Enough's Enough: ESPN's Skipper Says Net Will Dial Back Its Coverage Of Tim Tebow

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by NotSatoshiNakamoto, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Tebow's value in the NFL is not at the QB position. He may have some kind of value as a gadget player of some sort and a special teams player but that's about it. He's likely not worth the 4th round pick anymore. Maybe a 6th or a 7th? More likely he ends up being cut and becomes a UFA.
  2. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    You couldn't be more far from the truth here its ridiculous.

    I find it funny how you begin a statement of your opinion, with "fact is..."

    Teams are always looking for franchise QBs.. its one of, if not THE most treasured positions in the league. Hell teams that HAVE franchise QBs, are still looking to acquire franchise QBs if they can... Multiple coaches and GMs have stated they draft QBs every year for this very reason.

    Most teams in the league fall in the category of "having someone they hope will be a franchise QB" - but they would jump at an opportunity to acquire one if one came available even if they just thought he could be a franchise QB.

    Your post is trying to make it seem like Tebow didn't get much in return because everybody already had QBs.. that couldn't be more wrong.

    Tim Tebow was exchanged for a 4th round pick because the league doesn't view him as a franchise QB. He was traded for Part-Time player / WildCat QB value, because that's what the NFL decision makers see him as, and that's the value specialty player's are at. Nobody in the NFL sees him as a Franchise QB, or even sees that he could become one because anyone with EYES can see he's not!

    -You can tell when you see him skip passes to WRs in one and one drills with no defense!
    -You can tell when he sails the ball all over the place in the 4th quarter of preseason games
    -You can tell when he led one of the most inept passing attacks in NFL history (in his limited time as a starter).

    Everybody but you, your Teblowing friends, and Pamela Tebow can see this for some reason. USE YOUR FUCKING EYES.

    Contrary to what you say, those are the reasons he was traded for so little and the reasons he's sitting on the bench is not personal, it really doesn't have anything to do with his throwing motion - if he could actually* get it there people wouldn't give a shit, it doesn't have anything to do with his fans even as teams would welcome bandwagoners and their money if they thought Tebow was any good. etc. etc. etc.
  3. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    drop the word gadget . The gadget guy scored 32 TDs in the NFL in a short time before this season.
    The fact that a player has scored 32 TDs and is now considered worthless, is part of the reason tebow fan's minds are boggled.
  4. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Ummm, really ? There were only 11 QBs taken in the 2012 draft. 12 in the 2011 draft, 14 in 2010, 11 in 2009, 13 in 2008.

    If teams were out there taking QBs every year, then more than 11-14 QBs would be drafted as there are 32 teams in the league.

    What teams do is draft a QB that they view as their "franchise" QB, and they develop them over time. Second string QBs are developed as well, but mainly just as a precaution. IF the second stringer does well, he'll probably be lost in FA to a team that views him as a "franchise" QB, as was the case with Flynn, Cassel, Kolb, etc.

    Thing is, most teams/coaches understand that a QB needs more than 1 year to develop. Therefore, they generally give QBs some time. They aren't out there seeking his replacement the very next year.

    No. There's a huge difference between jumping at someone who is known to be a franchise QB, and jumping for someone who "could be" a franchise QB. It's real simple. If a healthy Peyton Manning, Brady, Eli, or Aaron Rodgers hits the FA market, EVERY team will be looking at them and every other starting QB in the league could find themselves replaced.

    But, if other QBs hit the market, the pool of teams will shrink, depending on whom they already have at QB. It's the difference between "proven" and "potential".

    The point that was being argued by LTJF was that since only three or so teams were interested in trading for Tebow, then this proves that 26 or so other teams don't view him as an NFL QB.

    The FACT is, most teams in the NFL were already "set" at their QB position. As I said, they either already had a "Franchise" QB, you know, the "elite" guys. Or, they have someone that they view as a franchise QB, like Flacco, Ryan, Schaub, Palmer, Rivers, Cutler etc. Or they have young guys that they are invested in like Jake Locker, Christian Ponder, Andy Dalton, etc.

