Shooting at Connecticut Elementary School

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by TheCoolerGlennFoley, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    For starters alcohol is an addictive substance, guns are not at least to my knowledge an addiction. Secondly we have laws in place that attempt to prevent people from drinking and driving and as somebody a few pages back posted since statistics have been kept the amount of people killed in drinking and driving accidents has gone down significantly since 1982.

    I think we can just agree that both of us interpret the 2nd amendment differently. I'm not entirely anti gun, I'd be a hypocrite if I said I was because I have gone shooting and done so multiple times in the last year. That being said I do not own a gun and probably never will but I don't understand why the common person needs to own an arsenal or firearms that shoot hundreds of rounds in minutes.

    I'm tired of the argument that "we can't ban guns because only the bad guys will get them" Does that mean we as a country should just ignore this issue? WE may have different views on the 2nd amendment but I think we both agree that the Bill of Rights and the Constitution are documents that protect the citizens of this country, not enable citizens who wish to cause as much violence and take as many lives as possible.
  2. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    I'm for government programs to help those in need and I want them to stay the hell out of my house and what I do there. I'm not a gun rights nut by any means and do not own one myself. I do see many people who want to limit them out of fear and that scares me. Taking away rights out of fear is the fast road to handing the government complete controll of your life. Living scared is the cowards way out.

    I belive the mental health is by in large ignored by our society. We put these kids who do awful things on the nightly news, dateline type shows, newspapers, magazines and quite frankly, we make them famous. The next kid who is clinicaly depressed and thinking no one cares is seeing this as a way to get attention already. Things like this continue to get ignored while we glamorize the tragic event at every turn. People watch these shows as entertainment and do not look for the deeper reasons tis happend.

    Yesterday I had a woman I know say he did it becasue of video games. I told her guess what, I play the same games and have no desire to go out and kill 20 children. The games did not cause this and your a fucking idiot for thinking so. She currently is not speaking to me lol.

    We all wallow in the horror of the tragedy like it was our own kids but continue to ignore that there is a good portion of people in the United States that need mental health care and do not get it. No one wants to pay more taxes, yet we want more police, fireman and security to make things feel safer, but at the cost of what other area of life?

    Guns did not do this. Video games did not as well. If this was jsut a guy pissed at his mother the shooting would have stopped there. No, I belive this was an indiviual who craved revenge and for all the world to feel his pain. He knew that shooting up a school full of kids would be heard the world over and right now he is getting his wish. This person was sick and maybe not the kind that could be helped, but how the hell does he get out of the system? Why does no one care untill its too late?

    I'll leave this for you here. It expalins some of the fear parents of mentally ill children go through.
  3. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    its gonna have to be like the DMV or something. all licensed drivers and registered vehicles are in the system. all gun owners in a central system.
  4. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    The John Lennon looking guy on the news and pc look nothing like the Facebook profile at all. The Facebook profile I saw mins after his name came out had a black or Hispanic young man. It also clearly stated resides in Hoboken ,but from Newtown. I saw this at the time Ryan was still suspected
  5. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    The difference is Barry, I'm focused on a different issue. Alcohol was simply an example. I used rape and controling the rights of the entertainment industry and what a woman can dress like in another post. The point of those examples is taking away the tools and temptations does not actually help those who are going to do scary thigns to people.

    As a kid my friends and I used to make bombs out of spray paint and gasoline to blow up old tree stumps and such. I guareentee I could make one big enough to take out a school full of kids easily enough. I don't do this becasue I'm not a sick indiviual. We were innocent hick kids having fun, but without thinking about it we very well were making weapons taht could do horrible things. Taking away one toll of destruction will not stop things like this from happening. Its far to easy to just build a different tool and possibly a more harmful one. The issue of the mental health crisis in the United States needs to be looked at deeper.

    Lets face it, any idiot with a high school education, sometimes less, can cook meth. Its not a long road to learning how to build a decent explosive. You can find all the necessary info on the internet or sometimes in your local libary. How far do we go to stop the violence? Is blaming the guns pointing the finger in the right direction?
  6. tcrock

    tcrock Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
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    i agree with this take. As I said on the previous page.......over diagnosing or misdiagnosing autism spectrum disorders is a probelm. Seems these days any anti social behavior is immediately labeled an autistic disorder whereas I'm willing you bet alot of the time there's just a crazy psycopath being misdiagnosed.
  7. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    ^We always hear about how easy it is for somebody to build a bomb and do the same thing yet these people aren't using that method, despite it supposedly being easier. Shouldn't we worry about the problem that IS happening rather than the one that might happen if we do something to try to solve the one that is?

    Just a thought...
  8. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I hope you are doing better man, I give you a lot of shit but this is too much. I just hope your kids and family are doing ok. I was thinking about you all weekend. It's crazy, some guy on a message board I've never met but I like all others here have you, your family and your neighbors in my thoughts man.

    I think what type was saying is that the media has been all over the place with this, they have had tons of inacuracies and including the name of the shooter. I had read that this guys girlfriend was missing, (which apparently isn't accurate), then his mother was killed in the school along with his brother in Hoboken. The media has jumped to so many conclusions regarding this that they are reporting things that have never even been fact checked.
  9. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    I'm not saying is easier, but its not all taht hard as well. This kid, giving the reports of his intelligence, could have easily been the next Unibomber. There is anynumber of items in your local supermarket that can themselves be used to make an explosive. There is also very easy way to get the supplies for them.

