Ian O'Connor: "Weak Woody bamboozled by Rex"

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by klecko73, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. klecko73

    klecko73 Guest


    O'Connor hits the nail on the head with this one. The subtitle could have been, assuming the Jets hire Cohen, is that "Scott Cohen and Rex Ryan = Status Quo"

    If the recent reports are accurate and Scott Cohen is hired as GM, then the team of Cohen and Ryan amounts to lipstick on a pig. A Cohen hire at the GM position is tantamount to the status quo and Woody Johnson, despite spending $$$ on a GM search, has no intent to bring in meaningful change.

    I don't want Ryan back next year as coach, but if a new GM with decision making authority at all levels was brought in, then this would be less of a problem. Like it or not, there are added benefits to some level of continuity during change and financial considerations (Ryan's salary). That is mitigated by the fact that next year is going to be an utter disaster based upon the salary cap and talent level on this team. I have no doubt that this is a 4-12 at best given what needs to happen this off-season.

    An outside candidate hire at GM brings in a fresh and 360 total review of the organization. Hiring Cohen means that Woody really doesn't think there are problems with this team (outside poor QB play and "fluke" injuries to Revis and Holmes) and isn't committed to real systemic change. Given Ryan's relationship with Woody and the Tannenbaum team (which Cohen is a part of), Cohen is just another puppet by the blowhard Ryan. Whether Ryan returns as coach in 2014 or not is moot at this point. If the Jets pick Cohen, given the mess the team is in, he is going to get 5 years to work it out. That essentially means 5 more years of the failed Tannenbaum experiment. For us long term Jets fans, this also means a return to the Hess years where mediocrity and promoting from within dysfunction is the norm.

    If that is the case, don't expect the Lombardi Trophy visiting the Jets complex by the time we celebrate (if there any fans left) the 50th anniversary of Super Bowl III.

  2. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    can someone tell this guy to shut up. I'm so sick of seeing articles from this clown. he's like a typical whiny Jet fan.
  3. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Blah blah blah
  4. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    The media is really laying down the bullshit hard. I'm so sick of the media and "their" views, it amazes me so many fans fall for this crap.
  5. klecko73

    klecko73 Guest

    So instead of providing counterpoints to his point of view, you call him a clown?
    Ad hominem attacks mean you have no arguments.

    I think O'Connor hit this one out of the park. The Jets are a joke - especially if they hire Cohen.

    Rex is blithering idiot - he is like that drunk fat guy you partied with in college. You buy the beer and he drinks it all but never pays. But because he is such a great guy to hang out with, you give him a pass over and over despite his failed promises to pay up.

    Ryan talks about meaningful change but hasn't delivered because he doesn't mean it. His lack of discipline permeates through the organization like a stench. He is a charlatan cut from the same cloth as Herm Edwards. They talk a big game but underneath that there is really no substance. Woody can't see it because he is all style and no substance.
  6. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    It's like beating a dead horse at this point bro. The media is all spewing the same form of bullshit over and over.

    You want to get wrapped up in all the media's crap, cool, but to say it is farfetched for Rex to win a Super Bowl with this team is borderline dumb, considering the guy has already took this team to two AFC Championship games in four years.

    He hasn't had the talent to work with, anyone with a brain can see the roster was getting worse and worse each year.

    If you want to blame Rex for that then I don't know what to tell you or the media considering he is not the one pulling weight for this team in that regard. You can speculate he had a big hand in it, but nobody knows for sure what went on behind closed doors. The media doesn't even know that shit.

    The biggest problem with you and all of the other Rex haters, you have turned on Rex without looking at the big picture. None of you are really looking as to why we have went on the decline, instead you just take an offensive stance, buy into the media's bullshit, and stay hooked on a knee jerk reaction that resulted in two problem filled seasons.

    Nothing the media puts out is valid to me anymore, I literally just read about 7 negative articles from the NYDN about how the press conference was so bad, and that's complete bullshit because it was encouraging to me and a lot of other fans of the Jets. The media just wants to stir the hornets nest and for whatever reason make headlines through negative reporting.

    I don't even remember the last time I seen a positive article on the Jets through the NYDN and there has been plenty of positive things to write about. It's crazy.
  7. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    There is so much hyperbole regarding the Jets at this point. Rex Ryan is the de facto owner of the Jets? Why would anybody in their right mind read on past that point?
  8. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    what is to counter? he's acting like a typical whiny Jet fan, what did they expect Rex to day? I thought Rex camne off fine in the press conference. The only way know nothing like O'Connor and most Jet fans would have been happy was if Rex said he was stepping down so we could elevate our next HC we want to fire in 2 years.

    Cohen has been part of the best stretch in NYJ history so having continuity wouldn't be a bad thing. Changes need to be made and these guys are smart enough to realize it no matter who is the GM.

