Baker was on that list, and I sent him 2 more PMs after the original. Baker has been a GM for years, don't know his issue or he has too much on his plate. People not responding and trying to track them down, makes this process frustrating and why I'm considering not running these mocks in the near future.
I've been battling the flu(Or something like that) for the past week so I've been off the web for a good portion of the week and add work and I just have not been on TGG much. I've been on it sparingly but never saw the PM. I didn't announce a Notre Dame Title clinching celebration at all
No problem, get back on-line and show your Irish Pride. Notre Dame being very relevant again is great for College Football. BTW, DA Bears and Broncos are yours.
All Teams are full, and the waitlist is empty. If interested post here to get on waitlist, usually a few GMs drop out.
All spots are filled, I have you on the waitlist....go to Post #1. Also, be around on Draft day, GM sometimes miss picks and you can step in.
anyway i could be put on the waitlist? i love the draft, i actually sometimes like the offseason more than season itself. i know a decent amount about the prospects coming out, etc. i study film a decent amount as a hobby, i think its fun
I'd like to join if it's not too late, although I'm guessing me being a newbie isn't going to help much, lol.
Guys, This draft has been going on for years and we have a lot of vet GMs. Every year I usually take on a few, 2 to 3 new GMs. You' all will be on a waitlist. I try to let all GMs have 2 teams, cause in the past when you have 32 GMs it get's watered down. I need 16 reliable GMs that will make their picks. My best advice: Stay around during the draft and watch the process and you can help us with missed picks, I will PM you when we need help. You are also encouraged to participate in the discussion forum.
I've done (and led) a few like these in the past. Last year we got through all 7 rounds. Browns fan and Draftnik and I'd be happy to draft for the Browns (or anyone else, I guess) if they become available. *edit* I'd also be happy to just advise on the Browns' needs/depth if the GM is interested.
More of a comment than a question. I assume like always the pick thread will be opened sometime Saturday night for us to start even though the clock officially does not start till Sunday morning. Seeing as Pick third I do not want to be the one holding aNy early picks up.
Yes Sir. I'll send everyone a reminder notice in about a week and mention we can start Sat night, but the clock won't officialy start till Sunday at 10 AM Never was in a PM I have picks thru 28's been there for a few weeks. After this week's games. I'll finish the order, and guses the winner of the SB for slots 31/32.
Those of you who pick 1st and 2nd be around when it comes time for San fran. I'll be right back up again with the raiders then lol. I didn't realize taking the bay area would get the picks so close.
Ww - is it OK to give the OTC warning as part of your selection post? For example........ The ny jets select, John Doe, OLB from xyz state. The Miami dolphins are on the clock. And then proceed to PM the gm.