what does it say about me as a fan? That i am a fan of a team,i dont jump ship and follow a player when he leaves. This post was even dumber that the first one.
Ah yes, Tebow sucks. He sucked when he drove 95 yards down the field and stuck a dagger in the Jets. He sucked when he threw for 200+ yards in the 4th Q and OT while sticking a dagger in the Bears. He sucked all the while going 7-4 coming off the bench, taking his team to the playoffs. He sucked when throwing for 316 against the Steelers in a playoff victory that Jets players watched from the comfort of their own homes. Spare me the bullshit about how Tebow supposedly sucks. He did some things at QB that the Jets haven't managed to accomplish in 2 years. Namely, having a winning freaking record (7-4, 8-5), going to the playoffs and winning a playoff game. You know how he did it ? He did it by being BETTER and MORE PRODUCTIVE THAN the QBs that he faced, even while going 3 and out a bunch of times.
The majority of Jaguar fans on their forums are dreading the possible arrival of Tebow and his clown car fan base. I feel bad for them. They had to endure a season from hell and the fans die-hard enough to keep posting consistently had to deal with Tebow threads all season.
riiight. That is why he ended up on a team that already had a starter the day he arrived here. That is why denver kept him to be groomed behind manning,who has a short time left. That is why after the Jets have had clear problems at the qb position this year,choose not to let theguy near the field. That is why the many other teams that actually needed a qb didnt go after him. That is why Jag fans are dreading his arrival.
I'm not saying Sanchez is better then Romo. How can you talk smack about another teams QB? when ur own QB chokes year in and year out. Plus he thinks Tebow will be a good QB in the NFL. As a fan would u want Sanchez playoff record or Romo? We both know the Cowboys has always had talent around Romo. Again I'm not saying Sanchez is better,but if u keep choking every year he not a very good NFL QB.
By that definition that would imply Peyton Manning is not a good NFL QB either, and your not saying that are you ? Hehe Mannings play off record isn't exactly stellar you know ...
BUT Manning gets them in the playoffs year in and year out. Plus Manning has a ring Romo got 1 playoff win.
What's funny is you have to limit your Jets haven't managed to do to "2" years. So Sanchez did everything Tebow did, and more, and clearly that isn't an indicator of how a QB is going to progress and turn out. Tebow was very inconsistent when he played, and his bad sucked.I think you would agree the KC and BUF games were sucky games from him? It's hard to win year in and year out when you don't what you're getting from your QB day in day out. It's why the Giants, Cowboys, Jets, Chargers, etc are all watching the playoffs and not playing in them, yet they have all been int he playoffs with their QBs at one point.