Darrelle Revis?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by wildaces, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    In 2013, his cap charge will be $9mil. If we trade him, we take on a $12mil cap hit WHILE losing a starting CB. Since the Jets are tight with their cap space next year, do u honestly think Jets will trade Revis and take on a $12 mil cap hit doing so?

    The whole purpose is to not spend a fortune on keeping Revis. What good will come out of it? We lose Revis, and we lose $12mil. The payoff needs to be gigantic to offset the cap hit and the loss of the best player in the NFL.

    At least you understand Revis trade value to some extent. You severely devalued him in your OP.
  2. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Yep, this is 100% correct. Unless Tanny is able to do something contract wise that makes Revis untradeable. In other words, at best we are getting a nice high supplemental pick for him after next season if he is not resigned.
  3. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    Why would Revis agree to anything you mentioned? I mean he has no reason to do that.

    According to your scenario, if Revis was to agree to that and negotiate with another team, that other team would then be his new team. Basically, Revis would be helping the Jets gain picks out of his future team.
  4. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    SO you actually know Darrelle Revis and you know what his thoughts are in terms of his future professional objectives and plans??
  5. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Revis would agree to it because he is able to get e new contract this offseason, with more upfront money as opposed having to play out the final year of the current deal. The new contract and new guaranteed money gives him increased financial security. Revis has proved one thing over and over. He expects to get paid. He could care less if the Jets get extra picks as long as he gets his money. He is not vindictive, just being a smart businessman.
  6. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I've seen him hold out twice and threaten a third one.

    Is it possible that he wants to play for the Jets so badly that he'd sign a home town discount? I guess so, but given his previous priorities I'd need to see that to believe it.

    Is it possible that he'd recognize that the Jets gave him the platform to become Revis Island and help them out by agreeing to a sign and trade that worked? Again, I'd want to see that before I gave the idea much credence.

    I think the odds are overwhelmingly in favor of Darrelle Revis squeezing every last nickel and dime he can out of the current situation. That's what makes sense given what we know about his past actions. There's no win in there anywhere for the Jets if this is actually the case.
  7. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Revis worth is really tricky. You've got a HOF player coming off season ending surgery. And you can't watch him play on the field before you make the trade.

    If Jets are looking to ship Revis, I think it should be for:
    2nd rounder & conditional pick (can be rounds 2 to round 5).

    3+ picks ( and minimum 2 are in the 3rd round).


    I'm surprised at how many people refuse to even consider trading Revis when they've seen:
    1) this defense has gotten the job done without Revis
    2) The impending cap doom coming up.

    If there was no salary-cap I'd be 100% against trading Revis but that's not the reality we're dealing with here. The Jets D has shown they can get it done & we've got an offense with shit talent at RB, FB, TE, & weak WR core right now. Also Landry is commanding a much bigger contract next season. LB core needs to be replaced. Also, there is a very realistic chance that Revis signs elsewhere & Jets have nothing to compensate when he walks out the door.

    Revis makes this team better, we all know that & it's not debatable. What is debatable is whether the upgrade @ CB#2 position is worth short changing so many other positions on the field. Cro is holding down the CB#1 position just fine (of course Revis would do it better).
    #67 ajax, Dec 16, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012
  8. TheCoolerGlennFoley

    TheCoolerGlennFoley Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2004
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    This needs to be every other post in every one of the threads about trading Revis. This isn't Madden. There are other factors involved in trading a player. With his contract situation, it doesn't make sense to deal him.
  9. soh_vet

    soh_vet Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2005
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    I hope jets trade him. If not, i see him hitting the market and we either pay out the nose or get nothing. Either way, I'd rather overpay the front 7 than back 4.

    Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2
  10. Tommy Gunnz

    Tommy Gunnz Member

    Oct 21, 2012
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    I never thought I would say this but after this season without him I am okay with (and actually for) trading Revis
  11. wildaces

    wildaces Banned

    Jan 3, 2008
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    The contract would be from the trading partner, or his new contract would have offset language.
  12. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    I don't think you understand how contracts work. Revis got an $18mil roster bonus in 2011. That $18mil was to be accounted for over 6 years ($3mil each year). Only $6 has been accounted for to this date ($3mil in 2011, plus $3mil in 2012). So there is still $12mil that needs to account for somewhere, sometime. Trading him will accelerate that $12mil to the year he'll be traded in. That would be the dead money. Dead money in 2014 would be $9mil, 2015 would be $6mil and 2016 would be $3mil. Free agent in 2017. But since his contract will be voided after 2013, Jets will take on $9mil in dead money for the 2014 season.

