Clearly you missed the point of my post. Has nothing to do with money. Has to do with his name being slandered when he quite literally did and said nothing this year.
Good thing this Sunquist guy was out f consideration quickly. Guy went straight to media with the gossip. Bitch.
Tom Gamble and Marc Ross interviewed all over the place and didn't get a job this go-round. Are you suggesting that the Jets were uniquely wrong somehow in deciding they were not fits?
No I'm suggesting the 3 GM candidates actually in the running for Jets GM job (who I named Sundquist, Idzik, and Khan) did not even get an interview with another team even though a ton were looking for GM's. I didn't say anything about Gamble and Ross they clearly were not legit candidates with the Jets.
I guess they were so good not one other team looking for a GM bothered to interview any of them. I don't know you make your own decision, Idzik is an empty suit, a contract executive, he isn't a football guy, he's a Tanny clone. No one wants these empty suits running their organizations anymore, the best coaches are younger and played the game, the best GMs are young and active in personnel decisions, football guys, Idzik and Khan are corporate burnouts who negotiate contracts... snooze.
Tebow low key and said nothing? The guy never said no to a microphone. He was boring in his answers so we think he is not saying anything but in actuality if you are saying anything to the media you are def not low key. I mean C' mon the dude had press conferences during the season and before.
The guy played and coached for Dartmouth and is the son of an NFL coach. Sounds like he has lot more football background than Tanny. This guy was top of his class so that means he is smart and football is not rocket science. Smart guy with a football background sounds good to me. Plus he coached for UB where I i also played so how bad could he be?
I'm sure he likes attention, most pro athletes do. But i'm sure he gets tired of hearing and reading how much he sucks when he basically hasn't played in a year. He was asked to have that presser because no matter what Woody says he wanted that attention for his team because the Giants had just won the SB. One problem Tebow has is that he tries to please everyone and never says no....that's hurting his career imo. FFS he was asked to be personal punt protector and agreed to it. No other QB back up or not would do that....and of course he got criticized for not being pro bowl level at stuff he's never done in his career. Give the kid a break he's more scrutinized than anyone.
People have been accusing Woody of orchestrating the trade since the beginning with no evidence whatsoever to suggest it. That's how darksiders work on here. They just assume all negative things to be true. Here he explains how it was Tanny, and you guys just won't believe him, despite having no evidence of the contrary. Keep living in your fantasy world where there are clouds in every sky and Woody is there just to fuck with the Jets and only promote media drama rather than be a good football team. Silly.
Woody, you hired the football people who wanted Tebow and gave them the authority to make the trade. nothing was forced on you.
Yea you are probably right. -Woody Johnson's track record of running this team involves him constantly seeking the limelight and media attention for his team. -Jets inexplicably trade for the biggest media story perhaps in NFL history, Tebow -Woody Johnson exclaims "you can never have enough Tebow!" -Months later, After the Tebow experiment turns out to be a huge embarrassing failure, Woody Johnson tries to save face by saying it was forced on him...even though he's the boss... and had final say over this guy who supposedly "forced" this on him... And you are the one telling others they live in a fantasyland???
We are going to take Woody's word on this? I think we can rule out the coaching staff pushing for him as Rex and Sparano didn't know what to do. That leaves Tanny vs Woody: -Contract was mishandled, causing the Jets to figure out the deal again. Tanny is known to be a good manager of money and contracts, interesting he missed this. Like it was rushed. -Woody is speaking to a potential future GM. If he said, "yes I pushed the player on my GM" will that look enticing for future GMs? -If Woody says it was Tanny and he got rid of Tanny because of it, it's an easy out. Tanny can't bad mouth an owner as there are limited NFL jobs and that's one quick way not to get one. -Woody has said the Jets are in the media business. Tebow=media coverage.
Honestly, this Tebow acquisition is looking more and more like groupthink. Tannenbaum brought up the idea. Woody and Rex were like 'sure, why not' Rex wanted his ground and pound, and Woody the exposure after the Giants won. I bet you that Woody did not go up to Tannenbaum and say 'Tebow.Jets.Now.' or Rex went up to Tannenbaum and said 'I NEEED TEBOW to run my ground and fucking pound.'
It's not as if Woody made a public statement denying responsibility for the acqisuition to save face. If that's what happend I could buy questioning his truthfulness. Instead..this was said behind closed doors w/ a potential GM candidate & was leaked to the press at a later point in time. Cimini reported that candidates found Woody to be candid & humble throughout the interview process..w/ all the negativity Tebow caused..why would he lie about that one specific failure? Frankly Woody was a low key owner before the arrival of Tannenbaum. In fact...there was a time when it was Tannenbaum who was known as the one who liked making a big splash & not Woody. Some time around hard knocks that consensus changed. I think the move wreaks of Tannenbaum. He had a habit of out-thinking himself & only thought of things on paper. Now certainly Woody/Rex & co should have had more reservations & have blame for being "Yes men"..but Tannebaum has taken responsibility for the move on several occassions..and the most recent report regarding Woody's role appears accurate
Please stop embarrassing yourself. You are :drunk: again. It's fascinating to see you go to great lengths to protect Rex Ryan that you would blame Tanny 100% for Tim Tebow coming here. Also, it's amazing that you suddenly cite the media when it suits your agenda. :up: