I don't like it. Also citing health and age as reasons was terrible. Did he not watch what Pope John Paul II went through? There has to be another reason....
Maybe the man is just in failing health, mental or otherwise and decided to step down so that the Church could have a firm leader at a time when it needed one? Giving up power for the greater good is virtuous, yes?
Probably is doing it because he did watch what PJP2 went through. Also if he has something like Altzheimers or another disease that effects his mental state it is a good move. He was always going to be something of a caretaker pope being elected at such an advanced age.
I never truly felt the same for this pope as I did with one of the greatest ever Pope John Paul II. An amazing Pope. I dont like the look of this...Something must be behind this. No Pope resigns
There can't be any other possibility. He has finally come home to the dark side. In all seriousness, though. He's one of the best popes of all time. Not afraid to ruffle feathers and go against ancient traditions. He finally got the church to accept evolution and the possibility of aliens. This man was a true OG.
I wish him the best. It takes a lot of guts to give up the power (and ego trip) and admit that you are physically and mentally unable to do the job anymore. Not many people would do the same thing in his place. I wish more elderly people would realize that they are incapable of doing their jobs and step aside so we can get some younger people (who can handle the jobs) working.
The "St. Malachy prophesies" were were written over 400 years after his death. Many of the so called prophesies are such general statements that they can be applied to just about anyone. The earlier prophesies are obviously much more accurate because they were written about past events. Anyway, it is well known that Benedict XVI didn't want to be Pope and instead wanted to retire. He accepted in spite of that. It is also well known that he has been talking about retiring for quite a few years. The guy is one of the most brilliant and well educated minds of the past century. A great man and vastly underrated Pope. Plus he loves beer.
Early word from the Vatican is that he resigned to take the job of New York Jets offensive coordinator... move over Morningwood there's a new sheriff in town