Wow some really stupid comments ITT. Manti was born and raised here in Hawai‘i. For those of you who weren't fortunate enough to live or spend an extended amount of time in these islands there is something the people here are known for: the Aloha Spirit. Respect, trust, acceptance, humbleness and faith are just a few things that are taught by our elders since birth. Manti presents and lives with this attitude even more than some Hawaiians I know. What happened is sickening. I don't understand how someone could take advantage of a person as caring and giving as Manti. You may say that it's his own damn fault and ultimately his stupidity for all of this, but he remained faithful and true to a person because he cared. This could have happened to anyone.
Or he was all part of being with a made up girlfriend and used the story of a fake death to gain national attention. No one here knows.
Manti Te'o's inspirational girlfriend story a hoax Have you guys been following this? What a strange story. :lol: Them lying about this further is just gonna make it worst. :lol:
Yes. Clearly everyone would blab to the media about a chick they never even met and proclaim her his girlfriend as if they had something serious going so he could get some "woe is me" attention. I've been thinking about it and theres no real angle that could leave him completely guiltless in this. He lied to a bunch of people along the way or he is lying now.
Oh lord. This shit just gets more and more deep: Check the dates on these tweets. All before the story broke.
And now you see why it's silly to discuss things like "leadership" and "integrity". Nonsense terms that are media hype driven. Kid is a mediocre LB that almost road a wave of hype to a top 10 pick.
Teo and Notre Dame have 0 credibility, why didnt the come out and speak about it? why did they have to wait for the media? what are they hiding. And now we have 2 NFL players saying they knew Lenny Kekua? this is out of control, the players and NFL teams should lose draft picks, and notre dame should get a bowl ban for the next decade.
"he is a mid round pick based on his tools" Todd McShay. I have never seen a single thing on this kid that makes him a special athlete, other than the Gold on his helmet and media stories about his triumphs and "leadership".
And the real question. Why does it even matter what and when they tell the media? Of course they'll wait until the season finishes. Fuck the media. They aren't some supreme court judges that will lay down the hammer and that people HAVE to answer to and report every single thing to them as soon as they know. Hehe, can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but if not that's a bit of an over reaction for something we don't even know the truth about yet. Even if it's the worst case scenerio and Teo made the entire thing up, why would you punish the future of the team or the NFL players who defended him? It's nothing but social drama. It's not like he drove drunk, beat up his girl, or killed somebody. The dude might have lied about a girlfriend or exaggerated about it. Driving drunk is far worse and players don't get nearly as blasted for that (unless they're on the Jets) Let's be honest here. How many of you guys have honestly never lied or exaggerated things to impress your high school friends or chicks you are interested in? And now all of sudden his level of talent is worse than perceived before because of something irrelevant. It's funny how people come to conclusions sometimes. Everyone was sucking his dick before this.
Just a reality check folks... MANTI = FRAUD IF this is as Manti and ND claims - that he was the victim of a fraud - it will be very easy to confirm. All Manti needs to do is this: -Provide all your cell phone & phone records so we can match up all your late night calls. -Provide her cell number. -Provide her email account. -Provide all the emails you sent back and forth. -Dump your chat logs with her. -Explain how you met her on the field after a Stanford game but then unmet her now? -Explain how your brother and father claims she traveled to visit you in Hawaii but you are now claiming to actually never have spoken to her. The Principle of Occam's Razor would easily dismiss that Manti was the victim of an elaborate and complex hoax. The simpler explanation is that Manti is the hoax. He and his buddy established this fake online persona to cover for the fact that Manti is on the DL. Manti was probably tired of trying to come up with excuses to his family as to why he didn't have a gf so this made perfect sense at the time. The problem came about when his football team and play came to national prominence and he started being interviewed by reporters. At that time the easy out was to say he "broke up" with his gf, but instead he played the string out. As these two are obviously not as sharp as the razor, they decided to go with my "gf died" which is akin to the "dog at my homework" excuse. My guess - and this is giving ND the benefit of the doubt which they probably don't deserve - is that Notre Dame knows all this and doesn't want to publicly humiliate Manti over the issue of his sexuality. They will eventually need to start answering the questions of what they knew and when they knew because their PR machine was cranking the stories out in pushing Manti as a Heisman hopefull. They benefited from the hoax with all the feel good stories about the golden dome and were willing partners in this sham. The cover-up is much worse than the crime. Both Manti and ND think they can lie their way out and it isn't going to happen. This is going to go downhill very very fast. I fully expect at the end of this you will see the ND AD and coach fired for the cover-up and Manti fully exposed as a fraud. The smart PR play here for Manti is to out himself and turn this entire situation to his benefit in the sporting world.
Call him naive but maybe he really was blinded by love. I know most people on this forum have been before. I don't really know what to make of it just yet. I'm certain we haven't heard the end of the updates with this story so I'll continue to check them before I make a judgement call.
So either Manti was a) In on the hoax, knew about it throughout the time. Him and his father misguided the media saying he met a girl, she would visit him in Hawaii and he would speak to her for a long time on the phone. b) He had no idea, but exaggerated the stories to the media because of embarrassment of saying he was online dating. If he didn't exaggerate the stories, then there was a random girl saying she was this online profile/name and setting up Manti. It also means someone was hired to speak to Manti for long amounts of time through FB/Skype/phone calls. This runs a lot deeper than a harmless prank. It also begs the fact, why someone who would kill off someone's GF would then call Manti 3 months later to tell him it wasn't true. At the point of killing the GF you broke past any sort of reasoning this was a "prank"