Poll: what kind of stats does Sanchize have to put up to remain a Jet after next seas

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by tbruner12, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Not really, you could put just about any JAG in his place and get the same results. again, if you have to resort to calling a very average game for any other QB a peak performance there are issues.

    People say that Mark was bad this year, but his completion %, fumble %, TD%, interception %, were all at or around his career averages. you don't wind up ranked #31 or 32 out of 33 active qualifying QBs in those categories just off of one year, or even two. Mark has always been a poor QB, he just happened to play his best game in the playoffs, which by any other Qb's standards would have been a very average game.
  2. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    It's even more funny that you resort to the least regarded and most laughed at stat in football, where you can throw one pass, throw it for a TD and max out your passer rating. its a total junk stat, and again that only includes the playoffs. Those numbers do not include superbowl performances, so like I said, incomplete. If you really think that Sanchez has been a better post season QB than Tom Brady or Brett Farve your smoking some pretty serious crack. The only reason Sanchez has that high of a passer rating is the fact he'd only thrown 3 picks, which is good, but it's not indicative of his overall game. But it's worth noting that He's also attempted the least number of passes of anyone on that list not named Jim McMahon and just barely squeaked in under the minimum 150 pass attempt reqirement at 157.

    Passer rating and QBR are the two most useless and misleading stats in football. The numbers that matter are completion %, interception %, TD%, total fumbles, and Yards per attempt. with the last being the least importang of that group of stats.

    So the basis of your argument is he's a great QB based off of 4 games...okay, yeah fine whatever.
  3. 2insane

    2insane Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    28 TDs 14 Ints 3800 yards 5 fumbles
  4. Frenbar

    Frenbar Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Nyjunc, put down the crack pipe, its over.
  5. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    of course passer rating isn't totally useless stat, Sanchez's career passer rating, since you want to put that as a gauge, puts him right around Rex Grossman and a guy I compare him to all the time, Trent Dilfer. Sanchez ranks 124th on the list....Dilfer 132, Grossman 128, and right behind that legend of a QB Milt Plum at 121.....What a career he had let me tell you.
  6. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Just for the record, Milt plum played in the very pass unfriendly late 50's early 60's...I had to look him up, had never heard of him lol.
  7. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Might as well mention that Carson Palmer, who most knock ranks #19 lifetime Passer rating, that should tell you something. Hell David Garrard, who Jacksonville is dumping JACKSONVILLE, has a 85.8 and ranks 22nd lifetime passer rating, that should tell you all you need to know about passer rating.
  8. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    1968jetsfan has shut this thread down.
  9. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    You do realize that no QB throws more than 20% of his passes deep down the field. That's not efficient or the way the game is played today. You said all he does is dink and dunk and yet he has beaten teams down field which defeats your uninformed theory. Do you know how many times Peyton Manning threw the football down field? From [11-20] 23.5%. [21-30] 7% [31-40] 3.4%. And that's PEYTON MANNING!

    You. Are. CLUELESS!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    WTF are you talking about?
  11. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Really? Matt Ryan with loads of talent around him couldn't win a playoff game until his FOURTH try. Sanchez with less talent around him on offense won 4 in his first two playoff runs. He was much more than JAG. He made big throws when we needed them, and in each of his 4 wins out played a legendary QB on the other side.
  12. jdon

    jdon Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    Bite your tongue.

    But seriously, there were WBs in the weekend gmes with near 70% completion percentage and our shlub can barely get over 50%. I want his numbers to be 0-0-0-0-0, as in DNP.
  13. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Sanchez was very efficient in the playoffs. I’m not big on Rating, but it was used earlier in this thread as an argument against Sanchez. The stats DO INCLUDE the Super Bowl.

    When did I ever say Sanchez was great?
  14. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I don't have the outright hate for Sanchez that many here are expressing. Sanchez did well in the playoffs but with the exception of the NE game he was highly protected by a run first and keep it close D. The NE game was clearly a big step up for him although NE did have the 30th ranked pass D in 2010 so it's easy to over rate that performance.

    As far as a QB competition I'm not a beliver in that. I think the Jets need to get a top quality offensive coaching staff and a GM in place that will have to make 2 decisions. Do we move on from Sanchez now or do we give him the ball outright next year. We can't install a new O with a QB competition, it's simply the dumbest approach you can have to developing a system and putting guys in a position to succeed. This is where coaches really earn their money in making the evaluation of the players and putting the best guys in a position to succeed. There's plenty of film to make those determinations.

    Sanchez doesn't look to have the athletic talent that many of the new QB's have. He doesn't have a quick release and he is undersized for a pure drop back QB. He has a satisfactory arm to make all the throws. He doesn't have great feel in the pocket and he has now developed nervous feet. Can he be fixed? Maybe he's young and might turn into a man one of these days and be able to set his feet. Until he does he isn't an NFL starting QB.
    #254 Biggs, Jan 15, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2013
  15. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    yep, they laso blew late leads to mediocre teams at Miami, vs. jax and vs. Atlanta then blew a double digit lead in the AFC Championship Game so no our D was far from great. It was very good and played great at times but great Ds don't blow that many leads.

    Peyton is nothing but a choker in January and we had an 11 pt lead on them, we choked worse defensively.

    it was pointless to respond to that nonsense, anyone who saw those games knows what he did.

