I know we haven't had a good QB in a long time and I don't know how closely you watch other teams, but good QBs make their WRs look better. A Peyton Manning would've made a lot of our talentless targets look a lot better. A Jeremy Kerley, for example would've had a great year catching balls from Peyton Manning. I think some of the tight ends would've benefited as well. Cumberland is better than Jacob Tamme for example, a guy Manning made look excellent for a year or two. Manning gets this team the same wins that they had in '12 + he at LEAST doesn't lose @TEN, vs. SD, @BUF... that's at least 9 wins right there... he probably doesn't lose the Miami home game as well. This team would've been in the playoffs. Same screwed up cap situation, same lack of playmakers, same circus atmosphere, but a much better expensive QB... I know it's with the benefit of hindsight, but I'd take that situation anyday.
Yes, it is with the benefit of hindsight.. It's just fun to think about what could've been.. Also, I dont think Manning would've came at all. I think the Jets did try though. Considering how much Rex has just raved over Manning over the years, they must've gotten an emphatic "NO!" for them to stop trying as quickly as they did. The real mistake was the Sanchez extension right after that. Ouch that hurts.
Sure a great reg season QB like Peyton can make his Wrs look better but he's not winning w/ Chaz Schilens as a starter, from day 1 in this league he has had elite weapons to throw to and despite all of that he continues to fail year after year after year when it matters most. Maybe we win 9 games- we still may not make the playoffs and if we make it are one and done like Manning has been most of his career- would that have been worth it? The Jets didn't try, hiring Tony Sparano told us all we needed to know. We had Peyton's longtime Oc on staff in 2011, if we were serious about Peyton we would have named Tom Moore OC. Did they make a call? I'm sure they did but they did not make any serious attempt to try to acquire him.
They (unfortunately) hired Sparano in January. Manning wasn't released until March. There was still a lot of speculation as to whether or not the Colts would keep him until March... The hiring of Sparano didn't mean they weren't going to go after Manning... they didn't even know he'd be available at that time. I think behind the scenes they did more than we thought they did, but got a strong "thanks but no thanks" from Manning. They could've probably done more to get him though. At the time I was unsure he could play at a high level again and wasn't in favor of signing him but damn it's obvious he can and would've been great for our Jets to sign. Lastly, I'm not getting into another Manning debate with you, because you certainly are incredibly biased and delusional about his career, and abilities but he'd had this Jets team winning games last fall and to answer your question it would have been SO worth it.
With Peyton's ability to make his receivers better and our defense, we would have probably even won the division, or at the very least make the playoffs.
They knew as did everyone in the league that he was going to be available and yet they hired Tony Sparano. That is all we need to know. He's played w/ much more talent his entire career but he was going to come here and turn no talent into winners then win w/ them in postseason despite being a failure w/ elite talent. Makes sense. won the division?:lol::lol: we could ahve made the playoffs, I'm guessing we probably win 3 more games w/ Manning but we'd have been 1 and done like he has been so many times, like he was this year at home w/ a bye w/ so much more talent than sanchez has ever had to work with.
like those that blame Terry Bradway for everything that went wrong w/ the Jets and cresdit BP for everything that has gone right.
Ah yes ... The age old, "Insert Name Here is just not a clutch player" argument. Maybe the dumbest argument in sports. Just like Barry Bonds wasn't clutch ... until he was. John Elway couldn't get it done in The Big Game ... until he won two championships. Steve Young couldn't get it done either. And that LeBron James ... Basically unstoppable, but what a choke artist he was. So ridiculous. Either you can play your sport at a high level or you can't. Manning can play. Sanchez can't. Anyone who would take Sanchez over Manning in a big spot must have rocks in their head. And anyone who thinks there's ever been any game, or any situation where Mark Sanchez would have a better chance of succeeding than Peyton Manning, is completely delusional.
Peyton manning has been in this leaguse since 1998, he is 9-11 as a starter w/ good enough Ds and elite offensive weapons. He has only made 2 SBs, he has been one and done an astounding # of times. I guess it's pure coincidence he plays his worst in the biggest games? Barry had one great steroid aided run out of 7 trips to postseason Who said Elway wasn't clutch? the AFc was vastly inferior, he was taking inferior teams to the SB and had little chance to win in the SB- by the way they did start winning when TD became the focal point. Steve Young was handed a dynasty and only made 1 SB b/c of the JJs breaking up in Dallas. I think everyone thought Lebron would eventually break through like we all thought Peyton would.
We definitely tried to get him and reached out for him. I think we positioned ourselves to ask about and like you said he politely said "nope" and moved on. I'm sure Tanny had a way to move money to offer him a decent contract, but nowhere near what Denver offered.
The point is, every one of those guys had to wear the "not clutch" label at some point in his career until they won a championship. After they won, then they were suddenly clutch ... the same exact players, same exact skills ... but suddenly they were "clutch". I just think the whole clutch thing is completely ludicrous. So to answer your question ... YES. I think "clutchness" in sports is pretty much just a coincidence. Coupled with the fact that it's common sense that numbers would tend to be diminished against tougher competition over a big enough sample size (I think this is especially true in baseball, btw). Give me ANY situation, in any game, against any opponent and I'm choosing Peyton Manning over Mark Sanchez 100% of the time. And I'd be willing to bet, so would 100% of coaches.
Sanchez had to much success to early on in his carrerr and it def got to his head it had to. It made even him think he was better then he was .now 1 buttfumble and 50 turnovers in two years later here we are. THE SANCHIZE
winning once didn't make certain guys clutch, Arod isn't clutch b/c he had one great postseason, Peyton isn't clutch b/c he won a Sb where he threw 3 TDs and 7 INTs that postseason, Bonds isn't clutch b/c he had one great postseason. Sometimes there is bad luck, if peyton was playing well and his teams lost in spite of him playing well I'd say so. I think anyone would take their chances w/ Peyton but Sanchez has been a better postseason QB. of course it has helped that he hasn't been the focal point where Peyton has been but the results don't lie.
The opinion of some random guy on the internet on whether someone is "clutch" or not is irrelevant. What matters is that all those guys you don't think are clutch, are in fact champions. Becoming a champion is why you play the game. You can argue all day about how you think Mark Sanchez is clutch and Peyton Manning is not, but it's completely insignificant when compared to what matters. Peyton is a champion and Sanchez is not.
When you respond to somebody who is using Peyton Manning and Mark Sanchez in the same context you're just enabling a troll. There are a bunch of threads in this forum right now that have essentially become unreadable because one guy is posting the same garbage fifty times in them trying to elicit a response.
I bet nyjunc thinks that Brady and Brees aren't clutch in comparison to Mark Sanchez. This has to be a troll job. Nobody could be this stupid.
a champion that threw 3 TDs and 7 INts that postseason, won a game w/o leading his O to a TD and beat a rex grossman led team for the title. What does this have to do w/ him being clutch or not? watch him in January and we can all see the answer. you should probably try reading. Then again this is the saem guy that gave BP all the credit for the jets winning after he left.
I love guys that have their weak arguments shredded that have to post outrageous things in hopes of deflecting attention away from his weak argument. Nice try though. You can't escape this asinine quote.