    Go back, look at it, and think it through. What teams were actually in a position to want a young developing QB with potential ?

    Just as an example, here's a list of 28 teams that have QBs in categories that I mentioned.

    1. Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay
    2. Tom Brady, New England
    3. Drew Brees, New Orleans
    4. Eli Manning, New York Giants
    5. Peyton Manning, Denver
    6. Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh
    7. Matthew Stafford, Detroit
    8. Tony Romo, Dallas
    9. Philip Rivers, San Diego
    10. Matt Ryan, Atlanta
    11. Joe Flacco, Baltimore
    12. Matt Schaub, Houston
    13. Jay Cutler, Chicago
    14. Michael Vick, Philadelphia
    15. Carson Palmer, Oakland
    16. Cam Newton, Carolina
    17. Andrew Luck, Indianapolis
    18. Andy Dalton, Cincinnati
    19. Ryan Fitzpatrick, Buffalo
    20. Sam Bradford, St. Louis
    21. Robert Griffin III, Washington
    22. Jake Locker, Tennessee
    23. Josh Freeman, Tampa Bay
    24. Alex Smith, San Francisco
    25. Matt Flynn, Seattle
    26. Christian Ponder, Minnesota
    27. Kevin Kolb, Arizona
    28. Matt Cassel, Kansas City

    NONE of those teams would have had any interest in ANY young, developing QB with some potential.

    They all either had entrenched starters that they were invested in and weren't seeking to replace, OR, they had young guys that they had invested in, were developing, and they weren't seeking to replace.
  5. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Your mind is boggled because you don't understand what an NFL QB looks like if you think Tebow is an NFL QB. I never said he was worthless. I clearly stated where I believe his value is in the NFL, gadget player being one of those places.
  6. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Last I checked, what an NFL QB was supposed to "look like" was a guy who could come in and lead his team down the field to win football games.

    Based on that description, Tebow is more of an "NFL QB" than Sanchez has been lately.
  7. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Sanchez blows. Tebow can't pass him on the depth chart. Because he's not a QB.
  8. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Tebow can't pass him on the depth chart because Rex is the one making up the depth chart, and he's been rather clear about that.

    Did you miss all the times this year when Rex pointed out that Sanchez was the starting QB and that Tebow was brought in to be the backup ?

    Rex never had plans to replace Sanchez and there was nothing that Tebow or McElroy could have shown that would change this fact.
  9. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    So you're saying an NFL head coach never had any intention of playing Tebow at quarterback? Well I'll be damned!
  10. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I said exactly what I meant to say, which is that Rex wasn't going to replace Sanchez given the circumstances. That the only way Tebow or any other QB would get the start is if Sanchez was injured.
  11. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    So if the Jets had Tony Romo on the roster Rex would start Sanchez over him?
  12. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Rex and company wouldn't have brought in a QB like Romo unless they were at the point of being ready to move on from Sanchez.

    That's the point that I keep trying to get you to see and accept. Rex is not ready to give up on Sanchez. The reasons for this can be argued and debated, the fact that he isn't ready really can't be argued against.
  13. JetsDfc

    JetsDfc New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    For fun assume that He was on the Roster and with Tebows exact contract. Starting him right now and having him do well makes him the starter next yr and leaves you with a cap hit of almost 16 million on two players neither of which are really that good. Tony Romo can be, but he loves to choke when it matters. Really good most of the game, then late game mistakes to lose the game.

    Tony is also at the "prime" of his career and will most likely regress rather then get better. Since he is older even if he did have a couple good yrs left in him that would be it. He wouldn't be the qb of the future.

    Rex prob wouldn't because even if there is a bit of increase of talent at the qb position it is offset by the players that cannot be signed/resigned due to the increase in cap hit.

    So in the long run you have roughly the same quality team one just costs more would ruffle a few feathers and is only a temp fix.

