Jets GM John Idzik said he's a Jet, Open Competition...about Mark Sanchez

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by CowboysFan, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    He speaks of that exact issue in the article BeastBeach posted.

    Why that's not been coached out of him yet is anyone's guess.
  2. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Love that clip, was driving back from Nashville when it aired and didn't hear it. LOL.
  3. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    This x 1000. What's more indicative of Sanchez's career: 62 regular season games or 6 playoff games? He's not an NFL starter and never has been.
  4. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    This is the bright side. Maybe he gets it this offseason, the OC changes him, and he plays lights out. The worrisome part is that this isn't very likely and we are treating him like a rookie in his 5th year. We also aren't getting an influx of offensive talent so he's going to have to play very well, even better than his best year in 2010 to get us int the playoffs and have success there
  5. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    So he has almost 40k here and has 30k there - what else does he do with his time?!?!
  6. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    2,652 need look no further than the first Patriots game this year when Hill was running down the sideline and by the time Sanchez threw it it was picked off 10 yards behind him. Note that this was a 35 yard throw, a dying duck that hung up forever. Whereas the throw you are complaining about was 50 yards.

    And you often say stats don't matter when you can't use the stats to make your argument, and you'll say stats do matter when you can. Reading isn't and has never been a problem for me.
  7. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    I was wondering this as well actually. Perhaps watch Sanchez highlight videos over and over (its really Joe Montana video with Sanchez edited in but don't tell him, would break his heart).
  8. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    WHAT???? lol Are you insane? Who cares about the safety? The question was whether or not Sanchez has ever underthrown a guy by 10 yards. That was damn close. Hill was WIDE OPEN, all by himself, until Sanchez hung it up there so long that the safety had time to get into the play and the defender just stopped and turned around to pick it off.

    You are so friggin funny. You have to be sitting at you computer laughing along with the rest of us. Thanks for the entertainment man, you're a pisser.
  9. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    According to him that bad throw was like a good punt even though it was 2nd and 8 from the 36
  10. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Please name a few.

    I've been a Jet fan for 32 years. I'd like to think that qualifies as a long time. I have nothing but intense shock when I read your posts. You double talk yourself almost all the time. It's like a tangled web.
  11. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Right, you're playing a division rival that you absolutely have to beat, and underthrowing a wide open receiver for what would have been a cake touchdown doesn't deflate the team at all. I'm sure every guy on that sideline said "don't worry about it, it's like a coffin corner punt - go on D, go out there and do your job!"
  12. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Yeah, rationally is the right word for sure. You completely rationalize everything Sanchez does or doesn't do.

    And to sit there and say with what I assume is a straight face that throwing an INT on 2nd down is as good as a punt is the single most ridiculous thing I've ever seen you say. That, my friend, is rationalization at its finest.
  13. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Yeah, I'm caught up now. I have a habit of replying as I read - I should have known that most of what I've posted would have already been touched upon.
  14. Swampdonkey

    Swampdonkey Banned

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Obviously not working at his job very hard if at all. Doesn't he have a wife and kids? You would think he would at least attempt to better his situation at his job for his families sake rather than waste a vast majority of his workday arguing with people hes never met.
  15. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    ^Lol can we just have that post deleted?
  16. WW85


    Nov 10, 2003
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    2nd warning

    People have been banned for not listening to a past warning.

    Everyone stay on topic and don't bring personal stuff into this or any thread.

    If you can't debate without bringing up off topic/personal isuues, it will be addressed.

    I suggest if you don't understand this POV, you need to reread the rules of posting at TGG, which everyone agreed to when signing up.

    Any questions you can PM me.

  17. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Let's look:

    at denver: threw his first 2 INts of the year, 1 led to a FG. tied up the game at 10 in the 3rd, defense allows TD to fall behind 17-10. We score a TD to tie it in the 4th, D immediately allows Fg on next drive to fall behind 20-17, Sanchez then leads us to GW TD.

    at det: D allows 6 min TD drive to open game, Jets get FG in 2nd qtr before Sanchez throws perfect strike on 74 yd TD on 3rd and 9 to give Jets 10-7 lead at half. Jets fumble on opening possesion of 2nd half(Braylon, not Sanchez) and D immediately allows TD but Det K is hurt and they miss PAT so we are down 13-10. D allows another TD to fall behind 20-10. Sanchez gets ball w/ 4:26 left and 1st and 15 on NYJ 39 after false start penalty. leads us to TD then our D STOPS the opponent to give him and the O a chance and we tie it up win the toss in OT and score to win on first possession after long pass play to Holmes

    at Cle: Despite Folk missing 2 FGs in regulation including a 24 yarder at the end of a 10 min drive to open the 2nd half Sanchez and the O give us a 7 pt lead w/ 2:35 to play against the great Colt McCoy. The D then allows a TD to send it to OT where we won w/ a late TD. We held the ball for 47 mins compared to 27 for Cle, prior to that last TD drive to tie it up in regulation the D was on the field for 20 mins the entire game.

    vs. Hou: We lead 23-7 in 4th qtr, D allows 20 4th qtr pts to trail 27-23, mark gets ball w/ NO timeouts needing a TD at our 28 yd line w/ 55 secs left, throws the prettiest deep ball you will ever see to Braylon to set up the TD then another strike in the corner to Holmes for the win.

    at Indy postseason: had bad 1st half, D played great to keep us only down 7-0. Possessed the ball 18 of 20 mins in 2nd half to keep D fresh, Indy gets ball w/ 2 1/2 to play at their 20 and D allows FG. Luckily this was Peyton manning who is a choker who left enough time for mark to win it. Jets trail by 2, get ball back at 46 w/ :45 secs left after great KR. Sanchez sets up Folk for chip shot FG to win it.

    But yeah he didn't do much and it was all his fault we needed to come back.

    I thought you couldn't get worse and now I find out you are a duke fan? :eek:hmy: It was fun, it was a great experience. I got to go to NE the week before too, a great 2 weeks for me. An experience I will never forget even though we didn't finish the job in Pitt.

    I said the talent was similar, we had more in '08 when you consider we had a future HOF QB running our O and leon Washington was healthy. We also didn't have to worry about Brady in NE and had a creampuff sched.

    mark hasn't had a bad playoff game, he ahd a bad half at Indy 2010 WC game and that's it. Yep, the fumble did us in not the D allowing 17 straight pts to put us in a 17-0 hole then when the O got us w/in a score allowing Pitt to run out the clock. The D cost us BOTH title games, in '09 we had a double digit lead that vanished.

    Eli threw TWENTY FIVE INTs, in the game that would decided the final WC spot in week 16 at GB he threw 4 INTs and they got smoked. Use allt he excuses you want but he still had a boatload of talent despite the injuries.

    Schaub's team was picked to go to postseason every year since about 2006 or 2007. he had the best WR in the game to throw to and still couldn't get it done.

    Ryan better in reg season, no argument there but he was terrible in postseason again. mark on Atl and they have a SB app by now.

    No one is giving him big money or investing picks in him, how would an execs job be on the line if he signed him and tried to rehab him? there would be no risk invovled at all and only upside, if they can get him going again they will look like geniuses.

    Joe benigno is the definition of average fan, don't take anything he says seriously. I worked w/ Joe for a while and I remember how he quit on the 2002 season and i had to talk him down saying they were getting healthy and they'd be ok. Great guy but average fan that goes off the deep end w/ every loss.

    mark did suck int hat game, he sucked most of this season and deserves criticism but again he played most of the year w/ Kerley, Schilens, Gates, Cumberland, reuland as his weapons.

    He has proven it in the past but when you lead you also need to perform, he hasn't performed and he needs to earn credidibility back.

    They did come back at Miami and at NE so he had moments but late in the year he was a beaten man- that's not to excuse him b/c he has to fight through frustration but he was a different guy later in the year.
  18. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    Regarding Joe ... yes he represents the typical fan ... and we're all sick of being subjected to the garbage Sanchez provides week after week. Say what you want about him, but everything he said in that clip is 100% accurate, and he speaks for 99% of the fan base. This isn't 2002, and it's not about injuries. It's about Sanchez giving us 19 straight games of the worst QB play in the history of the franchise. It's about him not even being a patch on the asses of the new crop of talented young QB's in the league. He said it perfectly ... If you're Woody Johnson, you cannot sell us on the idea that Mark Sanchez can be the QB of this team going forward.

    If you listen to the clip, you notice that neither guy gives a free pass to the coaching staff, the owner, the GM or the roster. But all that doesn't change the fact that Sanchez plays the position at a lower level than any other QB in the league. It's amazing to me that you refuse to see that.

    Archie Manning played on some of the wort teams in NFL history ... but nobody ever accused him of sucking. People looked at the way he handled the position and they could see he could play.. The same way people today can look at Sanchez play the position and clearly see that he's an atrocious player.
  19. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Junc, I asked you this in an earlier post, but you might've forgotten or overlooked it or whatever; so I'll ask again: What is your definition of "the right situation" for Sanchez that you say will allow him to "succeed again"? Like.. what, specifically?
  20. tbruner12

    tbruner12 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Junc don't worry, I feel the same about you and your heels!
    You gave me nacho highlights, rather than every play.
    In 09 he sucked in San Diego, and in Indy.
    In 10 he sucked in Indy while the defense did not, holding Manning to 14 points was miraculous!
    In NE he made a handful of throws, but our run game dictated the game, while our defense again held Brady to 14 measly points until we had the game in the bag, then they gave up a late score. So it was safe to say that our defense led us while nacho contributed, contributed the best he ever has in his career, but it isn't like you want us to believe. He was limited on what he was allowed to do because schotty obviously knew he couldn't lead at the time like a top 10 Qb does.
    We all know what he contributed in Pittsburgh, don't blame the defense for his ineptitude. It's not like he was gonna two minute drill us for the winning score against a top 10 defense.
    In 11/12 his role was expanded, it had to, most top 5 pick Qb's should have the training wheels off by the 3rd and 4th year, and his career started spiraling downward!
    He has no excuses, and nobody to blame!
    At the beginning of 11 the ravens showed the good defenses of the league the blue print to turning him into a bottom feeder, now it's to the point that he does that himself, with the team win loss record at stake!
    He panics, is inaccurate, is football stupid, and he is way overpaid to do what he does!

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