    They only way that cap can be off set is if Revis returns part of that money back to the team in case of retiring (Im not 100% positive if that is even possible, but there wouldn't be any other way).
  13. wildaces

    wildaces Banned

    Jan 3, 2008
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    Pretty sure I do understand, I deal with contracts everyday, but I am not going to assume the language. Secondly, he didn't receive a roster bonus, he received an option bonus. I will not speak on that, as I don't know what the language of the contract was. We do not know what the offset money of that deal is. Knowing contracts, you don't put the majority of the initiative (money) up front with out an escape hatch.

    Also, if a player retires, any obligation is relieved. What would keep a player from receiving an 18mil signing bonus, and then retire the next day?
  14. wildaces

    wildaces Banned

    Jan 3, 2008
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    How could you pay the 18Mil over 6 years if the last 3 years are void?
  15. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    All money that was prorated to voided years accelerates forward onto the current cap immediately upon the years in question voiding.
  16. wildaces

    wildaces Banned

    Jan 3, 2008
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    Again, I won't speak on that, as I don't know the language, but that would be beyond foolish. The contractor would lose all control at the end.

    The question, and what is most likely, is the offset language. If traded, how much will transfer?
  17. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    None will transfer of the prorated bonus money. That money has already been paid out. The cap just reflects how it is averaged over the number of years of the contract.

    As to his actual salary for next year, if he's traded all of it remaining unpaid at the time of the trade would become the responsibility of the acquiring team as of the time of the trade.

    There's no offset language required for salary from the standpoint of a trade. If Revis was cut, which is an impossible option given the cap, then offsets might trigger upon him signing with his new team and give the Jets some relief on guaranteed portions of his salary.
  18. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    I'm kind of confused at this point.

    Is there a way to trade Revis so that it would free up cap space immediately?
  19. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    No. Any resolution of the Revis contract at this point will cost the Jets cap space. They can wiggle around a bit if he signs an extension but the price will be heavy cap hits down the road.
  20. wildaces

    wildaces Banned

    Jan 3, 2008
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    Bradway, I respect your intelligence, and will assume you can decipher where I am going with this. Please point out any area you don't agree with. Follow the bouncing ball. :wink:

    Your right, there is no non-guaranteed salary offset language, it is for guaranteed salary, but I am not going to get into a discussion about offset.

    Regardless, an option is for Revis to pay back his prorated money. Why would he do this? Lets take a look at it.

    Prior to the roster due date, Revis is due to make $9 Million this year, correct? (of which, $3 Million is roster/work out bonuses) So $6 Million? No money in his pocket this year, as it is already there in the $18 Mill bonus, and $3 Million in base salary (not guaranteed), correct?. The numbers are salary cap purpose only, correct?. The only dead money is the money paid in the bonus correct ($12 Million), correct?

    Have we established that he will not receive any more guaranteed money in 2013 (actual money)?

    Do we agree that Revis will most likely want a new contract in 2013?

    Lets' assume:

    He receives the same contract as he signed in 2010 (trading partner). 7 year 55 Million with $46 million paid in the first four years, and last 3 years voidable. $18 Million dollar signing bonus (this was an option bonus prior, which I believe the last 3 years is charged back if he doesn't resign.(Does it make sense we would take a cap hit ($9 Million) if he is a free agent and signs elsewhere in 2014?) (Not even Tanny is that Stupid)) <--- This is the case if the voided years are accelerated

    Currently, Revis is not guaranteed any additional money this year, and would receive a check for $18 Million. He would pay us back $12 Million (the check would come for trading partner), but he will have a base salary of $8.6 Million and $6 Million signing bonus difference. That is $14.6 Million in 2013 that he will make. $5.6 Million more than he would have, and will still be scheduled to make $20 million over the next 3 years (14,15,16). Of course, there will need to be some roster bonuses, and other bonuses to protect the trading partner. That is getting 2 detailed.

    I believe the language in his 2010 contract includes some sort of offset clause if the last 3 years are voided, and that would reduce the prorated bonus we paid. That is neither here nor there.

    The biggest question is how the injury would effect him, and if he would be tradeable for that purpose.
    #80 wildaces, Dec 17, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2012

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