14. "Issue a presidential memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence." Great, while the CDC is working on this we can all die from the bird flu or whatever else they are diverted from researching. Nothing like unintended consequences of bad legislation.
The CDC's mandate is public health. Number of global cumulative deaths from the bird flu since it showed up in 1997: 359 Number of gun deaths in the US since the Newtown shooting (up to January 14th): 919
While gun deaths could be considered a pubic health issue, this is not exactly the kind of problem that the CDC is best at solving. I would let the CDC focus on keeping us safe from infectious diseases and let one or more of the many other government agencies worry about gun violence. While the CDC may be able to add some value to the gun violence issue, diverting their attention from other priorities has the potential to lead to bigger problems elsewhere.
That depends on what you mean by worry. If you are asking who would be best suited to organize and research a public heath issue, the answer would likely be the CDC. It's not like they're going to being asking immunologists or microbiologists who work in a lab at The CDC Building* to start analyzing the effects of gun violence. I think you are making some incorrect assumptions about how the CDC is organized and what its mission is. Again, I think this is an incorrect assumption. This is not necessarily a zero-sum game, and you seem to have some misconceptions about what the CDC does. You seem to think that the CDC is synonymous with the Office of Infectious Diseases... which is understandable, since this is probably the context in which you hear the CDC referenced most frequently. But that is not even close to all of what the CDC does. Maybe you've already heard of branch called Injury and Violence Prevention. It's part of the CDC. It already exists. It's already staffed with people who are in all likelihood very well suited to research the subject of gun violence. * - In case it wasn't clear, there's no such thing as "the CDC building."
Yes they have. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-18563_162-57564599/nra-congress-stymied-cdc-gun-research-budget/ My previous doctor always conducted an interview with me after the physical exam. Did I wear seatbelts, did I wear a helmet when riding a bike or motorcycle and did I own a gun were asked as part of my yearly physical along with questions about my diet and exercise habits. All questions related to my ability to sustain my health.
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/al-gore-nets-another-fortune-164510966.html geez this guy is worth alot of dough. i am sure he benefitted handsomely from his VP days and prior with regard to personal market success. as i always say - the best stock traders/market timers on the planet are found in the US congress. didn't know he was on the board of AAPL though; interesting.
I was at my brother's house about a month ago. He has twins. 6 years old. One really likes Coco Puffs, the other likes Lucky Charms. I sat down between them when they were arguing about their cereal during that visit one hungover morning. Twin 1 (let's call him Hobbes) was counting off the endless merits of the marshmallows. They are the best. Twin 2 (let's call him Cappy) was railing about the greatness of chocolate. Neither of them really understood that there's way too much fucking sugar in both cereals, and neither cereal had much if anything in terms of nutritional content. But neither would back down an inch. And this thread, along with every other pathetic political thread here and on every other message board is the same shit. You people waste too much fucking time arguing about something that you don't get and never will. Idiots.
You went a long way to prove your own point. And, Sugar is the biggest unregulated health problem in the country. The current obesity 'epidemic' is directly attributable to the rise of the use in sugar in every item on the fucking planet. Me, I never touch the stuff. A man without a gun, is a subject....a man with a gun is a Citizen. Did we learn nothing from the Rawandan genocide?
If you're bringing my name into this warped little analogy, you're clearly completely full of shit and haven't really bothered to read many of my posts. Rarely are my posts unequivocal about the "greatness" of a given position... it's not my style.
A man without a marshmallow is eating Cheerios. I know you well enough. You're the one that pretends to line-dance while actually doing a belly-flop into the pool of shit that he professes to be hot chocolate.
Also, interestingly, the type of sugar: fructose compared to sucrose increases appetite. Lift the Cuban Embargo anyone?
That's pretty good byz.... Question - does ur bro have a third child. If so I would have to nominate Sunday jack for the role. All in fun of course