. Both in hitting them accurately and consistently, and more importantly, even looking for them to begin with.

    OMG, who are you and where is the real CC? I mean, you're actually kind of making somewhat valid points, which is almost a first.

    Let's be clear. His first instinct is to SCRAMBLE, not to run. I'm being very specific here. Since he's a dual threat QB, saying that his first instinct to "run" means take off running down the field. That isn't what he does. IF he's tracking a reciever, he'll stand in the pocket and deliver the ball while taking a hit. If he isn't tracking, and he feels pressure, he'll scramble out of the pocket and try to find someone to throw to if he can. It's a situational kind of thing. If the pocket is complete collapsing, especially from behind, yes, he'll take off running.

    Does he need to learn to step one way or another and stay in the pocket ? Debateable. That's what Brady does, and everyone praises him for it, but then again, Big Ben and Rodgers avoid pressure by getting out of the pocket and finding receivers down field. At worst, it's a question of degree.

    Lastly, yes, he does need to better recognize when WRs are open and throw the ball instead of waiting for them to have even more separation. That is something that will come with time and experience, as well as with more consistent mechanics.

    Yes, that was what happened. Go look at the Bears game and the Jets game. Think about it. What is Tebow known for aside from running ? He's known for having a very good deep ball. Look at the first KC game, he only completed 2 passes, but one of those was a 50+ yarder to Decker for a TD. So, how do you defend against a Spread offense with a QB who throws a good deep ball ? You go with Cover 2. The other thought here is that you want to force Tebow to have to go down the field in a sustained drive to beat you instead of hitting a bomb to Decker, Royal or DT.

    As for the 2nd KC game, go and look at it. Denver didn't go to the Spread until there was about 4 mins left to play and in the 2nd series, yeah, Tebow threw an int on 4th and 2 with under 12 seconds left to play. Hey, what do you know, the kid isn't perfect.

    "have to drop some guys back into coverage" isn't saying much of anything. I want to know what coverages you would run. Specifically, how many men would you drop back in coverage? What type of coverage would they be playing ? How many safeties ? How many men in the box ?
  16. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    No, he hasn't proven he's a liar.

    Additionally, all you saw was one report co-authored by Cimini and another writer saying that "unnamed sources" claimed that he opted out of the WC.
  17. usc1978

    usc1978 New Member

    May 29, 2011
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    You've already admitted he lied when he said he didn't get to choose his destination.
  18. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Don't recall admitting any such thing.
  19. usc1978

    usc1978 New Member

    May 29, 2011
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    Tebow claimed he had no say in going to the Jets. You've acknowledged that he chose the Jets. Tebow lied. You've acknowledged that.
  20. usc1978

    usc1978 New Member

    May 29, 2011
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    I'll take your lack of response as a concession.

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