    So most likely not

    Now if It wasn't Tony, but Russel from the Seahawks your argument would be alot better since he is Good young and cheap.

    My point is this, some changes have more factors then just player talent.
  14. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    So first, why don't you clarify your previous statement. You said Rex wouldn't pull Sanchez for ANY QB unless Sanchez were injured. What is it that you REALLY meant to say?

    Rex is not ready to give up on Sanchez yet, according to him, he wanted to bring Tebow here. So if Rex isn't ready to give up on Sanchez and he wanted to bring Tebow here what can one conclude from that?

    Wait for it

    waaaaaaaiiiiiiit for it ........


    Rex doesn't want Tebow as a QB! No NFL coaches do! Because he's not a QB!
  15. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    What I meant is that unless Sanchez is injured, Tebow or any other QB on the roster wouldn't have a chance of starting. That includes McElroy. That includes Stanton if he were still here. That includes any QB that the Jets might draft next year.

    Hmmm, lets see. In your brain, the options are 1. Bring a QB in to replace Sanchez, or, any other person brought in as a QB is someone Rex doesn't want AS A QB ?

    Seriously dude, I gave you more credit than that. Perhaps that was a mistake on my part.

    Anyways, it's not a binary equation. Another option is just what Rex has said, that he brought Tebow in to be the BACKUP QB, who could step in for Mark if Mark got injured.

    It's not a difficult concept to wrap your head around LTJF. Rex sees Tebow as a real, honest to goodness, NFL QB. That's why Tebow is again ahead of McElroy on the depth chart, and will be active for the upcoming game, whether or not they run the WC.
  16. Dennis

    Dennis New Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Or maybe Ryan simply wanted to see if he could do anything with Tebow. Sort of a professional challenge. Considering the Jets got him for next to nothing, it wasn't much of a gamble if Timmy just didn't work out for them.

    Of course, it could be that the Jets are simply a bunch of media whores and grabbing Tebow - like Brett Favre before him - was just a way of grabbing media attention in a market they share with the defending Super Bowl champions...
  17. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    With the rule change regarding QBs, if all they wanted was to try something out with Tebow, they wouldn't have to make him the #2 QB.

    Problem is, some people around here have built up this delusional position that Tebow isn't an "NFL QB", so they have to twist, stretch and squirm to make everything fit into that reality.
  18. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Teams are always willing to take on a potential star QB if they think he's a star. Those teams are still drafting QBs trying to find the guy or the future guy. If Tebow was viewed by any other teams as being that guy, he wouldn't have landed on the Jets.

    Also, just because teams need QBs doesn't mean they are going to pick them just to pick them. You don't notice that 1/3 of teams are consistently picking QBs in the draft, usually with at least 2 1st round QBs every year since 2001 I believe. They want to pick someone they believe in. FA is for picking someone to pick someone.

    If a team saw value in Tebow, the Jets and Jags wouldn't have been haggling over a 4th round pick and some money. If a team thinks they found their QB, they go after him. When they have their current QB, they go after their next one once their current one ends. The QB position is always being searched for unless you had Peyton and Tom over the last 10 years. Are they the only 2 starters in the league who have started the last 10 seasons?

    We will see the same thing when the Jets try to move this offseason. There will be no market for him.
  19. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I think there has not been enough time to determine that.
  20. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Sigh, not sure why this concept is so difficult for some to grasp.

    Let's look at the FA market for QBs this past year. Matt Flynn was the most highly sought. How many teams talked to him ? He visited a grand total of 2 teams, Miami and Seattle.

    Does this mean that 29 other teams out there don't view him as an NFL QB ? I mean, those teams wouldn't even have had to give up a draft pick for him as he was a FA. Of course it doesn't mean that. What it means is that other teams were already set at the position and weren't interested in signing him.

    32 total teams comprise the "population" of the NFL. That's not the number of teams that are in the "market" for a QB at any one given time.

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