    The last tiome we changed GMs we promoted from w/in, it brought us 3 postseasons, 4 postseason wins, 2 title game apps, Mangold, Brick, Leon, revis, Harris, Wilkerson, Coples, Sanchez, Keller, Holmes, Edwards, Woody, Rex, etc...
  9. jetiron

    jetiron New Member

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Because it is rings the truth that is why. The guy hits it on all point.
  10. NFL

    NFL Active Member

    Apr 2, 2012
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    At this point I wouldn't mind if Rex was let go. Not because I don't like him, but to see all you cry babies really cry when the next coach can't get 3 wins with this roster.
  11. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I'd wish that too if it didn't hurt me, obviously I want a winner but most of these fans deserve a loser.
  12. NFL

    NFL Active Member

    Apr 2, 2012
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    Honestly, the drafts that Cohen has been a part of have been more impressive than Ross' or the Colts guy. Bad thing about our drafts have been that we've traded to many picks, but they have had decent drafts.
    #12 NFL, Jan 9, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2013
  13. NFL

    NFL Active Member

    Apr 2, 2012
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    Completely true, I worded it wrong, I would mind because I don't want a loser, but exactly like you said, many of these fans deserve a loser.
  14. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    We go 6-10 with some injury issues and the whole organization needs to be blown-up? This has worked so well past might as well keep trying it.

    Lets get to really what this article says. Rex did not play Tebow and actually turn this organization in a circus so I am very angry. We have to actually talk football now which I know nothing about so I am going to spew how bad this organization is if they hire internal.

    Dumbass as fans: Yeah we don't want Cohen we want Gamble. Question:Do you know either person or their qualifications? DAF: No, but Woody is a puppet to Rex this Gamble has to be the shit not Cohen. Question: Why: Because this Ian guy said so he must know he is a beat writer. How could Rex possibly keep starting Sanchez when we had Tebow and Mccelroy Rex must be a terrible coach.

    You know after injuries we had the least talented offense in the league. Most coaches would have gone 2-14 with the talent the Jets had yet the Jets were still in the playoff picture until the last month of the season.

    DAF: Blow it Up start all over "something about licking balls or sucking dick" I never wanted Sanchez or Rex anyway. He only won because of Mangini.

    Where you not on these boards calling for Mangini's head and blowing it all up just a few years ago?

    Here is the honest truth that nobody is talking about or cares to. Tanny bet the farm to win it all in 2010 and the came a horse hair away or a defensive stop from going to the superbowl.

    2011 and 2012 Tanny was hoping Sanchez would become elite and carry this team with patch work moves and he got rid of talent. This team has been rebuilding since 2011 but Rex actually made this less talented team competitive. Without injuries to Hill, Holmes, Revis, Keller, Pouha, Ellis, Mcknight, Kerly and the rest of our receiving core this team might have actually made the playoffs.
  15. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    you are correct, have we traded away a few too many picks? sure but the opposite was under Parcells in the late 90s where we had a million picks and onyl 1 or 2 guy per draft stuck. There are different ways to build teams, this was our first BAD year under Rex and we lost a ton of skill guys on O. Too many to overcome, if we just lost Holmes we could have survived or if we just lost keller but Keller, Holmes, hill in and out(as inconsistent as he was he was developing and did make a few plays) and being forced to play w/ kerley as our top threat, Schilens, Gates(who couldn't even make the dolphins awful WR group), Cumberland and Reuland. W/o even making a move(assuming we bring back Keller and Edwards) our weapon around the QB are a million times better next year w/ good health and I am sure we will make some moves to bring in offensive talent.

    We aren't far off from being a playoff contender again, what people fail to realize is that things change quickly in this league UNLESS you have a Brady, Rodgers, Peyton at QB where you know you will make it every year.

    2 years ago Giant fans and the media wanted to blow up that team and that was DURING the 2011 season. People overreact too quickly allt he time- both postively and negatively.
  16. horsehead

    horsehead Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2002
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    What a difference two years makes.
    Everyone...fans and media, were LOVING Rex after season 2....now most are looking for his head on a platter.
    The guy deserves at least one more year, leave him alone already.
  17. Ted

    Ted Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    The writer strayed off the subject to often to take shots at the Jets. What he is getting at is correct. How he gets there is ridiculously unprofessional.

    Woody portrays himself as being ignorant by gushing about Rex and everything he brings to the table. He should have stated that they had a down year yet in spite of that, he expects the team to perform at a level it did in Rex's first two years.

    When you take the approach that Woody did, especially after he cancelled Rex's season ending PC until this week, the media is going to show no mercy.
  18. fozzi58

    fozzi58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    I don't understand the Rex hate. He'/s being himself instead of a mumbling tell nothing idiot like most of the coaches.

    The Jets org chart needs to change - the HC & GM should report to the owner equally. I hate the idea that the GM is the "buck stops here" guy.

    We need a QB or someone that can rescue Sanchez and bring in serious competition. Until we get a top 15 QB or better this team will never reach the SB. It doesn't Matter if Cowher is HC, Rex is DC and Belicheck is the OC.

    And by the way, all these retards saying Rex will "never be" an offensive guy must have forgotten about Darth Vader who was considered a defensive genius, drafted a top 5 QB and let his defense slip to the bottom of the league while his offense ran circles around most of the league. So saying Rex can't evolve is like saying Manish has named sources.
    #18 fozzi58, Jan 9, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2013
  19. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    That article is absolute bullshit bordering on slander to be honest. Two good years, two bad ones. Give him a tiebreaker year before firing him, but NOOOOOOOO, we MUST fire him now because the media is upset..

    nyjunc is obsessed with Sanchez for some strange reason, but I honestly am starting to think some people on here deserve decades of losing seasons.
  20. Ted

    Ted Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    You want Woody Johnson making the final decisions?

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