2013 is looking pretty good at the moment. THANK GOD FOR HOCKEY LETS GO RANGERS!!!! EDIT: Over the summer I bought a Lundqvist T-shirt and I swore I would not put it on till the Lockout ended. Brand new shirt sitting in my closet for six months. Just put it on today. SO AWESOME
I just hope the schedule isn't filled with back to backs or back to back to backs like how the NBA had.. will not bode well for the Rangers style of play. They will break down SO fast.
Well we're back in business huh boys? I always expected they'd reach an agreement, just figured it would come down to the wire at the deadline. Good to have it back in a couple weeks.
Couldn't have said it better myself! Was listening to Laurie Rubinson on Fan at 5am yesterday and she cut off a caller to say they had breaking news, and I was like what the fuck can happen at 5 am except the lockout is over...halle-fuckin'-luah!!!!!!!!!!! LGR!
I remember being in Cosbys in 1983 or 84...something like that. Dave Shultz of all people was there signing his fucking book!!!!!! There was almost a riot when everyone started tryingto pick fights with him. Classic.
I want two parades this summer. We were one game away from that 19 years ago. Let's go Rangers and Knicks!
How sweet would that be? It's possible. I loved that there was about 60% less people then a Yankees or Giants Parade. Also, all the Rangers were jumping off the floats figh fiving fans .. god I love hockey.