The Knicks aren't gloating and bragging enough. Blow kisses, dump a box of honey nut cheerios on Carmelo, fly around the airplane doing the JET celebration! Rub it in!
This guy gets it: netw3rk @netw3rk Guys, we haven't won there for seven years. Do something unclassy like they do every time they come to MSG. Fucking christ, we deserve it.
That game was scary! I am still counting the days until Felton comes back! It was nice seeing Pierce finally fail in the clutch against us.
The most amazing part is that Melo Shump Smith Chandler Amare Kidd and two other Knicks didn't all foul out on that NBA ref diet of wicked chowdah hometown cooking
Melo 11-28, JR 3-12, they need offense but Novacaine takes one shot a game, he doesn't always have to take 3 pointers
^^ Great gif. Steve Novak is #34 in the league in +/-. Last night he played 14 minutes, took 1 shot and hauled in 3 rebound and went plus +10. I would have throw that aside except he's #34 in the league for the whole season. He's +/- +147 on the year. I don't know what he does offensively except spacing, but it works.
Felton upgraded to probable. The Celtics suck, man. The offensive execution was so bad that it would've been a loss against a good team. How many heaves as the shot clock was expiring? "TNT responds to intense Twitter pressure and retroactively shows the fist-bump, but only after digitally adding the ghostly visage of Joey Crawford in the background." ====== unfortunately, Simmons didn't say much about the crowd being dead. Just "Boston's crowd was surprisingly cordial to Carmelo. I thought they'd be chanting "Honey Nut" and prancing around dressed in giant Cheerios boxes. Nope. It's hard to overstate how bummed out everyone is about last Sunday's Ravens game, as well as the real possibility that Bernard Karmell Pollard is the Boston Sports Antichrist." "Carmelo's best talent other than challenging opponents to fights near the team bus as long as 10 people are standing between them:" WAIT A SECOND! It was against KEVIN GARNETT. Simmons also stole my Rondo/Kidd comparison. Hey Bill, stop ripping off my posts. Thanks.
Twitter reports says he is starting. Felton, Kidd, Shumpert, Melo, Chandler. This at the end of the year is our money lineup
Terrible first quarter. We kept Felton on Jrue for some reason, Jrue has 10 after the first quarter. Lots of turnovers too.
Really interesting play. We have the starting lineup out there except Amare not Shump. Melo was double, threw it to Felton to Kidd. Kidd then went to throw to the weak side shooter, no weak side shooter since Amare was there. That's the spacing thing that the Knicks have to be used to. Amare playing GREAT offensively. Melo playing like grabage. Felton cannot stop Jrue Holliday at all. No chance righjt now