It's the truth. Tebow's crazy fans are the cause of all of the media frenzy around him. They know that Tebow = ratings. This causes Tebowmania everywhere he goes. This causes a distraction in the locker room wherever he goes. This leads to him being toxic to the environment of any team he is on. This will lead to no team wanting him and an end of his NFL career. Good job Tebowites.
Amen If he were even an average talent QB his cult of adoring mouth breathers would still be a problem for whatever team he was on Him being way below minimal QB competence levels only makes things worse
That is the REAL problem with the Tebow saga. Here he is, trying to develop, and have an NFL career just like a few thousand others. He works hard, does a swell job of being a great guy. Yet the media shows up and over inflates his exposure. Many people get sucked into the hype and buy into all that hooplah surrounding him... Then they take EVERY OUNCE of criticism uttered toward his game as a personal attack. live in complete denial that maybe he is at a minimum half responsible for the predicament he is in. ...and pretty much blame everone else on the planet for his shortcomings. They act as if he is actually OWED a starting job. Like a birthright. the sense of entitlement from Tebow fanatics is amazing. ...and they think they are doing him a favor with all that hyperbole. "Elway is jealous." "Ryan has a bromance with Sanchez." "Nobody has vision." "His league leading three and outs and low career completion percentages don't mean anything." What GM wants to deal with all that crap in their face every day if they don't do what the Tebowners want? They don't want their teams held hostage by the flavor of the month that should have expired well over a year ago. I doubt many teams would have a problem having him on the team quietly developing if not for the circus. I doubt Tebow would be taking these kind of daily assaults if not for the Tebow fanatics. I do think the attacks on Tebow are more there to stick it to Tebow fans than they are any real hatred for Tebow himself. It is for me. So yeah, I think it is a major factor. These guys are hurting him more than they are helping him.
Speaking specifically about the media chaos that swirls around him. Its the opposite. Its the haters that said to anyone that would listen that it could not be done that it will never happen yadda yadda yadda, and when it did, things blew up. if Tebow would have been treated by the media the same as any other 2nd year back up who was getting a chance to start none of the chaos would have occurred.
Come on guys. Tim Tebow not being able to throw the ball quickly and with any accuracy, let alone read a defense, is what's going to kill his career. Yeah, all the other stuff really sucks for his chances to develop, although it puts a lot of money in his wallet. But it's not why he's going to fail. He's going to fail for the same reason that any other professional athlete fails: he's not good enough. You think Rex Ryan wouldn't have chugged a barrelful of gatorade and gone on national TV loudly praising Tim Tebow as the greatest QB of all time just before he handed him the reins of the Jets if there was any chance at all that would help? The sad thing about the Tim Tebow story is that none of his fans are going to admit the basic truth until the lights have been out for a month or so. Then they're suddenly going to realize that he just wasn't that good.
Doubting it. I don't think there was a player on this planet that had a fanbase as dillusional as Tebow fans.
Or haters as irrational. It goes both ways. Tebow is THE most polarizing athlete in sports...and its because of BOTH sides. Both sides will point the finger and both are probably right... I mean... look at Harts avatar? Is that even remotely rational? Is that not evidence of a complete and total bias? At least you bring intelligent conversation to the debate. I can at respect that.
Prob true, if there was no tebowmania, tebow would be better off. Tebowmania is a sum of two halves thou, its fueled by the bickering between the pro and anti tebow sides. I guess you guys win thou, since u want him to fail lol. I still Think Tim makes it some how or another. Maybe there will be some shock move and we see him starting for the Raiders, Bills, Cheifs, or Cardinals. He most likely takes a trip through the cfl or something thou.
are you for real? It's you and the rest of the traveling circus that give him problems. Most normal people are fans of a team,where players come and go. You guys follow around one man and your belief that he is the lord jesus christ of football and all who do not play him will burn in the lake of fire. wacky bastards
Tebow was never given a chance. Rex sabotaged the season by keeping Mark out there. Blame Tebow after he gets meaningful snaps, but he just stayed on the bench where Mark should have been.
so,tebow lit it up in practice everyday,and earned the starting job. But rex refused to play him,even though he outshine mark in practice? interesting
No but westhoff said he was not given a chance and so did Devito..on record. do we trust you or Westhoff and Devito?
he did not beat out mark. according to every report and a blow by blow account that exist it was actually even until about the last week. Tebow did end up with more yards than mark in pre season games , but neither did well under Sparano.