Blog#axzz2IZ6UiWAh Thought it was more of a Woody thing than a Tebow thing which is why I posted it here. Interesting if true.
Makes sense and I've been saying all along it wasn't a Woody decision. If Woody brought him in he would also have the power to tell Rex to start him, especially when the season was over. Woody doesn't make personnel moves, nothing in his history would suggest he does. It was just a bad move by the Tanny, a failed experiment.
It makes no sense to think Woody made this move. For money reasons you say? How many tickets get sold because people want to watch a QB sit on a bench?
So, Tanny was the only one that wanted Tebow, and brought him in without input from the coach (who obviously wanted nothing to do with him) and owner. Tanny looks like a bigger idiot with each passing day.
definitely a Tannenbum move how do we know he pissed away two draft picks to get him the Tannenbum MO throw away draft picks like they are penny candy
Woody is a fukin liar. Anyone who believes this or anything this fucker says ? I have Lotto #'s to sell you.
Wait, wait, this might be entirely wrong, the darksiders on this site have said over and over that Rex makes all the personnel decisions...not Woody nor Tanny. I would totally support the notion that Woody did not bring him in. Why would he? To sell tickets....that's BS. Jets ans are a bit more sophisticated than that I hope. Further, If that was the case he would have demanded for him to play more in the face of such disaster. If it was Tanny then more power to our move to the new GM. If it was Rex then we are screwed...he will demonstrate in spades that he knows nothing about offensive alent. Iz do your thing with can't do any worse than the Atebow move
Wait so the owner said he didn't do it, I'm going to believe that. Why Woody own up to that with a GM interview? The only answer is "Tanny made that decision and forced it on me and now he is gone". Also, how can he have a player forced on him? Really? If he really was against it, it wouldn't have happened
Can it be possible for a GM to piss away draft picks for someone and write up a contract with impunity? Nobody else in the organization was onboard with that? Interesting....
yup. in retrospect, this is exactly what tanny does. it also explains why woody didn't force rex to start him and also why rex didn't play him more. rex knew tanny was taking the fall for this and felt no pressure to paly tebow at all
Woody is a piece of crap. Put your name on it. October 22, 2012 "Are we going to keep Tebow? Absolutely," Johnson said Wednesday morning during an interview on CNBC. "He'll be with us for three years. I think he's going to be a real valuable asset in terms of helping us win games."
wtf do you want him to say? "big mistake,can't wait to dump this bum and fire the idiot who traded for him"?