You'll probably never be allow to see this place in person: zoom: second tallest building and highest clock tower in the world, just recently completed in Mecca. Non-muslims banned from entering the city at all times under penalty of law
If I read correctly non Muslims can be punished by death for entering Mecca..... so much for religion of peace. Imagine if every non Catholic who enetered the Vatican was sentenced to death?
Aren't you required to see it? I thought I also read that all able bodies Muslims are requied to take at least one trip to Mecca.
Man that looks dope as hell However my first thought was that this might motivate some nut out there looking to avenge 9/11
Yes I am required to see it. I am also required to pray which I don't do. I am also required to Fast which I don't do. I am also supposed to not drink but I drink etc etc. I really want to see it but not in my current condition. I just can't go to Mecca and then head to a strip club which I love to do. Religion is sacred according to me. If I am not going to devote myself to religion than I don't think I should head to Mecca just because. But these pictures disturb me as a muslim. Even as a non practicing muslim I am offended. I know for a fact that Islam prohibits pleasure during Haj. That fucking hotel is offering SPA services. Are you kidding me?
I'm admittedly ignorant on the issue but what is a non-practicing Muslim? Wouldn't that mean you aren't Muslim?
My bad I am a Muslim by faith. But I don't do what the religion requires you to do since I am too lazy. But I believe in Islam.
Just think about how much water it took to make that and where it was built. Human beings are the ultimate fools because unlike every other species on earth we should know better about the ways we mess with our environment and scarce resources. You can't drink oil.