ROFL jose3030 @jose3030 General Mills is probably like .. why in the WORLD is Honey Nut Cheerios trending
Pierce and Garnett are my two least favorite players in the NBA. The Fake has spent his whole career being a whiny drama queen. Oh, and he's a major loser. For a player some tout as great (Bill Simmons wrote a column comparing him to Kobe, arguing that Pierce is an all time great), his teams did zero until the Celtics tanked the hell out of a season and got KG and Allen (and of course, drafted Rondo, who is now their best player). The Fake is a stats compiler. He was never an elite player. I don't think there was any season you could argue he was a top 10 player. The Paul Pierce Era in Boston was 1998-2007. Check out the results. Oh yeah, and the Fake called himself the best player in the world. As for Garnett, he's been an asshole, a dirty player, and a fake tough guy his whole career. Have you heard the announcers talking about what a leader he is and how he shows his young teammates the ropes? The main thing he teaches is how to play dirty. See Rondo. Garnett is just a complete scum bag. I don't know how anyone could root for someone like that, with the things he says and does.
KG is a bitch i miss the days when a guy like oakley couldnt wait till the next game to take him down hard.
That's ridiculous. KG choked Billy Walker last year and got no suspension. Let's see Tommy over on CSN whine about how the league that "Favors the Knicks" favored the Knicks here. If the league favors the Knicks they sure as hell do a terrible job of it.
Yup, Melo out tonight. Total bull shit. Knicks also looking into Kenyon Martin due to Sheeds injury. Id love to see KG play dirty with one of those 2.
Fucking stupid. The league hates Carmelo. Since when is the NBA the thought police? He didn't fight Garnett, he didn't technically do anything. Players are no longer penalized for their actions, they are penalized for what they may have (speculation) wanted to do at one point. Fuck Stern. Get the fuck out of the league already. The dude can't even walk somewhere without getting suspended despite not doing a damn thing?? I hope Melo appeals, but again if we lose this game because Melo's out, how do we get it back? What a fucking joke. I want to know what exact rule Melo broke to be suspended.
First off: Via Detroit Pistons Beat Writer: Vincent Goodwill @vgoodwill Talked to a player last night who said a former player facilitated phone call btw KG and Melo. If the Cheerios comment was true, "hell no" So I'm just gonna drop a bunch of links I think are good reads: Abrams ^ wrote another great article on the rockets I believe. LONG reads but great reads.
Shaq is on TNT saying there are no rules in trash talking so you can say whatever you want. He and KG went to the same school of trash talk I guess. Shaq busy complimenting KG for being a "master". Someone needs to teach KG a lesson.
Amare showing his ineptitude on defense again. Minutes into him playing. It's funny now. On the fast break and he got out rebounded by hansborough who missed the shot at the end of the first. Let's keep count