Close up view of the train wreck? I think some of it is just being polite. I've went to interview for jobs I didn't plan on taking, unless they offered a ridiculous amount of money... they didn't. I don't think taking this job would cast a bad light on any GM if things didn't work out, they could always point out how bad things were when they started... I'd rather be the GM than the PR guy.
This team will never go anywhere with this owner. He made his priority known when he said, " we are in the media business". Who better to keep you in the media then Rex? No credible GM is going to want to be part of this circus.
Adam Schefter @AdamSchefter Jets plan to have follow-up discussions for GM job with former Bears GM Jerry Angelo, Jets assistant GM Scott Cohen and Steelers' Omar Kahn.
I like Rex, but it was a huge mistake to force him on whoever takes the GM job. We aren't getting the best candidates because of it.
How about Carolina? They're forcing Ron Rivera on them. He has 13 wins in his two years there. He does well at the end of the season, but can't win enough game at the beginning of the season. Andy Reid? They are forcing him on Dorsey Chudzeik or whatever his name is? They're forcing him on the new GM. That sort of thinking is stupid.
I don't like the idea of angelo but you're not going to find a single candidate that can't be linked to some questionable picks.
Was hoping we'd get Tom Gamble. I really like how San Francisco is set up as an organization and you know he had at least a part of that. Jerry Angelo could work but I don't think he's anything special and not much of an upgrade over Tannenbaum. I'm sure Woody and co. will do due diligence
i would usually agree. however, with an incumbent coach and a sticky salary cap and qb situation plus the media sharks in a feeding frenzy, angelo may be the best prospect for this team right now.has handled a big city where the bears are beloved but the media is tough.would come in with some cred and would not be a push over to keep rex in check. the more i think about it the more i like the idea of him calling the shots
actually, SJF, none of us and none of the media with their phantom sources know who is still in, who is out, who is in the lead or anything about this decision unless one of us is named Johnson or Hughes
A depressing list for you Jets fans... Angelo is a bum. For years the bears offensive line sucked and he did nothing to fix that. They missed the playoffs 5 out of the last 6 years...A winning record and not making the playoffs? Cohen is just more of the same. He shouldn't not be on the final list...He was a part of the problem of why the team sucked... Khan's just a numbers guy. Really? That CFL guy I thought was the best guy...Great at picking players, working with a small salary cap and being successful...An outside guy that its qualified with all aspects of being a GM...
People said from day 1 that this would happen ! No one credible will want this job under these circumstances . A GM would want control and build it with his vision,,,woody is forcing wrecks on them and adding conditions! You guys that want to call candidates that turn it down names like pussies are more likely to get a yes an or pussy that will not fix this but make it worse ! This is a train wreck make no mistake:sad:
Anyone who is scared off because of the cap or because he has to have Rex Ryan as our coach isn't the right fit for us. I don't want someone who is scared of a challenge whether it be cap, Rex Ryan or our QB situation. Bring someone in here who is willing and ready to take on these challenges head on.