Am I the only person left with faith in Ryan/Sanchez?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by SyracuseJet, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. dr.velociraptor

    dr.velociraptor Tired of BS

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Rex is the head of this team and is sitting idly by while every single coach gets the can. he must've sold his GM down the river when Woody called him in, his Qb coach, ST coach "retired", DC (leaving under tense conditions and interviewing with our division rival), S&T coach, OC.

    As a manager if I assembled a team that performed so poorly it required a house cleaning I would not retain my job.
  2. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    At todays someone should ask Woody to take off his jacket and roll up his sleeves because I think there is a good chance that Woody has a Tattoo of Rex and Mrs Johnson in some form ! I mean is Woody going to recite the team slogan today " Rex gives us the best chance to win " .

    I mean think about this------whether Rex picked players or not is debateable ( and I think he did have a big hand in that ) but these coaches are ALL on his staff and they are getting fired left and right ! Even the freaking strenght and conditioning guy got canned,,,,,Tanny is gone yet Rex is going to stay ?

    ps no GM yet-----I sure hope we get some legit answers today but I wont bet on it :sad:
  3. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    The blind speculation and hatred continues. Durrr, he must have sold Tanny out!!! You really have no clue whatsoever about how a football organization is run. Westhoff was planning to retire before this year began. OOPS. And the DC is leaving on his own, he was offered an extension, he didn't get fired. OOPS. 2 coaches got fired and you are acting like they all have been. OOPS.

    Tannebaum is the manager, not Rex and I highly doubt you'd fire every single person on the team, especially if their production was top 4 in the country, 50% of their years with the company. I love when people compare football to the real job market as if it has anything whatsoever to do with it. :lol: You get the patented Barcs laughing at you smiley. Yes, it's patented now, since darksiders are so utterly ridiculous with their hatred.

    Rex is staying ya'll. Time to move on and support him for the next year. No need to be butt hurt about it.
    #163 Barcs, Jan 8, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2013
  4. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Blind hatred on this fan base is legendary.

    Admit it. Jets defense is not what it once was back then. The safeties, and the entire LB corp is a fucking disaster. Ellis hasn't grown into the formidable NT yet.

    Wilkerson, a 3-4 End, along with Coples, yet another 3-4 End, was the most consistent pass rusher on this defense. See where I am getting at? Without Rex, this defense is down right pathetic. Don't just take my words for it. See for yourself with your own bloody eyes. This defense somehow stays competitive in every game - or until the offense gives up more points than the defense had a chance to. Even in losses, there were only a couple games where the defense was blown out of water. Most of the losses this season were the works of offense, not defense.

    So Rex has to go? Because the media makes a joke out of him? Not because of what he actually does or says? Man, do you know how to think for yourself?
  5. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    A lot of the arguments I'm hearing in the press about Rex staying are pathetic sensationalized garbage just meant to stir up anger and keep the conversation moving.

    The one and only question about Rex should be the ability of the New York Jets to develop an effective offense with him as head coach. A lot of what he said in the press conference leads me to believe his mindset is dramatically improving in that regard. Still, words are wind... we have to see it actually happen. I don't think this offense can be turned around in one offseason so I'm not sure Rex is going to survive the upcoming year.

    If the offense can reach a point where it is NFL level legitimately competitive then I hope Rex stays on for a very long time. If the offense is just going to continue to produce more of the same under Rex, then it's time to find a new head coach who can manage an entire team.
  6. otrebor1

    otrebor1 New Member

    Nov 5, 2012
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    "STEP AWAY FROM THE CRACK PIPE"!!!!!! Belicheater is only the luckiest motherfucking TROLL on the planet! Finding Fagrady in the late rounds is a prime example! Give me a fucking break!

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