I'm pretty sure that Goodell isn't going to slam Woody or the Jets if Woody or Neil Glat tells him that the Jets can't comment at the moment because even Woody doesn't know what is going to come out of the GM search. It is ridiculous to suggest that the Jets should be forced to put Rex Ryan in front of a press conference before they are sure that he is going to be the coach next year. Same goes for Woody. He doesn't know what the Jets are actually going to wind up doing. Putting him up in front of a press conference right now is basically asking him to say "I'm very disappointed in how things turned out this season" in about a dozen different ways. None of which will give anybody any real clue as to what is going to happen next because Woody likely isn't sure about that yet. The Jets really should just put Neil Glat on the podium and let him answer the questions he can. That would be as accurate a State of the Jets at this moment presser as anything else will be. The media has fully manufactured this crisis. It's not like the Jets ever had a good option to manage the end of season with Tannenbaum getting fired and Rex not in the clear yet. The media just couldn't stand the fact that they weren't getting their full pound of flesh out of the Jets and so they're making trouble now. That also pretty accurately describes the relationship they've had with the Jets since last January or so.
Does it matter if he did hold a presser? The guy has been lying through his teeth in every press conference for weeks. He's a fraud. He has nothing so say of any substance. I can just see him coming up and saying "Guys, I just believe Mark gives us the best chance to win" before being reminded that the season is over.
i believe i read earlier in the thread that the coach or gm or owner need to be made available to let people know what is going on with the franchise. maybe woody needs to step up and say you know what i am not quite sure how this whole thing is going to go right now. let me figure it out and you will see some stuff next week. not taht he would ever say that but he should come and stand up and answer the questions at this point. its not like he needs to tell the truth or anything.
Dumb yes, easy to comply with before going off to the Bahamas? Also yes... It's amazing the heat the Jets bring on themselves.
Pay the fine and move on. Action speaks louder than words, and we spoke through action by firing Tannenbaum and searching for a new GM.
Especially when every other fucking team has had a press conference already except the Jets. They continue to do stupid things then wonder why the media is picking on them. Would it hurt if Woody or Rex would have came out and said a few things take a couple questions and lie like they usually do? I mean my God.
It's the media that brings on the heat. Jets, for a change, are doing it right -- keeping their mouths shut until there is something to tell. Also, I didn't see anyone providing a link to confirm that the "1 week" rule even exists. I've seen people claiming there is such rule, re-twitting each other's claims, even citing verbage, but there is yet to be a link to NFL site.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1 This is what I can't understand. What in the world do you expect Rex to say? Do you think ANY coach in the league is going to come up to the podium and say Is that what you expect? Do you think in your right mind any coach in ANY league would ever say the truth. You are just another delusional fan. We don't call it coach speak for nothing. Everyone, every team, all do it.
It's uside-down: the media is whining because the Jets are NOT doing anything stupid. Those beat motherfukers have to make an honest living for a change -- no shit they are not happy. And say exactly what? "We hadn't yet made a decision on which direction the organization will go" -- is the only thing they can say.
You guys really are that desperate for his stupid cliches? He is going to say nothing of importance...
I understand the point of "speaking when they have something to say" but it's a league rule that teams must give a press conference once their season is over. For them to pick the time when teams are supposed to speak seems weird imo.
all the NFL rule books are here: http://tinyurl.com/bcc5owj you can dig through all that to find items related to dealing with the media, if any