Rex Ryan is next Black Monday's Lovie Smith

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by AlToon, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. AlToon

    AlToon Member

    Dec 27, 2004
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    The Bears hired a new GM last winter but kept Lovie Smith

    Surely, Emery's vision includes a dramatically reshaped offense. For all the good things Smith did in his nine years in Chicago, his undoing was his inability to take care of the side of the ball in which he had no background.

    Since Smith took over in 2004, the Bears have ranked higher than 23rd in offense only once. They have ranked 28th or lower four times and finished 28th in 2012.

    Smith tried four offensive coordinators during his Bears career. Smith's first thought was to run a similar offense to the one he was familiar with when he was defensive coordinator of the Rams, so he hired Terry Shea, despite not having worked with him. It was an unmitigated disaster. The Bears finished last in the league in offense behind quarterbacks Chad Hutchinson, Craig Krenzel, Jonathan Quinn and Rex Grossman, and Shea was dismissed after one season.

    Team President Ted Phillips mandated that Emery work with Smith for at least 2012, lauding the coach for his consistency. Speculation is the Bears chose not to fire Smith because he had two years remaining on his contract.,0,1390480.story

    The Bears went 10-6 but missed the playoffs. Smith always had great defensive squads with the Bears. He went through a million OC. Smith is owed $5M for next season from the Bears. Rex will be on his 3rd OC in 3 years.

    Gary Myers

    Rex Ryan has been put on notice. He’s the next to go, a move that by this time next year, after another humiliating season, will surely be considered an act of kindness by Woody Johnson.

    General managers usually want to hire their own coach — Chicago’s long-time coach Lovie Smith was fired Monday despite winning 10 games in his one season working for GM Phil Emery — but at the same time Johnson announced he was done with Tannenbaum, he said Ryan will return next season. Ryan then told his players in a team meeting that he will be back.

    Ryan deserves the 2013 season to clean up the mess he helped create, but the Jets are in so much worse shape than the team he inherited in 2009. Part of the reason: Eric Mangini was a far better talent evaluator than Ryan, even if Ryan is a better coach. The first gift to the new GM: The Jets have the ninth pick in the first round of the draft.

    Steve Serby

    Ryan’s mandate is to get Johnson to the first New York Super Bowl with his third offensive coordinator (Norv Turner?) in three years and without a clue as to the identity of the quarterback (Alex Smith?) who can get him there. And a new special-teams coach and quite possibly a new defensive coordinator. While trapped in salary cap hell. That’s Lindsay Lohan-level stability.

    Great leaders make the necessary changes. Jets fans want a football coach. Not a drama king or circus ringmaster. They want a football team. Not the soap opera “As The World Turns Your Stomach.”

    Johnson’s worst nightmare is Eli Manning vs. Tom Brady III in the New York Super Bowl next winter. He isn’t interested in selling hot dogs at that one. He bought the New York Jets, not the New York Buttfumblers.

    And there is a Rexpiration date on novelty acts once they stop winning.
  2. AlToon

    AlToon Member

    Dec 27, 2004
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    Let the new GM spend his time preparing for the draft and making the necessary cuts to the roster. After the draft,the GM will hire his front office staff. He can fire Rex next December or January.
  3. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Or Rex can be the next Tom Coughlin, who averted being fired by a new GM after 2006, made necessary changes to his personality and coaching style and stayed on to have success.
  4. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    If he keeps Mark Sanchez as his starter, he'll be gone next year. If he starts over with a new quarterback, while he's got the indulgence of Woody for at least one more year, he could make it last.
  5. Wahoo

    Wahoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    ^The more I look at the situation, and who is available, the harder it is to believe that Sanchez WON'T be the starter next season. I just can't see where else they have to go. I think Ryan is stuck with him for better or, most likely, worse.
  6. Jets1035

    Jets1035 Active Member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Keep Dreaming!!
  7. fozzi58

    fozzi58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Who is going to be the next QB??? Is one going to pass through a membrane from another dimension or something? Is Payton Manning getting cloned and brought to NY? Did Rodgers have his share of GB stock purchased out from under him? Alex Smith as QB and no top 5 RB? ha ha ha

    As for our HC, I'm at the point where I can't wait to see Rex get the boot. I hope to God all these asinine Jets fans get their wish by having Cowher or Gruden come in and then get to watch them fail for 5 years. Then the same jackass fans will be going - "Cowher's SB win was a 1 year fluke!" and "Fire Gruden he's here 5 years and still no SB!!1!11"

    While Rex is guiding another team to a championship. I think that's my dream come true.
  8. PearsonJones

    PearsonJones New Member

    Jan 16, 2012
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    I like Rex a lot, and we can spend all day arguing whether he's THE guy or not.

    But if we sacked him today, are we attractive?

    A quarterback nightmare.
    A offense devoid of talent
    A group of highly paid players getting older.
    "Cap Hell"

    Were a team that could go either way depending on appointments and directives that the new GM will undertake.


    Do you want to be that new HC where things go bad, we have a bad season say 4wins. (oooooh things were better under Rex)

    2014 on the other hand.