    The D repeatedly forced 3 and outs? is that why they allowed a TD drive to Colt McCoy int he final minutes to send the game to OT? In regulation the Browns possessed the ball for less than 20 mins the entire game prior to getting the ball w/ 2:42 to play trailing by 7 and the great D allowed Cle to score a TD but that was Sanchez's fault as were the 3 missed kicks by Folk.

    At Detroit the Jets had a 10-7 lead going into the half thanks to a 74 yd TD from sanchez to Edwards. first possession of 2nd half? D allows TD drive to give them the lead back. 1st possession of 4th qtr D allows 83 yd TD drive to give Det 10 pt lead.

    I guess we can add reasing comprehension to football knowledge, never once have I said the D sucked. I just don't use stats/rankings to lie to me and tell me our D was great. Our D was never great especially in 2010.

    by the time Shonn Greene added that late TD the game was over, the most important score was the TD to Holmes which capped off a 75 yd drive immediately after NE had scored a TD and gotten the 2 pt conversion to pull w/in a FG. We got a break w/ the fake punt at the end of the 1st half but took advantage w/ a TD when we easily could have settled for a FG and a 10-3 lead going into the half. It amazes me how people can try to take away credit from Sanchez in this game.

    The Steeler game showed that the D was pushed around all game, got us in a huge hole and Mark and the pass O lifted us out and gave us a chance to win. You need O and D to come back, the O did their part getting us w/in 5. Look at the den-Bal game, if their D doesn't get a late stop their O doesn't have a chance- that is what happened to us. Look at our game against Indy in 2010, if the D doesnt' stop that 3rd down and make them kick w/ a minute left Sanchez doesn't have enough time to get us in chip shot range for the win.

    who said anything about carrying? it has nothing to do w/ carrying a team, he made big plays to help us win.

    We didn't have much of a run game at NE, all the big plays were made in the pass game- long pass to Braylon, TD to Braylon, ctahc and run by Coptch, TD to Holmes.

    what game are you watching? seriously?

    yep we lost when the O put us up 17-6 late in the first half. It had nothing to do Indy going 80 yds in a mionute after getting the ball back w/ 2 mins left cutting the lad to 13.

    What horrible INts has Sanchez ever thrown in postseason? did you not see Denver not allow Manning to throw late in Sat's game?

    He outplayed each QB we faced. The only one that was close was Manning in the WC game b/c Mark had a bad 1st half but when Manning had a chance to end it w/ 1 1st down he failed and mark set our K up for a chip shot FG to win it.
  16. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    It means you understand the game, it means you aren't swayed by the media and know nothing fans. Do we want 2012 mark starting for us? of course not but he's still young and has proven he can win big and no one is saying he should be given the job but he should have a chance to compete for the job. if he wins he starts, if not he's on the bench for a year then we get rid of him when we have less of a cap hit.

    Isn't it amazing how mark was so awful and rex is so awful yet we won 4 road playoff games? it must be so easy any team can do it.

    In the SB era teams w/ less than 4 road playof wins(1966-2012):

    Arizona 2
    Atlanta 2
    Buffalo 3
    Chicago 2
    Cincy ZERO
    Cleveland 1
    Denver 3
    Detroit ZERO
    Houston ZERO
    Jacksonville 3
    Miami 3
    New Orleans ZERO
    Oakland 3
    San Francisco 2
    Seattle 2
    Tampa Bay 1

    16 of the 31 other teams(more than half in case it isn't obvious) don't have as many as 4 road playoff wins in the SB era yet in 4 seasons rex and sanchez have 4 but they suck.

    Mark didn't have a great defense either.
  17. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    And as pointed out repeatedly, Sanchez's play in his best game was just an average NFL performance by NFL standards. When you say I QB outplayed the other QB it generally means that he was the major factor in the team winning. The fact that in each of the games it was the defense that kept the score low it allowed Sanchez to be very pedestrian in his performance and win. When the defense wasn't at the top of it's game the Jets lost. The only thing Sancez was asked to do was not blow the games, and to his credit he didn't. He also didn't make it easy though.

    I really really hopet here are GM's out there that think like you do, we'll be able to get a good deal on him if there are.
  18. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    Again, what Sanchez nut-huggers don't seem to grasp is that Sanchez never "lead" us anywhere, and to suggest that he did is to forfeit all traces to reality. As a poster cleverly wrote earlier in this thread, the delusional Sanchez fanatics in this thread who are waxing poetic over Sanchez's performance in 2009 and 2010 (a period in which he was a decidedly mediocre player, if that) is equivalent to hypothetical Steeler fans yearning for the return of Kordell Stewart after he "lead" (there's that word again) them to the AFC championship game. It's quintessentially flawed thinking.

    For the most part, we played around him in 2009 and 2010. As his role grew and our commitment to (and implementation of) a strong running game deteriorated (and pass attempts increased) in 2011, he played worse and worse. This year, the wheels just fell off. He collapsed and had one of the worst seasons I've seen a Jets quarterback have in a very long time. The fact that there are still a small minority of supposed Jets fans sincerely and ardently defending him only proves the verity that people see what they want to see and believe what they want to believe.
  19. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    nyjunc will support Mark till his dying day, so far no one's been able to tell him any differently. He makes some valid points, but the past is the past, he's not fixable here.
  20. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Average through the eyes of those that don't understand what they are watching.

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