I agree... That team is a complete mess. I do think he'd be a better starter than Gabert though. I'm sure he can get more than 2 wins.
Maybe. Footballwise, It would still be a matter of switching one mediocre QB out for another. Come on, Gabbert? Henne? Tebow? Some second or third round pick? It would sell some tickets and get them back into the national conversation again though. Might be what the doctor ordered for a team that struggles to sell tickets and is rumored to be looking to move to L.A.
Exactly... if one team needs the "extra stuff" that comes with Tebow... Its Jacksonville. And as far as being a mediocre QB compared to Gabbert and Henne, I can agree. I just think there's more upside for Tebow, especially if you build around him. We've gone over all of this before, but he is extremely athletic and is built like a fullback, assuming he can go back down to his weight from last year, he's got decent speed and quickness and has great instincts running. These are things that Gabert and Henne can never bring to the table. He also has great leadership qualities, and if he can just become an adequate passer (still up in the air), he could be a very decent starting QB in this league. Can he win a SB? unlikely, but he can be better than most of the qb's that have gone through Jax as of late.
Stephen Hawking >>>>> Tebow. Just because Tebow "might" be better than Gabbert, (though I saw more jags fans believe otherwise,) is no reason to go get him when just about anyone else is probably better at running NFL offenses than Tebow is. Tebow finished his third year, and he's about to get dismissed from his second team. Jacksonville would be better served with their new managment if they picked a direction and ran accordingly. It simply does not make sense for them to go out and get a guy being punted around the league as a gimmick player, who has many obvious limitations as an NFL caliber QB, and then work backwards from there to make it work with him. In order for that to work, whoever goes after Tebow MUST have TEBOW'S career in mind first. Then build around that. Since nobody is going to think about getting Tebow and then rebuilding around his skillset (code for building around his weaknesses) on an experiment that could still blow up in their faces.... I think his career as anything more than a package player or backup is pretty much over. Nobody is going to make that committment. NOBODY. Tebow is going to have to make the transition, not the rest of the league. Sorry Tebowners.
Jetsett34 as a big Broncos fan pretending to be a Jets fan you were there last year and you know how much crow you ate week in and week out.
I am neither a fan nor hater of the Broncos - i hate the fuck out of john elway and his big stupid horse teeth though. Most over rated QB of all time. So you missed again, cowboys fan. I'm jets fan through and through - although I was a massive earl campbell fan growing up so i did root for the oilers at one point... but thats the only straying i ever did away from the green / white. Unfortunately for me I will die a Jets fan probably never having witnessed a SB win.
The only bad taste I have in my mouth is from Tebow and dumb asses like you fucking up my team. I cant wait for you to leave us. I wish you luck and I hope your infatuation clears up or you get your wish and tebow sends you a soiled rubber for you to chew on like gum.
sparano is gone cavanagh is gone g'bye Timmy you're next don't forget to take your foul smelling cult with you
On behalf of the 7 Tebow fans on this site , I want to wish you well with the human blooper reel that is Mark Sanchez . It will be interesting seeing more coaching careers mushroom clouded by the Sanchize as he retakes the helm as Jets ' starter .
If I saw it your way, you'd have a point. Since I believe he was carried to those wins when he spent most of the game being ineffective, and since the rest of the league seems to see it the way I do, I would say there is a loooooooong way to go before I taste any crow for Tebow turning out to be any good. I've long believed he was a suck ass out there, and I've seen nothing from him, especially in his most recent season to make me believe otherwise. Maybe his 4th year is the charm.
That's an original number give or take a few Hey CC let me ask you something , Let's say you had to go into next year and you could only use Mark Sanchez or Tebow as starters for the Broncos , who would you pick?