I support the firing of Tannenbaum. How you fire him and say Rex is staying is same old Jets at its core. Any Good GM MUST have the ability to pick his coach. I like Rex, think he needs a lot of growth as a HC and don't support him being fired, But the NEW GM MUST have the ability to hire the whole operation. Rex will get canned in a year by the new GM and we will start over again.
What says that he won't? The new GM might want Rex as coach. Would it be better to fire him, pay the last 2 years and then re-hire him? Keeping Rex at this point is meaningless we will only know exactly what it means a few days after the new GM is hired.
If we hire Polian, he would have no problem with Rex, I've heard Bill Polian is a fan of his, he had glowing things to say about him and the team in 2009. food for thought.
Just for some historical perspective, within the past ten years, a high profile team was struggling with a young, inconsistent QB, a controversial coach who was not too popular and problematic veterans who may have reached the end of the line. Their long time GM resigned (some say was pushed out) and he was replaced by a relatively young unknown. The new GM chose to (was told to ?) keep the controversial coach. Guess who that team was. Hint: It was the 2007 NY Giants Moral: No need to assume that a big time, big ego GM who picks his own coach is the only way to go and that every other choice is doomed to failure.
so, if the Packers GM retired you think the Packers should fire McCarthy just so the new GM can pick his own coach? if the 49er's GM left then Harbaugh should be fired? just plain dumb fuck logic because these are the scenarios your argument would demand. you don't fire a good coach just because you fire a shitty GM. the opportunity to be an NFL GM is a very rare opportunity. no candidate is going to pass up any job just because they have to keep the existing coach for the immediate future. in fact, it gives the GM some breathing room. if the Jets continue to suck the finger gets pointed to Rex and the GM will get a chance to hire his own in a season or two. as usual. Jets fans continue to get it wrong.
it's unrealistic to demand or expect instant results in the NFL, most great NFL organizations have a good GM / scouting staff. TannenBUM way of doing things really placed us in a bad situation. Rex defensive mind is a great asset to us and I would like for him to remain with the team at any capacity.
And that's why you're posting on a message board instead of applying to be a GM. I'm willing to bet vcash and real cash that Rex will be retained.
Based on what? Blowhard predictions? :rofl: He has made a mockery of the jets, they are now a laughing stock and he has been promising championships. MOST GM's would clean house.
I get what you're saying from a control standpoint, but two things: 1) I think Rex has more credibility with potential GM candidates than people want to give him credit for, and on top of that, even if he has to convince a potential GM that he's the guy for the job, I think he's pretty damn persuasive when it comes down to a one-on-one. 2) By the time we find a credible GM, who the hell do you think is going to be left on the market to replace him? I don't really see a comparable replacement NOW. And give up the Cower/Gruden/insert-sidelined-coach's name here to magically come in and be the savior. They don't want to come here. So among Norv, Andy Reid, Chan Galey, Crenell, and the rest of the now and/or soon to be unemployed, who's better? Rex is staying. Deal with it.
rex is an asset. you keep your assets unless it's necessary to get rid of them. the smart thing to do would be to keep rex - who has value around the league. if the new gm demands a different coach, then you can have that chat. but there's no need to dump rex at the moment.
Okay fire him, who the hell are you going to hire as the new head coach? There are very shitty options out there, maybe John Gruden, but he probably loves his ESPN gig, nobody available is a better Head Coach then Rex Ryan
Might have a hard time getting a coach to come in and work with a Jr College team. Which is what the Jets need to be in 2013. Get rid of as many vets as possible with maybe a couple of exceptions. Stockpile picks. Rebuild. Have Sanchez throwing to Hill and a bunch of Jr High kids. Let Rex preside over the romper room for one year. If it looks like he's starting to learn how to be a HC, keep him. Otherwise out with him and the Chise in 2014. I'd rather they all go now but this may be the best case scenario under the circumstances.
I doubt we see the players play for Rex next year, he's a lame duck and keeping him on one miserable year seems pointless at this point. Good guy, good defensive coach, but too much has happened for him to go forward. You can't fail miserably during the year, fire everyone, cut players, then keep the guy in charge.
You never know... why fire Rex when you get something for him in return? Like Herm Edwards, Rex can be worth a pick. Something the new GM can decide. I'm okay with Rex staying...
Rex is know as a coach players love to play for, and by all accounts I've heard one of the reasons Rex was retained is because the players LOVE him. So bottomline, you're wrong.
That's exactly what owners of teams do year in and year out. They change everything, but can be the primary reason their team was struggling. Anyways, just read something by Seth Walder saying the team is sticking behind Rex so that could be a reason he wasn't thrown out the door immediately.
Haha because quality GMs grow on trees. No, GOOD GMs aren't terribly common. Trust me, they will pass on a job that's a set up for failure. Rex was anything but a good coach last year.