Guess people are tired of hearing our name in the media and Tom Gamble wants to be our hero ? Actually...
Yep, those tricky "facts" get them everytime. Shall we take a look at both QBs first 4 years statistics, specifically their CMP (Completion Percentage), YDS/GP (Yards per Game Played), AVG YDS/PASS (Average Yards per Pass), TD/GP (Touchdowns per Game Played), INT/GP (Interceptions per Game Played), FUM/GP (Fumbles per Game Played) and RAT (Passer Rating)? Alex Smith CMP% 54.55% YDS/GP 220 AVG YDS/PASS 5.725 TD/GP 1.15625 INT/GP 1.34375 FUM/GP 1.04348 RAT 63.575 Mark Sanchez CMP% 54.9% YDS/GP 257 AVG YDS/PASS 5.725 TD/GP 1.44681 INT/GP 1.46809 FUM/GP 0.81250 RAT 71.7 Except for the ever so slightly higher INT/GP by our own QB we love to hate, they do seem pretty similar, "factually" speaking that is. In fact, an objective observer of these stats could (dare I say it) declare Mark Sanchez the better QB after 4 years since he's better in everyone of those categories. But why let the "facts" get in the way your truth.
No matter how he turns out (good or bad) he was still a reach in the first round based on what we know. They could have traded out of the first and he would have been there in 2nd and probably even 3rd or 4th.
The only person mouth breathing is you my friend. I said Rex runs the show and is the teachers pet as in Woody got the best possible GM for Rex (i.e., someone with a 20 year relationship with the Ryan family and comes from a defense minded team). I didn't say or mean that Rex hand picked the GM while on vacation rubbing sun lotion on his creepy tattoo. The funny thing is that had Rex been given the opportunity, I don't think he could of done any better outside of hiring himself, Rob or Buddy. I don't see this guy as anxiously waiting to let Rex after a year like Holgrem and Mangina. And lastly, for the record, I love the pick. Woody did good. So save your fictitious argument for someone else who deserves it.
No, but he did turnover the ball (INT & FUM) at a higher rate in his first 4 years than Sanchez, but who cares. It's just "facts" right?
Of course they look good when you add them up. Smith had a crap year 1 & 3 while having a decent 2 and a good 5(4 since he missed 2008). Sanchez has been about average all 4 years minus the TD/TO ratios. Smith showed progress in 2009 his 4th year while Sanchez has shown none. Since we don't have a time machine why not just show their last 4 years. Code: Mark Sanchez Passing Statistics for Career Games 2009 to 2012 Games Passing Passing Year Tm G GS QBrec Cmp Att Cmp% Yds TD TD% Int Int% Lng Y/A AY/A Y/C Y/G Rate QBR Sk SkYds NY/A ANY/A Sk% 4QC GWD 09-12 NYJ 62 62 33-29-0 1028 1867 55.1% 12092 68 3.6 69 3.7 74 6.5 5.5 11.8 195.0 71.7 126 818 5.66 4.78 6.3 Alex Smith Passing Statistics for Career Games 2009 to 2012 Games Passing Passing Year Tm G GS QBrec Cmp Att Cmp% Yds TD TD% Int Int% Lng Y/A AY/A Y/C Y/G Rate QBR Sk SkYds NY/A ANY/A Sk% 4QC GWD 09-12 SFO 48 45 27-17-1 855 1377 62.1% 9601 62 4.5 32 2.3 73 7.0 6.8 11.2 200.0 88.2 115 674 5.98 5.85 7.7 Smith is the better QB then and now.
Alex Smith sucks. If Gamble brings him in the Jets won't be any better than with Tebow or Sanchez.. this franchise needs a better Quarterback and better leadership
Alex Smith was the first pick and had one decent NFL season in a 7 or so year career as a draft bust. We already have a draft bust who was the fifth pick with two decent seasons out of four Both of them suck MOORE
Nor should he be. Hopefully Gamble is able to clean up Tannenblow's MESS (Turnover Machine, Tebow, etc) give Rex an OC who isn't a halfwit for a change and let a good football coach be a good football coach again. I think it will happen and Rex will get that extension he deserves during 2013 and lead the Jets as HC for a long time to come
So good he got benched permanently Just say NO Intchez Tebow McElroy We have our full quota of crap. No need to make things even worse
I'm wondering if Gamble was the first choice because of his connection to Rex? Not saying he's a bad choice or whatever, just wondering. Just read that Gamble also has a relationship with Bradway and that Bradway could be pushing for him to land the job. This doesn't make me too happy. I think the Bradway needs to be gone and a complete overhaul to the scouting department is a MUST!
What about the facts from the last two seasons? You take numbers from Smiths worst years as a pro and expect me to give a shit? How about the last two years, where he's put up great numbers on a winning team, something Sanchez NEVER did. Those damn facts!
You need to draft one or you will wind up like the fins since Marino retired...picking up others trash and hoping you get lucky. I still think Sancez is your started next have too much invested in him not to.
Matt draft picks..reasonable cap cost with incentives.. And better than Sanchez McElroy Teblow and Smith combined Problem solved... Next question?