So, the "source" for your position that the Jets fanbase have a general reputation as one of the worst - did you say the worst? - in the NFL is the Gamble thread here on and your view that a three page long thread means the Jets have a shitty fanbase. Oh, and of course your saying you don't need any proof. In short, you don't have anything.
Meh. Any idiot could see it was time for Sparano to go. They should never have hired him in the first place.
dont let the door hit ya i was patient when you showed us absolutely nothing in the preseason. and i was hopeful after that great game in buffalo to start the season. but regardless of the talent this guy was just plain bad. in schottys offense the players were confused, in sparanos they just plain werent prepared. the team needs to stop listening to parcells
I don't blame Sparano for what happened but we needed a overhaul of the offensive coaching staff so this was an easy move to make.
Gee whiz & before the start of the 2012 season U all were welcoming him as your conquering hero :sad:
You'd make a great detective.:up: Not sure here but perhaps a conflict of interest might be a possibility? Regarding the timing of the firing, it does take one topic pretty much out of play in what's probably going to be a very difficult Presser.
This is where the Jets and a lot of other teams get it wrong. BradwaySux in another thread laid out the org chart that the Jets should have in order to sustain success. The HC & GM should be reporting to Woody without worrying about the other. The HC reports to owner and GM reports to owner. Their job titles and responsibilities are very different and neither should trample on the other nor have the ability to dangle a carrot in front of the other. Coaches coach and tell the GM what they need. The GM gets the HC the best player possible for the contracts allowed by the cap.
we all know our offensive weapons(healthy) were horrible, you guys all think sanchez is the worst QB in the history of the game. if that is true how can it be Tony's fault? AGAIN, I want a new OC and new offensive staff but it wasn't Tony's fault the O sucked.
Well Junc, with Sparano gone, there's no more scapegoats to throw under the bus. Only one man left standing, the bullseye is squarely on him and the countdown has already begun. We could probably call 2013: "Rexy's Last Stand..."
Schottenheimer was a good OC, the fans ran him out of town. Tony never really had a chance w/ the healthy talent we had. The bullseye was on him before this move, there's no guarantee Mark will be back though I really hope so.
What took this so long? Everyone, even Tony knew it was coming from the moment we were eliminated from the playoffs if not before.
Anyone who thinks Rex was not responcible or is giving him any type of pass on the HIRING OF SPORANO needs to go back and read the direct quotes of a year ago almost to the day of what Rex said about Sporano ! Sporano was Rexs guy he wanted him and got him no question in my eyes.
I say Rex has made just as many bad calls as Tranny did and should have been fired along with him. Rex sacrificed everyone to save his ass. Not the kind of coach a good DC or OC wants to work for.
Woody has shown absolutely nothing to indicate he could directly supervise any HC. He's not a football person. He never ran anything in his life. At least Hess ran an oil company.