    2013's roster moves
    No Sanchez
    No Holmes
    The big contracts to the right players.
    Hopefully a decent 2013 draft + young pick ups
    Legitimate depth
    much more movement atm on cap space

    2013 season will be untouchable for any new HC, Its too much of a risk
    2014 on the other hand, If Rex has that 4 win season this year. Then depending on the right moves over the next year, We as a franchise will be a lot more attractive to a new set of HC's
  9. namath4ever

    namath4ever Member

    Mar 22, 2004
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    Problem is, if the new GM doesn't find Rex a new QB then he'll have little choice than to play Sanchez.
  10. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    It's really sad the way this organization operates.
    Woody Johnson shows more and more that he's a media whore who cares more about being in the news then why he's in the news.
    It's obvious that he lives by the mantra, " the only bad publicity is no publicity".

    Rex Ryan may not give Woody a Super Bowl but he gives him what he craves most, headlines.
    Any fool realizes that if you fire the GM and hope to bring in anyone who is a hot candidate for that position to rebuild a franchise is going to want to put " his guy" to co- pilot the ship.
    If you're hoping to attract top coaches and top FA's you need to promote stability.
    What type of stability are you showing when you've got a coach that will start the season on the hot seat, on a salary cap bloated team, with no QB on the roster and no skill position players on offense to build around, and no $ to go out and solve any of these problems?
    The JETS, once crowing about how all the top FA's are going to want to come play for Rex, couldn't attract flys with a mound of dog shit at this point, even if the had tons of $ to spend.
    Woody's message to fans should have been to send the circus packing and let us know that he wants to build a culture of winning, a respectable franchise like the Steelers, Pats, Giants, and Packers.
    Everyone knows that Rex will bring his big mouth boasting and circus like antics back, as soon as he puts a few back to back wins under his belt.
    Some may look forward to this, I for one, do not.
    I want the play of my team on the field to speak the loudest.
    I'm tired of hearing that average players, players that wouldn't even be backups on most top teams, are the " best players I've ever coached".
    I'm tired of talk.
    I'm tired of the circus.
    I'm tired of everything Rex represents.
    #10 Jersey Joe 67, Jan 1, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2013
  11. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Anything is possible but the biggest difference between Rex & 2006 Coughlin has nothing to do with coaching though. Rex leaning on Sanchez in a big spot is gonna bring totally different results than Coughlin/Eli.
  12. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    You said IF like there will be a option there. Rex will start Sanchez. Sanchez will deliver us a top 5 pick.
  13. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    I want to see what Norv Turner could do with Sanchez, hopefully we get him.
  14. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    He had an option, he chose not to use him.
  15. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Evojoe you win the prize,,, take anything off the top shelf ! Right on the money brother ! Nail on the freaking head ! Exactly ! Nice job and post,,,,,sadly that is because this sucks ! Blow this thing up top to bottom do not do it half assed do it correctly ! Get the correct people who have a vision and a plan and run with it !
  16. dr.velociraptor

    dr.velociraptor Tired of BS

    Jan 3, 2012
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    When you guys write this what are you expecting? Sanchez is simply a terrible QB, that isn't going to change in year five. He doesn't have the accuracy or intelligence to make it in the NFL.

    If Sanchez is next years starter this team is sunk day one. Sanchez absolutely cannot start next year.

    Keeping Rex is no problem, he's a lame duck coach with no talent, cap issues, and a tough schedule. I would put Rex's chances at staying after next year at maybe 1%. A total house cleaning and better draft class in 2014 and probably a top 5 pick will attract a real coach in 2014 not this buffoon in way over his head.
  17. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    It's very hard to make a turnaround without a good QB on the roster. Not impossible but very hard.

    The way I view Rex's situation is that he is essentially a lame duck with the new GM and more than that with Woody Johnson. There's going to be a tension in the organization around his status all of next season unless the Jets play very well or very poorly.

    If the Jets win 8 or 9 games next year and don't make the playoffs it'll represent a step up from this season and Woody will be able to point to teams like the Steelers and Ravens who kept coaches in house through mediocre stretches and then recovered to become good again.

    The Lovie Smith firing is instructive, given that the Bears won 10 games and he still got the axe. Smith however was much farther removed from his successes than Rex is. The Bears only made the playoffs once in his last 6 seasons as head coach.

    I suspect that Woody is going to want to watch Rex's contract play out unless he has no other choice in the matter. I think he's going to assure the new GM that as long as the talent base is improved nothing that happens in the next season or two is going to go on the slate for the GM.

    Woody does value stability and he's not going to hire somebody this season as GM, force Rex on him and then make him a short-timer if Rex fails again.

    I don't think Rex is going to have much say on personnel though. That's the part of the deal that is going to be the hook for the new GM. The roster is his to mold, probably starting with removing Mark Sanchez somehow in this off-season so Rex doesn't fall into that trap again.
  18. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Tebow was not an option unless the Jets were willing to totally retool around him. Even then he was not an option really. Great athlete and competitor but a lousy QB.
  19. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    One of the new GM's primary jobs is to do damage control and get Sanchez off the roster with as little pain as possible. It's going to be a very hard task to accomplish but it's definitely #1 on the to-do list.
  20. hornblower

    hornblower Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2010
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    I think the new GM will try to remake Rex as the CEO. He should hire a new Coordinators and tell Rex to supervise. Actually that is what a HC should do. Rex is much to close to the players. He needs to step back and see the whole game not just the defense. This is a tough business. Treat players with respect but don't fall in love with them. Rex has one year to learn how to be a head coach or he will be on TV very soon.

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