    Remember the dip shits from Colmbine made pipe bombs. Luckily they did a horrible job at it and they did not go off, but the intent was there. Even without guys those two guys were goign to find a way to do damage to those in that school. The Batman movie theather guy had his house rigged with several traps for the police. Again even without the gun this man is out to do terrible things and would find a way.
  10. Petrozza

    Petrozza Administrator

    Aug 27, 2002
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    and speaking of the DMV, something has to be done to properly evaluate older (like 70+) drivers, as the vast majority of them represent a road hazard. The simple vision chart test is clearly not enough.

    Sorry for changing the subject.

    But back to the gun laws, that's pretty much the way it's done in NYC. You need a purchase authorization from NYPD for every firearm you buy, every firearm has to be registered and you can't have more than 4 of them, I believe.
    #350 Petrozza, Dec 17, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2012
  11. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Exactly...buliding a bomb doesn't give these sick fucks the convienence of walking in and causing the terror they are looking to witness. Yes you will kill lots of people like Timothy McVeigh did however these are not terrorist cells, these are sick bastards who want to watch people suffer.

    You are exactly correct, we can't think in hypotheticals, we obviously have an issue as there were at least 3 shootings like this alone this week. You had the mall in Oregon, the school and a guy in Las Vegas walked into the Excalibur and shot his girlfriend in the face who was a concierge there and then shot himself.
  12. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    License to Kill
  13. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Right but I just think there would be less people with the knowledge to do that or the ability to carry that out. And less is the point because we know we can never eliminate mentally unstable people doing crazy shit. Like you said, the Columbine bombings failed. That is something that doesn't happen with guns. For the most part they do their job.

    I guess I'm thinking that if a person has access to a gun, when they are in the moment of thinking about doing something like this they can go carry it out immediately. If you are going to make a bomb you have to learn how to do it and go through the process of building it and planning out exactly how you are going to carry out the plan. During that process there are some mentally unstable individuals that are going to fluctuate in their state of mind and cancel those plans and/or have more chance of being caught. And that is on top of what I said earlier about the increased likelihood of failure involved in an amateur-built bomb.

    I think we would agree it is much easier to run up and start shooting than to place a bomb in an area where it is going to do the type of damage we saw friday.

    Like I said, even if we can eliminate a fraction of deaths it is better than the alternative.

    For the record I am a gun owner and don't want anybody taking my right to keep mine in my home for self-defense purposes. But I shed tears this morning putting my kids on the bus. Something has got to change. Obviously guns are not the only thing that need to be looked at but they are a part of the equation.
    #353 BeastBeach, Dec 17, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2012
  14. I hate to make light of such a serious & sad situation..but being in CT, I've had to endure complete media overload. Perhaps I'm going alittle batty.

    That said.. it looks like the CT state Police consiulted w/ Mr. Tannenbaum regarding thier plan of action.
    5:06 p.m. UPDATE: Connecticut state police spokesman Lt. J. Paul Vance said "we will leave no stone unturned" as they investigate the mass killings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Friday.
  15. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I agree with you, it's not just about these mass shootings, it's the person who in the heat of the moment murders. Jovon Belcher being a good example of that. He isn't going to build a bomb on the spot to kill his girlfiend. He might beat her or do something else but he might not have killed her had the gun not been so readily available. He certainly would not have been able to shoot himself in front of Crennel and Pioli.
  16. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    thanks dude........I totally get what youre sayin about some random guy on a message board :)

    And its just some randomtown that this happened it. Its beyond comprehension to me that this happened 2 miles form my house!!wtf!

    ONly by the luck of school zoning that my kids dont go to SHES.

    to clear up some of the inaccuracies-----remember the guy they said they grabbed out of the woods...thought he was a second shooter? He was actually just some shmuck in the wrong time wrong place....he was dressed in camo....getting ready to hunt of all things.....

    my buddy is a janitor in SHES.....wasnt working at of the custodians was arrested in the heat of battle because he was giving CPR to a shot child in the hallway.......kid died, janitor was dragged out to parking lot and eventually released of course.

    I just got off the phone with Anderson Cooper's producer. She asked for my brother in law's phone number.He is asst chief of the Newton FD and was one of the first on the scene. Theres an article on him in yesterdays USA today. How this person ot my number or knew that Ray is my bro in law is beyond me...anywya, he declined the interview.

    so yesterdaymyjanitor buddy had to go to the middle school and help set up for meet the press was to be gov. Malloy, and sensChris Murphy and Blumenthal......Malloy threw an absolute fit when he found it it was to a round table type discussion. He ran out of the building refusing. He would only do it if it was gonna be him by himself! What a cunt. At a time like that, he was only worried about getting his own air time....

    My buddy also said Blumenthal was literally walking into walls. They were showing him where the interviews were gonna be etc and he was like retarded. He couldnt figure out the out door from teh in door. Just a little levity there.
  17. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    I just PMed you, Malloy's despicable. Hope you're doing well.
  18. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    You either conveniently or accidentally overlooked my previous statements about having arsenals...

    This is the type of over the top frantic reaction that is uncalled for when discussing gun rights.

    We all have the right to a civil society.
    Problem is, it isn't when criminals get to obtain these weapons but home owners can't.
    As I said before, having an arsenal is ridiculous but taking away a person's right to defend himself and his family is even more ridiculous..

    They can't protect you from the crazies, oh and you're not allowed to protect yourself either.....sorry. I'm not goin out like that.

  19. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Man, I can't even begin to imagine how things are in your area right now. I'm glad your kids are ok. That's really the most important thing. Did they go back to school today? How is the board of Ed going to address the issue to the students?
  20. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    Why more than one? Also, should mandate that guns and ammunition are stored separately and owners subject to unannounced spot checks with long prison sentences for anyone found with a loaded weapon.

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